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Dawn of War


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dont worry, if his attitde and behavior are like his pic, i dont want to be ANYwhere when he gets a reedy look in his eye hehe


but i just got the demo today for DoW,i know ive been livin under a rock, but i wasnt sure i my comp could handle it and i just got unhooked from WoW and hadnt considered gettin this until today.It just blew me away,i know nothing about Warhammer 40K but that there are marines and orks, ythat as about it. ALthough know i understand why it got the m rating, blood and lots of it! i cant wait to get the original +xpack becuase the orks intrigue me alot. I also like the one space marine vehicle that picks up your enemy,crushes or slashes at it and then tosses it like a rag doll.

I've have you now - Lord Vader
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Ahhhh yes, good old Dreadnaughts. They're pretty awesome man. They love to squish enemy infantry a lot, lol. Then there is the smaller hellfire dreadnaugh that's all machine guns and missle launchers and laser cannons! And if u like the dreadnaughs, u should see the hell spawn and Avatar... 8) I didn't know much about warhammer 40k but a friend i play with is ubber into it, and here's the low down. Space marines are geneticlly engenered perfect soldiers that do the bidding of the Emperor of mankind, who's in stasis. The ork have spread like the plague across the galaxy. Then there is Chaos. They used to be Space marines untill the Deamons twisted them to there will. Now they are evil. The Eldar are some other race, considered to be evil by the space marines, but for them, everyone is a heritic who isn't human. They don't like chaos or the space marines. U don't get to play the IG or Imperial guard much in the origional, but they are the back bone of Human military, the front lines. Where the space marines are special foreces, the IG protect most of mankind. I'm sure my friend could give this too u in great detail, but it kinda gives u an idea of what's goin on.

-You seem to have an over developed sence of vengeance. It's going to get you into trouble some day.

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I'd like to elaborate on that.


The Emperor is sort of in statis, but his psychic powers are very powerful and he can still reach out and command. This stasis (the chamber is caled the Golden Throne) has effectively made him immortal and is revered as a god all through out humanity. If you combined the Spanish inquisition, with the SS in Nazi Germany, with modern day Jihadist, and throw them into the far future, that is what humanity is like and that is their level fanatisism towards the Emporer and the Space Marines are among his most loyal servants. The only unit I could see as a supeer unit for these guys is the Land Raider, which is basicllya powerful APC. The marines don't need super units though, because overall they have the best units.


Orks are the largest faction is the galaxy. The only thing that keeps them from over-running the entire galaxy is that they hate each other as much as they hate everybody else. They live to crush, kill, and destroy. They want to be nothing more than the meanest, biggest, and toughest creatures alive. This is my favorite faction. Everything is thrown together and their manner of speech is awesome. Remember, "GREEN IS BEST!!!" Orks super unit is the Squiggoth (or as I call it, the Squiggy) Its basiclyl a giant dinosaur like thingy with a bad attitude, guns and orks strapped onto it's back. It can also eat infantry units, which is really cool.


Chaos are former humans who were on the losing end of a civil war against the Emporer (includng half of the space marine chapters.) They were exiled toe the Eye of Terror (some sort of warp storm I think) and were mutated and possessed by the demons of the warp. I think this saying sums up their intentions towards everything "Blood for the blood god!" Chaos gets the Blood Thirster for a super unit. Its basiclly a gaint demon with an equally big axe. It has various instant kill moves, my favorite of which I call the Barry Bonds. This is where he picks up a infantry unit, throws it up into the air and knocks it to the other side of the map with it's axe.


Eldar are basiclly space elves. They use to have a huge empire across the galaxy, but they had their own civil war (I think) which broke them. They have their own agenda which sometime goes against or with the Emporer's. I don't like the Eldar. Almost all their units are highly specailised and as the orks say "Da' Eldar brake easy." These guys fall over is a stiff breeze. THeir only saving grace is that they're highly mobile and can even teleport buildings to different parts of the map. The Eldar get the Avatar of Cain. Think gaint buring stone elf, with a very angry painted on face, and a huge sword that wails everytime he swings it. He is slightly less powerful than the bloodthirster, but overall the same type of thing. Oh, and every Eldar building glows red, produces faster and fights harder with him out on the field.

