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Rebel Sneak Attack


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Faction: the Rebellion...ofcourse


Goal of the tactic: Reduce the power of the Imperial Fleet by keeping them occupied behind their front lines with diversionary attacks, which i will then setup with a major offensive at their most prized planets.


Opening moves: whomever played SW: Rebellion knows what i am talking about if they have ever palyed as the rebels in that game. And that is you start out hidden from the Imperials. So you are able to launch hit and run missions on any imperial planet you wish, aslong as they dont have a fleet there to stop you. I am also basing this strat off of the possibility where you can send rebel fighters in hyper space without having a capital ship along with them to provide hangars. Well anyways, back to the tactic. I plan on making mainly x-wings and y-wings at the beginning of the game, while fortifying my planets that are closest to the imperials. Then before the imperials can close all the holes to their hyper space lanes, i will want several fighter wings and a few cap ships allready behind their protected planets. I want them to think i am directlly tragetting their facilities, and that im not trying to hide my plan. The more resources they direct towards fortifying their planets and not on those fleets protecting the hyper space lanes, the better it is for me. Cuz i will try and get a massive fleet together and break through their fleets one by one, while they are seperated from each other. 'But what if they keep their fleet together and not fall into my trap?' then i will continually destroy their shipyards and stuff that they value, until he decides to look for my planets, or tries to hunt down my rogue fleets behind his lines. The whole purpose of this tactic is to weaken the imperial fleet by keeping it seperated. Cuz lets face it...the rebels can't over power the imperials, it will take true tactics and stealth to beat the imperials.



Weakness: I think that a defensive imperial who leaves fleets behind his main front lines, can prevent me from raiding. Or an Imperial who effectively takes over my planets one by one. Which would then cause me to divert production to my main fleet early on.



- marcus



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I see where your goin with that Marcus, a very cool plan. It can be expanded really for any faction. Kinda like imperial fishing. U bait the imps with a couple larger capital ships, and edge near a juicy planet, while u have smaller taskforces of fighters conducting calvery raids on plump ship yards, space stations, ect. We should dub this manuver, "Wolves Fishing manuver" It can go beside the trench fighter formation used on warlord Zinji's SSD and the Ackbar slash, i think it was called? :wink: Then i suppose when the time is right, u not only come from 1 hyperspace route, but 1 on each side, with a large group of fighers to suprise the reinforced imperial fleet. Or jump in that system with those bait ships, let off a volly of fire,then jump out, imps might give chace, then your smaller strike force moves in on the wide open defenceless system. I'll have to think more on this

-You seem to have an over developed sence of vengeance. It's going to get you into trouble some day.

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  • 4 weeks later...
very intresting stuff, i never did understand rebelion well...but i tired a long time ago, neways, i usaly build tons of defecnes, but what is point of controlg hyperspace lanes if u cant control planets, im basin this off marcus's plan im going to go re read to make sure i got it right
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ok marcus, y couldnt the imp player simply fortiy his planets while building up a massive fleet, so all his planets have base defence and golan platforms etc, then he keeps builing up uber fleet, u keep hopping back and forth messin with his planets defesne, but i doubt u would b able to get through without takin lots of causlites, becuase, if it was me, the second i had stuff behind my lines, i would build planet defsne, starting with teh planets on OUTSIDE so u couldnt send in any reinforcements, then planet defense, to hold off rebel attacker, then massive fleet, with several interdictors, simply go blow the heck outa your now useless fleet behind enemy lines, then keep building up ships, have a group of several captial ships remind behind on base defence to compliemnt planet defence, then systematcily take over rest of stuff with massive fleet, only leaving the planet when its heavly fortired, then it would end as a brute force contest so i dont know, im sure there is still plenty of ship stargety, but still
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there is a counter to every RTS strategy i have ever thought of, but some strats are better then others. just have to adapt to how your opponent is playing. it wouldn't be likely that they would make a huge/powerful fleet and still beable to spend lots of money on defences. and if he is capable of doing that, you lost....cuz you gave him too many planets to control.



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How would he know necessarily that you had fleets behind your lines. If you snuck them in how would he know then. I understand once you started attacking he would know they are coming from that side, but how would he know your planets weren't on that side to begin with. I like this plan. Very well thought out. If you throw in the occasional frontal "feign" attack, it would be a very perplexing conudrum for the emperial commander to sort out.
-Never judge a clonetrooper until you walked a mile with his gun, then your a mile away and you have his gun.-
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  • 2 weeks later...

:arrow: Operation Strike Fear (strike fast and hard)


The best defence is strike! Assuming that popular support is not an issue, at least on the outer rim, then a well mixed strike force should criple the alliance's vital production facilities or capture them ASAP early in the game, this should create havoc among the enemy by keeping them on a defencive stance, while providing time to a massive defence project on vital imperial systems. I was thinking about this subject and i wonder if we'll be able to construct planetary shields preventing any such invasion like Rebellion if so a good part of resources could be chanelled to fleet production.


I don't think an ill-equiped rebel alliance able to counter a good strike force at least not earlier in the game.


As for the shortcommings of this tactic i guess the biggest would be to locate their production facilities but if it processes like Rebellion once a strike Fleet orbits a planet we are able to scan wich facilities lies beneath even if a rebel Fleet is present. If this is not possible then good old espionage missions should do the trick. Another flaw are the shields present on the surface, whether local or planetary, but if its, once again similar to Rebellion, then a ground assault should do the trick or a sabotage mission to criple shield generators and or any turbolasers and ion cannos enableling an orbital bombardment.


But once more this is mere specullation only with the final product on hands will we provide a more accurate strat. :lol:

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