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47 min E3 video screenshots


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Well thought these pictures from the video might be interesting to see :




-Shows what ships are near the planet



-Traders are those blue dots going both left and right (From my guess)



- :arrow::arrow::arrow::arrow::arrow::arrow::arrow::arrow: This looks like the cost to units, EVERYBODY SEE THIS ?



-Planet information



-planet specs



-Deathstar range and countdown



-Main menu of the game



-Whats onthe menu



-Building specs, in this case its Generator specs



-Rebel fleet around Tatooine



-Vader walking unguarded (at least he could have some guards or something geez.



-Bombers ready to bomb



-Falcon lifting off at the damaged base



-Vader ready to destroy a tank and he doesn't even notice the Rancor



-Keeps walking past the Rancor without even glancing at it



-Seems like Vader either got owned or left the area



-At-AT ready to fight a Rancor and crossing water



-A vehicle I call the frog (AT-AA) and must be a Anti-AT-AT units



-30 planets in the Galaxie in this one, Red, blue, yellow, grey dots (Figure out whats what :) )



:arrow: Cost of faction units (Already posted this but what the heck)



Well since I saw that video I like this game more. This just wants you to play the game more doesn't it ? :) lol. Well I like the ideas in this game and Rancor eating troopers. Lol. Rancor owning a AT-AT is nice.



So the planets I was able to spot were







-Ogthaamla (or something like that)



I'll edit when I see more or identify more :)

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I bet the Falcon is a "ship hero" for the Rebels, similar to what Vader is to the Empire. I spotted the Falcon somwhere else to, think it was somewhere in the space battle where we see the Death Star in action...
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The Falcon is a developed version of the Corellian YT1300 Light Transport. It has improved shields, guns, concussion missile and Torpedo tubes, it also has a lot more hold space for smuggling than the standard model including a specially designed Cargo hold Just below the cockpit that only Han, Lando and Chewie Know about.
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Actaully theres 31 planets, with an empire held one around mid-topright thats cut out.


And that big long rebel ship in the tenth picture down from the top, thats the Home One, is it not?


So on the Galaxy map, the blue prob. = empire, red prob. = rebel, but what would the yellow = ??? since gray is neutral

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HA I knew I was right Wolf/Element, you tried to trick me rofl. I donno if thats the Home One, they all look alike!!!!


the blue prob. = empire, red prob. = rebel, but what would the yellow = ??? since gray is neutral


Yellow might be other races ? Like Ewoks, Wookies, Zabraks and ect ? I'm just guessing i'm not actually looking at the map properly.

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  • 3 weeks later...
The problem is: we never see two of them at the same screenshot (battle) there is only just one of them. We see several of the winged ones but never more than one of this type. So it could be the Home One. And why introducing two large cruseres that are nearly the same? (Would be like putting Imperator Class 1 and 2 into the game)
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For all we know there may end up being both the imperator/imperial I & II in the final game.

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You know, I read somewhere that the Empire used the color gold to identify friend from foe on sensors. Who knows what dot means what?

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I'm new, so Hi everone. Been watching for a while and only now decided to register and speak up. If there are problems understanding anything I say,sorry. I know English isn't the first language for many of you and I tend to get a little verbose.


Anyway, I've been trying to work these colours out for a while now, and discovered something a little unusual in the process. This is what I found.


Blue is definately Imperial. Tatooine there is definately controled by the Rebels. Of this we can be absolutely certain, no question about it. The battles and symbols surrounding planets make this quite clear.


Grey. Now's where it gets a little odd. The grey dots are most likely non-aligned planets, the neutral ones. However, from the footage, at from least the symbols around the planet, there is a Rebel presence there. My guess is that these symbols show the fleet of ships in orbit, since a planet can't be neutral and be controlled by rebels at the same time, surely. This would suggest the rebels control the space above dagobah and Hoth, despite them actually being neutral. So this can be explained.


Now the gold/yellow dots. Something you've perhaps missed is the symbol that accompanies these planets. Check Ryloth around 28:54 in the film, and you'll see a symbol above the planet that doesn't represent the rebels (a red rebel symbol) or the Imperials (Blue imperial one. Both can be seen around 28:43). Now I'm no fanatic, so I don't recognise this symbol, but if what I've said about these symbols representing ships in orbit is true, we have a new fleet on our hands...


It might just be a 3 player match, but I get the impression it isn't. I doubt they would have designed the E3 demo that way. I would take screenshots to show you the symbol, but I don't know how I'd go about capturing Divx like Ghostly, so everyone will just have to make do with the times I gave and a pause button.

"And the moral of the story is: Appreciate what you've got, because basically; I'm fantastic." ~ Holly, Red Dwarf



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And neutral has a fleet now? You're probably right Sidious, but it still doesn't explain why neutral has a fleet, or at least a station in orbit. Can anybody identify that emblem they have?