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Necrons (since they will be next) are a race of machines run by the souls of an ancient race known as the Necronytar. The Necronytar witnessed the birth of a star god inside their own sun, and they allied with these StarGods, who gave the Necronytar technology for new, immortal bodies, and they became the Necrons.

The Star Gods waged a war with a race of hyper-powerful beings known as the Old Ones, who responded by creating the Eldar to fight for them, and the Krork (who later became the Orks). The Eldar, alongside their god Khaine and with the help of wraithbone warriors forged by another Eldar god (forget who) they defeated the Necrons and imprisoned them in Tomb worlds. Khaine was shattered, and his fragments became the cores of craftworlds that spawn Avatars. The Eldar went on to form their empire, but they became far too emotional, and their psychic power grew immense, and this resulted in the birth of the Chaos god Slannesh, killing billions of Eldar, and forming the Eye of Chaos. Only four groups of Eldar survived; The Craftworld Eldar, who were far enough away to survive and formed the Aspect paths to keep themselves safe from Slannesh, the Exodites, who had seen the danger and reverted to an Amish/Mormon-like existince, the Eldar Harlequins, a group of mysterious warriors who have access to the Black Library (a store of Immense Warp power) and travel the warp fighting Chaos, Star Gods and the like, and finally the Dark Eldar, who embraced their tradgety, hoping that by pleasing Slannesh he won't feast on their souls.


Anyway, the Necrons after thousands of years have begun to awake and attack the galaxy, with the help of the Star gods. They attack in massive Monoliths, from which powerful Necron warriors spew forth thanks to a portal in the middle of it.


The Necron adgenda is unkown, but it may be to awake the two known sleeping Star Gods; the Dragon, said to be the machine god of the Adaptus Mechanicus, who is known to be buried on Mars (Crappers fr the Imperium) and another, even more powerful one, who is said to be trapped in a massive Dyson Sphere on the edge of the galaxy.

"My doctor says I have a malformed public duty gland and a natural deficiency in moral fibre and am therefore excused from saving universes"-Ford Prefect


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Got Winter Assualt today (first one in the store, didn't have to use my bat) and installed it when I got home from class. All I got to say is that the Baneblade is the BEST... UNIT... EVAH!!!! My cousin commented that I sounded like a twelve year old school girl when I first saw that thing in action. I don't know if thats true or not, I was too entranced by the swath of destruction it cut into the orks. :D Only thing I found annoying was fairly poor unit pathing in some areas and the General's and priest's voice-actors didn't do a very good job. Very over done. Oh, and the eldar have very little hope against the Baneblade. Well, I'm off to play some more Winter Assault...
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Yo Swiftdraw, tell me if your ever online, play you.


Those Bezerkers rock the house with four flavours of awsomeness. With just them, defilers and predators I've held of a force that 2-3 times outnumbered me.

I've gotten very good all of a sudden. Must be what they've done to the game. But I've discovered the key is to get a good economy going and at least two of each production building. Then you can keep up a constant supply of fresh troops.

"My doctor says I have a malformed public duty gland and a natural deficiency in moral fibre and am therefore excused from saving universes"-Ford Prefect


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I dunno, I can't beat choas with the Imp gaurd even on standard difficulty. They've gotten really good with the beserkers. Also the cost on everything has been lowered and build times have been sped up.


I think the imp gaurd's main problem is it's in-ability to take out heavy armor easily. Sentinels can do it, but they go under really quickly under heavy fire and Leman Russes don't come in untill late game. Baneblade takes out armor right quick, but thats a super unit and really doesn't count. The Eldar had that problem, but the Fire Dragons really over compensate for that. Eldar are actually fairly nasty now since standard armor has little chance against the fire dragons and they were always good against infantry.


