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Something to give an SSD pause before it steamrolls it...


MC-80B (Mon Remonda)


Bulwark Battlecruiser


There isn't all that much in high end starships for the Alliance/New Republic.

Forum and RPG Membership:




Sufficiently advanced technology would be indistinguishable from Magic. -Arthur C. Clarke

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Yes Vader, i use Rebed for some changes, and Reshack for modifing the DLL's, and Photoshop for creating the characters, and of course, i have a ton of pictures,from wich i choose the characters.

If u are inexperienced with this programs,i can tell u a few words about them.I was also a beginner, but now i know many things.

About Rebed : with this program u can load the card of characters, ships,other units, can modify the stats of characters,buildings,ships,fighters etc.

Even u can assign an imperial ship to rebels, and vice-versa.

Can modify the stats on Coruscant,Rebel HQ, and Yavin.

U can modify the galaxy - u can move the sistems to another place,can u set if they are colonized or not. etc,etc.

If u want this program u can found in the download section at : www.swrebellion.com - here also can u found some TC's too (especially of Cain - a very good TC), card of characters,ships,fighters etc.

About Reshack : u can foun on this site : http://kickme.to/woodsboro/

With Reshack u can open the game's DLL files.In this tipe of file are stored the voices,descriptions,pictures etc.

U can modify many thing with this program,but is hard a lot, u have to read some instructions how to use it.

Photoshop also requiring some experience, but if u want u can learn alone - this happens with me too -but u need time.


Stellar and Jedi : i didnt know what to say... if Home One have less weaponry than a Standard MC,but stronger than an Mon remonda,

this mean the standard MC is most powerfull than the Home One and Mon Remonda...then why chosed Ackbar the Home One, why not a standard MC ?

I cannot understand.But i've decided : coz the Home One was on battle at Endor,and some standard, and winged MC's i will put as the

biggest and the most powerfull ship for the rebels.Anyway if i remember well, MASK says that the Home One he made 3,8 km - model exchange.


And Vader, it is possibble,to change the ships models too. With Reshack and with an other program on site :http://kickme.to/woodsboro/,

u can change the models in the game. This mean u can download from MASK the model of an Eclipse destroyer, and can change the SSD

with the Eclipse.Yet i didnt experienced how this thing work,once when i've tryed to change, i didnt succeeded.

But now i read again the help files for model exchange, and i hope i will succeed, coz i've put in the game the Lambda Shuttle, and

i want to look as the Lambda, not toher craft.

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Home One was a 3.8km Behemoth. It was the most powerfull Mon Cal Cruiser and could hold 10 squadrons.


Mon Remonda- One of the Enhanced MC80s was a stong ship with reinforced Hull and Weapon emplacements. Could hold 4 squadrons


Mon Kraken- One of the MC80Bs, Not quite as strong as Mon Remonda it had weaker weapons and shields and could only hold 3 squadrons.


Shadow- One of the Weakest of Mon Cal Cruisers. It is an MC40 Light cruiser it could hold 2 squadrons and had standard shielding and Weapons.



This shows the progression of Mon Cal Cruisers

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That's fine :)

That's nice coz the Home One have 10 squadrons - at least can face the SSD.

And a Mon Remonda can face with 4 squads an ISD mk 1, or maybe 2.

Mon Kraken can face the ISD 1.

That Shadow then face the VSD.

U can give me some stats of this vessels, compared with the imperial opponents ?

Home one : port-starboard weapon : laser 400 ? ion 200 ? shield at least 900 with 100 recharge rate ?

Remonda : P/S weapon : laser 200 laser ? ion 100 ? shield 800 with 80 recharge ?

Kraken : P/S weapon : laser 160 ion 80 / shield 600 with 40 rechargge ?

Shadow : P/S weapon : 80 laser 40 ion / shield 200 with 20 recharge ?

Give me some clue, to find out about this stats, else i have to invent myself :D

And thx for the help.

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Thats Pretty much what you have. However the Mon Remonda is nearly as powerfull as the Home One Cruiser in terms of weapons. It was able to defend and damage the Iron Fist in a slugging match. So Home One and Remonda- (turbolasers)Port 200 Star 200 Bow 100 Stern 20 (ions)-Port 5 Star 5 Bow 5 Stern 5. Home One with Shield 800 with 100 Remonda with 600 and 80 recharge.
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I’ve decided,to put that MC 40 into game as a replacement of Bulk Cruiser, and the standard MC replacement of the Alliance carrier. Coz the player then start with MC40 in exchange of Bulk Cruiser, and with standard MC in exchange of All.Carrier.