"And the moral of the story is: Appreciate what you've got, because basically; I'm fantastic." ~ Holly, Red Dwarf



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Guest JediIgor
And neutral has a fleet now? You're probably right Sidious, but it still doesn't explain why neutral has a fleet, or at least a station in orbit. Can anybody identify that emblem they have?


Makes sense to me. How do you think the Rebel Alliance acquired all of the Mc80s? Soon after Mon Calamari joined them the ships were quickly joined into the Rebel fleet.


Corellia too had its own fleet, at least during the Clone Wars. There are also other "minor" factions like the Chiss, Ssi-ruuvi, Hapans, Hutts, who definitely have their own fleets (recorded in the books).


Giving planets their own fleets is just another good way to differentiate them from one another (besides location and resources).

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I suppose. I just figured that there wouldn't be a lot of work done on creating warships of neutral factions, that's all. Maybe if their neutral fleets consisted entirely pre-existing models, models that could then be added to the Rebels/Imperials when they conquered a planet, it might explain it.


I'm also not sure about grey being unexplored. How would the Imperials have information about fleets in orbit somewhere the Imperials have never explored. Even if the game includes some form of spy work or subterfuge, why revel only fleets in orbit. Also, that would mean the planet had then been explored. I don't know. Something just doesn't sit well with me regarding that.

"And the moral of the story is: Appreciate what you've got, because basically; I'm fantastic." ~ Holly, Red Dwarf



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does it show that yellow planets have fleets? as far as I remember, there are yellow dots, but thats all... dots represent faction and that there is a system there, not fleets. there are many red dots but that doesnt mean rebels have fleets in every planet.


have you played the rebellion? it uses the same system, there,

red rebel

green imperial

blue neutral

grey unexplored

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I'll try and clear it up, but I think I may have said this earlier. What we are given is the map, as is on screen, and the whole system map in the bottom left of the screen that Ghostly has kindly enlarged. If you look at each planet in turn while bearing in mind both, there are some things that don't match.


We'll start with Naboo and Tatooine. In the video, Naboo and Tatooine are Imperial and Rebel respetively. So they appear on map as blue and red. Surrounding the planets on the main screen, there is the icon showing a symbol of a group. Around Naboo, this is an Imperial logo, Tatooine a Rebel logo.


I came to the conclusion these symbols represent fleets because these symbols are shown to be used to move the imperial fleet from Naboo to Tatooine where they deploy the death star and star destroyers. It also explains why above many planets the symbol doesn't match the minimap, because it represents the fleet in orbit.


Now, let's check the planet left and down a bit from them, Dagobah. On the minimap, this appears grey. Hence, you say, it must be unexplored. Why then, on the main screen does the planet have a rebel symbol above it? How do the imperials know this if they've never been there? This applies not just Dagobah, but Hoth also appears like this, and there's the neutral symbol hovering over the asteroid field due south of Naboo and Tatooine. The asteroid field is an important one. The neutral appears to have something in orbit despite there not being a planet for them to be present on, so it must be some sort of fleet or starbase.


So no, I haven't played rebellion, but I'm no stranger to the RTS genre. You've got to put both minimap and actual main screen map information together to understand where I'm coming from. I'm basing my conclusions on fact, even if the conclusions themselves turn out to be proven wrong in time.

"And the moral of the story is: Appreciate what you've got, because basically; I'm fantastic." ~ Holly, Red Dwarf



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I Think that the Grey planets are either unexplored or destroyed by the deathstar lik they have the little asteroid field where the planet used to be. but i thought i heard in the movie that where a planet is destroyed there is an asteroid field...would that show on the Galaxy map? and in the other games yellow= allies so that might mean that the planets that are nuetral are more aligned to your Faction. Any thoughts?
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In the screenshot of minimap, you can see tree grey points running diagonally from bottom centre to the left. From what I could see on the main map, only the far bottom one is an asteroid field. The other two are Dagobah and Hoth, both in one piece. They have rebel presence (indicated by rebel symbol above it) and the asteroid field has the yellow sun like symbol. Asteroid fields don't show on the minimap, but do on the main galactic one.


The other force could be supportive neutral. In the end it's very open ended until we get more info. But nice to know there's a little more to SP than just Rebels vs Imperials.

"And the moral of the story is: Appreciate what you've got, because basically; I'm fantastic." ~ Holly, Red Dwarf



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Perhaps grey planets are impossible to visit until certain goals are completed etc. Hoth might not be able to be visited by the Imperials until, well the Battle of Hoth or that time era. The Asteroid field could be the remains of Alderaan or another planet destroyed by the Death Star and may be completely impossible to visit entirely. Dagobah could be a similar case to Hoth or the Asteroid field.

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