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Imperial Blockade Tactic


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Faction: Imperials


Goal of the tactic: to stop Rebels from sneak attacking at locations which are unguarded, like what happened in SW: X-wing Alliance.


Opening moves: what i would do at first is be aggressive and keep the rebels on their toes for the first half hour, i would try and dictate the pace of the game and the battles. Then i would try and secure all the hyper space lanes that are directly linked to my main planets, very early in the game. This will reduce the effects of the rebel sneak attacks to only a minimal threat. Once this has been achieved, i will put all my resources into producing larger and more powerful fleets then the rebels, instead of investing in ground forces. Thus i will only have 1 thing to spend my money on, rather then ground and space...which would eventually weaken my strangle hold on stopping what the rebels are best at. If all goes well, i should have much larger space fleets then the rebels, then i'd start to produce ground forces, to invade the weakened rebels, who must reduce spending on ground forces to make space fleets to try and match mine.


Weakness: by my calculations, if this strat isn't done early enough, it will fail. Also if the rebels mass a huge fleet early on and bust through one of blockades, it will cause a collapse. The way to stop this is to have small reserve fleets that can come in as reinforcements which are behind your front lines.


What i based this tactic off of: World War 1, how they would fortify front lines and have reinforcements behind that. So if the enemy broke through, the reinforcements would quickly fill back the lines. Thus eventually weakening the attacker to a point he could no longer launch offences


any feedback that you think could improve this strat, is very much welcome ^^






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Deffinatly a well thought out tactic. Having a large fleet would deffinatly be an advantage. I'm prone to have larger fleets myself. But what if the rebels build massive amounts of troop transports and many wings of fighters and bombers. They may loose a few fighers ground transports, but if they land, u would be open to attack, and loosing a capital ship would be costly. I'm not sure on this but, woudn't u loose control of the plannet? Another great thing about being rebel, is that u can sneak around, and then all of a sudden hit 1 of your trade route plannets that may be vonerable.


But to expand on your line of thinking, i'd find a planet on the end of a hyperspace route, secure it and the one infront of it, and if possible the one infront of that. thus cutting down on points u need to defend.

-You seem to have an over developed sence of vengeance. It's going to get you into trouble some day.

SWEAW Petroglyph Fan Forums

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Ya thats what we're all basing it off on. You could also build turrets on ground which can attack in both ground and space so you can withstand better assault. Build massive amounts of ties and bombers and then the Rebels surely will be outnumbers.


if this was multiplayer then have one person focus on ground and other focus on space forces so then you'd stand more chances and thats what everybody knows. Also Ion cannons, cant live without it :P

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I wonder, and i'm going out on a limb, what about say severl x or y-wing squadrons, jump out of hyperspace, go through an asterroid belt to avoid cap ships, and be able to do hit and runs on the facilities below, like rogue squadron. Bomb several structures, then take off. Something to try and beat those plannet based Ion cannons and turbo laser batteries

-You seem to have an over developed sence of vengeance. It's going to get you into trouble some day.

SWEAW Petroglyph Fan Forums

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hyper space routes create choke points, so the only way a fleet will be able to get through my blockade, is to defeat my main fleet over that planet, and then defeat my reserve fleet that is hypering to the battle scene, then and only then will they control my planets ^^


idk if they will let just fighters hyper into a battle, it may require a cap ship to bring them to a certain place.


i will be thinking of a rebel tactic and post it tomorrow ^_^



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I don't know what we should concentrate on.I usually play in a defensive way in all RTS's.I mean I build every piece of defence I can on a territory and after I fell safe I move on and I always make sure I have reinforcements.But I dn't know if this could work in this case.
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That's the trick, figuring out if going more offencive or more defencive is more benificial. If u expand quickly, u leave points vonerable to attack, might make the other combatant too defencive, not probing for weakness. But i suppose if u could micro manage, and u met up with an opponent like that, u'd try to move forces around, and find that sweet spot, effectivly stoping his advance, making him backtrack, putting him on the defencive.

-You seem to have an over developed sence of vengeance. It's going to get you into trouble some day.

SWEAW Petroglyph Fan Forums

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I think that the snubfighters should be able to go and do hit and run strikes as a prelude to invasion. Like a wing of E-wings or Xwings leading 2 or 3 sections of B-wings.


I would be quite disappointed if the snubs always have to be in the Capital ships as you may ahve hundreds of snubs and few carriers then you have a "dead Fleet" as your fighters cannot defend the planets indefinately.



As soon as possible create swathes and swathes of Fighters to defend every planet at least 20 squads per planet at a 60 -40 mix between bombers and normal fighters. 60% fighters to 40% bombers. Then begin construction of larger and larger vessels, each planet solely constructing a specific fleet. IE Mon Calamari building a Carrier fleet, corellia building a destroyer/ support fleet and Naboo and the rest building more fighters or Troops.


Get 2 or 3 large fleets between groups of 5 planets and have 10 wings of fighters (30 Squads) per planet.


I know it's rather big but i'd like to see an imperial fleet survive that!!

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Yeah, rebel fighters would deffinatly have the advange early in the game, it would be a good idea to get loads of x and y-wings. Putting those large fighter squadrons on key choke points just like the imperials would deffinatly discourage attack, even if say an imperial player attacks a rebel, he has a couple SD's and rebels only have say a couple corvettes and loads of fighters. Destroying even 1 SD would be a critical loss, something the Imp player will have to think about.