Yesterday i’ve succeeded to put the MC40’s model in the game, i’ve made the pics for tactical and fleet etc wiew, but i need somebody to make for me the enciclopedian picture with the red planet , stars and the ship itself.

Do u know somebody can help me ? with MASK’s model is a picture too. Tell the guy’s name,where i can found him, even an e-mail adress if u know.

Here are the stats of the MC40


Laser firepower/not laser’s ammount - coz were courious for firepower, not the ammount of the lasers.


Port StBoard Forward Back

60 60 30 30 - laser with 50 distance

30 30 10 10 - ion with 35 distance


Shield 200 / 10 recharge, weapon recharge 9 (half of the MC seen in the game) 2 squadrons etc etc

I described the most important stats, the others u will see in the TC.

U can tell me wich ship is the MC seen in the game ? an winged MC80, or MC60???, or wich class ?

I need more ship classes as for counterpart of the imperial ships.

MC40 and/or Nebulon B -for- Victory SD

Standard MC from game -for- ISD

Mon Remonda or Winged MC 80 -for- VSD II

Winged MC80 or Mon Remonda -for- ISD II

Home One - for - SSD

I can use only the MC40,Standard MC,Mon Remonda,Winged MC, and the Home One ships coz only for them i have the model.Perhaps i have the MC90 model too - but is enough small and didnt look like an organic MC.

So help to decide, wich ship to face the imperial counterpart.

If the Mon Remonda is near as powerfull than Home One, then he have to face the ISD II, and the winged MC the VSD II.

But if the Mon Rem only have 600 shield with 80 recharge maybe he would not able to defeat an ISD II,but maybe, coz the ISD II have 800 shield only with 40 recharge. Maybe the recharge will be an advantage against the ship with much shielding,maybe not. This thing must be tested in the battle.

But if the Home one have only 800 shield, is to small, to can face the SSD vith 1200 and 70? Recharge, but maybe can face with that 100 recharge...but with 200 laser 200 ion firepower cannot face the Executors 500/200 firepower with less shield.

I hope we can discuss this matter J,and decide the stats of the ships.

Read my reply with attention , to can asnwer all of my questions.

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Mon Calamari Cruisers:


MC-40 Lusla Class

MC-80 Maximus Class

MC-80 Maria Class

MC-80 Liberty Class



MC-90 Defiance Class


Home One/Independece is a custom built ship of the MC-80 line, as far as I can tell only one was ever built.

Forum and RPG Membership:




Sufficiently advanced technology would be indistinguishable from Magic. -Arthur C. Clarke

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Magic, thx for the ship classes.

Now, u can provide some informations, about this ship classes ?

About his shield ammount/recharge,laser and ion firepower,space for squadrons,etc ?

By the way, was ever that MC60 ? wich class is that MC ship in the Rebellion/Supremacy game ? if u know....


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Magic, i have a picture with Mon Cals :


From the biggest to little...


Strident Star Dreadnought -2,5x bigger than the Home one - in the picture-must have approx. 10 km

Home One (Independance? Cruiser)

Mon Remonda cruiser

Mediator Battle Cruiser

MC80 Liberty

MC80 pearly wingless


MC90 Defiance

MC80 (early model)

(NJO era light destroyer)


if u didnt know, or u didnt have this pic, i can send to u ;)

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Home One is the callsign given to Admiral Ackbar's Command ship, the Mon Calamari Cruiser Independence.


And Magic, i've asked from u Daala and Boba Fetts card.

U agree to give them to me ? or not ? Smile


I've been trying to add them to the database but my browser and the submission process don't get along.


MC80 Maximus (MC80 Early Model)

MC80 Maria (MC80 Pearly Wingless)

MC80 Liberty


MC80b Mon Remonda

MC40 Lusla

MC90 Defiance

Mediator Cruiser

Independence Cruiser

Strident Star Defender

Forum and RPG Membership:




Sufficiently advanced technology would be indistinguishable from Magic. -Arthur C. Clarke

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I'll send em if you can submit them into the database, I'd rather have the whole set available to everyone...

Forum and RPG Membership:




Sufficiently advanced technology would be indistinguishable from Magic. -Arthur C. Clarke

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I installed the RebEd Program but where do you access it? Its not in th folder in ym start menu. Thanks and good luck!
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Magic :Maybe i will be able to upload into database, i will try, if u send them to me.

Vader : go in the Total Commander into Program Files/Rebed folder.

U will find there the .exe file and launch it.

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