Gah, some of these new hero voice overs are really annoying. The Eldar farseer is worse than the Imp gaurd's general and preist. And the more I see it, the more annoyed I get with the unit pathing. I had a squad of slugga boys get caught on a squad of grots and neither of them did anything (even when I commanded them to move) untill a squad of Khorne Beserkers came in... Then they all just died...:evil:


I might be on Friday, if I can talk the Internet center into letting me download the exspansion onto their comps. I'll call it a demo... :roll:

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The slugga boyz would have died anyway :lol:

I think the pathfinding is liveable with. The voice-overs were one of DoW's other weak points too. Seems rather than fix some of the original's problem's, Relic has augmented it's strengths.

Also on Beserkers, not only do they rock hard but they alsomake a great meat-grinder. I'm serious, they can bring most enemy war-machines to a halt (and leave a lot of corpses if you have persistant bodies on, a neat new feature).

"My doctor says I have a malformed public duty gland and a natural deficiency in moral fibre and am therefore excused from saving universes"-Ford Prefect


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Just recieved the package with the game in the post this morning... what with Uni commitments I haven't had the time to install it yet. From what people are saying, the Baneblade sounds pretty cool. I'd really like to check out the damage it deals.


By the way, when I install does it overwrite the first game completely, or work like Warcraft3 where you could still play the original sans expansion pack? I only ask since I'm the only one as of yet to get it over our internal network here. I'd like to still play those games with my friends who have the old game, but also play the expansion on my own or online when they're not in the mood for playing it...

"And the moral of the story is: Appreciate what you've got, because basically; I'm fantastic." ~ Holly, Red Dwarf



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i really like the squggoth, the big elephant orc unit. i had about 4 dreadnaughts and 10 squads on it and it took a massive beating. once i get full im going to crank those guuys out like mad! (prolly can only make 1 or 2 though)
I've have you now - Lord Vader
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Yeah..uh DarkMark, just so you know, that's how all x-packs work :lol:


Not always, some expansions disallow you to use the original game because they overwrite the files. I know it's not so common with RTS games, but it would have caused problems here if it had been the case.


I've played briefly, and so far I do like the whole general and command squad hero. I've yet to try out the baneblade, but from what I've seen of the Imperial guard they're a great addition. I also need to check out the chaplain for my usual space marines...

"And the moral of the story is: Appreciate what you've got, because basically; I'm fantastic." ~ Holly, Red Dwarf



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i really like the squggoth, the big elephant orc unit. i had about 4 dreadnaughts and 10 squads on it and it took a massive beating. once i get full im going to crank those guuys out like mad! (prolly can only make 1 or 2 though)

You can only make one Squiggoth (and only one Baneblade, one Bloodthirster, one Avatar, and one Land Raider (in the x-pack))

"My doctor says I have a malformed public duty gland and a natural deficiency in moral fibre and am therefore excused from saving universes"-Ford Prefect


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Anyone playing the campaign yet? I'm stuck on the mission where you have to protect the Eldar and the base. The squiggy and 6 looted Leman Russ kinda brake my D-line... Sentinels can do a good bit of damage to the squiggy and tanks, but the die really quickly to the Ork tanks and I don't have enough resources for more. And the game tells me renforcesments are on the way in that mission and the first. I'd like to know, how do you get them? I've seen no reinforcements fo my side.


Oh, and I know the slugga boyz would have had no chance against the Beserkers... I would have made them run away is all.

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Thats ok, I actively hunt for walk-throughs anyways. I'm about to smash my friskin' computer I that friggin' squiggoth brakes my d-line again... I'm getting annoyed with that mission...


Edit: YAAAAYYY!!! I finally beat the bloody game... Without a walk-through no less. I finally figured out where the reinforcements were at, and the Baneblade did quite a job on it's own crushing the squiggy and supporting orks. The convoy mission was annoying and the necrons were push overs. Heck I destroyed three monoliths before I figured out I could use those cannon thingies on the titan wreckage. The fact the Necron were attacking them tipped me off to that... The Baneblade supported by 5 Leman Russ's are a force to be reckoned with anyhow! :twisted:

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