I agree that fighters with hyperdrives should be able to go a certain distance from a base planet. or fleet, say 1 or 2 hyperspace jumps. Rogue squadron, and wraith squadron are just 2 that come to mind that did it regularly

-You seem to have an over developed sence of vengeance. It's going to get you into trouble some day.

SWEAW Petroglyph Fan Forums

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I was also thinking of creating Jedi fleets with Training vessels like the Chu'athor Academy. So that the Jedi and Diplomats go to various planets do a Diplomacy mission and then recruit jedi. The Imperials would have Jedi Hunting Armadas full of Dark Jedi and Jedi Hunters inc. Boba Fett and Slave I.
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:arrow: I too use the tactic presented by wonder_man, as you all know if we spend to much time contructing and deffending a base the enemy could do the same thus prolonging the conflict for sometime on the other and we have the Blitzkrieg tactic which i sometimes utilize as well gathering a good mix of troops and support mechs and deal a swift stroke at the enemy, the flaw of this is if we are unnable to criple the enemy and or losing those forces we'll have an undefended base to counter any attack.


:arrow: As for defending every single planet or by a huge fleet or grounds forces or even by those pain in the ass fighters i think it should be a balance, i think a heavily fortified planet won't need a fleet to defend it at least for a while, Turbolaser turrets and Ion Cannons (within a shield of course) can send doom to any ship on orbit that dares to come in close to the planet as well for any transport ships that might land, anyway even if they manage to land, using the Blitz tactic, a suited strike force should deal with any troops that land before they advance to the main base. Air support is imperative, like any imperial garrison that has to it's disposal 40 TIE fighters. Not even the Empire nor the Alliance could protect every single planet, the Empire used the Death Star as a deterrent but ignore this.


:arrow: The economics rule everything! For you to employ that BIG tactic of yours Jedi2004 you'll need to have many planets under your grip anyway even if you do a well mixed Imperial fleet could withstand your precious fighters, Star Destroyers would do what they're best of killing Mon Cals and TIEs in 3:1 standard accompanied by fighter killers like corvetes or nebulon Bs would send doom to those nasty snubs.

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i'm an aggressive person in RTS games. I'm allways willing to rush the opponent, get them on the defensive. I learned it the hard way when i first started playing RTS games over Multi Player. I was allways put on the defensive, thus the opposition could dictate the pace of the game and raid me relentlessly. But then i learned to be aggressive, and thus i beat most ppl cuz i was able to get them scared and making useless defences ^^


even if the rebels dont make a fleet and switch to a defensive mode (which i hope they do), then my strategy will have worked. It will destroy the rebels sneak attacks. and it will hurt their chances of ever taking over any of my planets.


Without a huge opposition fleet, i can cut costs on my own fleet, and switch to making armies and researching far advanced technology then the person who is constantly building turrents and other expensive buildings :)



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I usually wait and see how agressive the AI is in a game, then determine my stategy. If the AI isnt attacking very much, I'll concentrate more on building up an attack fleet, and if the AI is being agressive, then I worry more about defending my entire base.
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Thats what I used to be doing. I just build shields and walls first then units to further protect myself then I build units to conquer. Works most of the time.

Anybody go quantity over quality or vice versa ? or do you guys go both quality and quantity ?

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I'm similar in my tactic's, setting up a base camp fortfying it enough to withstand attack, then pump out the offence. Perhaps since so many of us are more defencive, it would be prudent to study offencive tecniques. Thoughts Marcus? (_Wolf_) How do u usually expand?


Deffinatly words to live by in stratagy games dragonValoo


As for quality over quantity, it depends on the game and the races or factions. I'd say both, because sometimes u just wanna rush the opponent to overwhelm them, other times quality of the forces and tactic's are needed.

-You seem to have an over developed sence of vengeance. It's going to get you into trouble some day.

SWEAW Petroglyph Fan Forums

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I would go for both quality and quantity, but put emphasis on the quality at the beginning. If the enemy attacks with AT-AT's etc. and all you have is a bunch of stormtroopers and no walls/shield generators, it's generally safe to say that you aren't going to last long.
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AT-AT's are gonna be shooting at stormtroopers? :P Jk i know what u ment. Deffinatly u'd want a couple of each units, one good for combating another. Perhaps those rebel tanks shooting all those mortars/missles is anti AT-AT, tanks for anti infintry and other tanks and AT-ST's. Definnatly would want diversity. Not just a whole bunch of tanks/at-at's or Stormtrooper/rebel troopers.

-You seem to have an over developed sence of vengeance. It's going to get you into trouble some day.

SWEAW Petroglyph Fan Forums

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:P What a silly mistake. I'm just so used to playing as the Empire in Battlegrounds (Rebellion was before my time) that I'm not used to naming other units; they're all gone before I can see what my troopers were shooting at.
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Indeed, i for example in Emperor battle for dune, when the enemy tried to retake a territory i gather a few strike units and rush to take them out before they entrech, i routed them all the time, on the other hand C&C and others are almost impossible to deal the same tactic. Rebellion for all its complexities and various options enable the use of Blitz tactic, i can deal a swift stroke to the rebels very early in the game turning many sytems to my cause, only with a few ships, troops and officers.


I see what you mean i too have an imperial heart! lol, and nothing gives me more pleasure than see my AT-ATs crush that scum :twisted:

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i prefer to do strats that can produce huge numbers of QUALITY troops, or rush and keep my enemy from getting to the same numbers of quality troops i want to be at, but early on i think quantity will matter over quality.


speaking of which, i will now begin to type up my Rebellion strat that i have.



- marcus



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