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Star Destroyers

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Ok i've been searchign and is this concept or an actual Star Destroyer ?


Old topic to bring up....Looks cool btw, hope it get's modded in as the Tector class!


This is the New Republic Star Deatroyer. It is crewed by half the amount of a normal SD and has slightly less weapons.

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Wrong Fosh. This is the Republic-class:


Also known as the victory-3.


The other ship ghostly posted is the Nebula-class, as shown by it's lack of a command tower.

"My doctor says I have a malformed public duty gland and a natural deficiency in moral fibre and am therefore excused from saving universes"-Ford Prefect


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Ok i've been searchign and is this concept or an actual Star Destroyer ?


Old topic to bring up....Looks cool btw, hope it get's modded in as the Tector class!


This is the New Republic Star Deatroyer. It is crewed by half the amount of a normal SD and has slightly less weapons.


It is the Nebula Star Destroyer. Also known as the Defender Star Destroyer


-Many that live deserve death. And some die that deserve life. Can you give it to them? Then be not too eager to deal out death in the name of justice, fearing for your own safety. Even the wise cannot see all ends.

J.R.R. Tolkien, The Lord Of the Rings

-Success is how high you bounce when you hit bottom.

General George Patton Jr

-Cool game being made a high school student, I recommend checking it out. 


Matt Castle



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I agree. the 4 most important ships left out in this game are the Dreadnaughts, Lancers, Carracks, and Bulk cruisers.


In Star Wars Rebellion/Supremacy they served as the back bone of many of my fleets because they were cheap, easy-to-build ships that allowed you to have some kind of starting ships and later served as great support vessels.


The Lancer and Carrack classes are renowned for thier anti-fighter capabilities.


I certainly hope they do not leave out these ships, there aren't many ships and to leave out frigates force people to build nothing but big cruisers and destroyers, which, for the rebellion side at least, is completely off timeline.

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I agree. the 4 most important ships left out in this game are the Dreadnaughts, Lancers, Carracks, and Bulk cruisers.


In Star Wars Rebellion/Supremacy they served as the back bone of many of my fleets because they were cheap, easy-to-build ships that allowed you to have some kind of starting ships and later served as great support vessels.


The Lancer and Carrack classes are renowned for thier anti-fighter capabilities.


I certainly hope they do not leave out these ships, there aren't many ships and to leave out frigates force people to build nothing but big cruisers and destroyers, which, for the rebellion side at least, is completely off timeline.

There still are many small classes of ships in the game for both sides, if you look at the screen shots you will see many small warships, such as broadside curisers, gunships, covettes, and murader curisers.

-Many that live deserve death. And some die that deserve life. Can you give it to them? Then be not too eager to deal out death in the name of justice, fearing for your own safety. Even the wise cannot see all ends.

J.R.R. Tolkien, The Lord Of the Rings

-Success is how high you bounce when you hit bottom.

General George Patton Jr

-Cool game being made a high school student, I recommend checking it out. 


Matt Castle



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Ok i've been searchign and is this concept or an actual Star Destroyer ?


Old topic to bring up....Looks cool btw, hope it get's modded in as the Tector class!


This is the New Republic Star Deatroyer. It is crewed by half the amount of a normal SD and has slightly less weapons.


It is the Nebula Star Destroyer. Also known as the Defender Star Destroyer



That is actually... Pretty Cool! :D


And Naja about the Lancer Frigate, it better be in the damn game! Think about it, it balances thing out, it was the Empires answer to the Rebel superior star fighter technology. I want that in almost as much as the SSD!

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  • 2 weeks later...
What always confused me was how heavily-armed ships like Star Destroyers (or even the Rebels' own Mon Calimari Cruisers) are bristling with heavy weapons like turbolasers and ion cannons, but never have basic laser cannons for targetting fighter craft. I don't understand why they couldn't have both. Is there just not enough room on starships, not enough power to allocate, etc, ?
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Capital ships were used aginst other capital ships. They carry compliments of fighters to counter other fighters. They also use escorts like the Frigget to protect capital ships from fighters. The empire used Tie fighters as a disposable weapon.(strength in numbers) The rebels considered thier fighters a valualbe asset worth keeping so they equiped them with sheilds. Wouldn't want to be an Emperial Pilot.
All It Takes For Evil To Flourish Is For Good Men To Do Nothing.
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I guess what I mean is, why bother mass-producing all sorts of disposable crap fighters when you could rig your ISDs with an equal amount of say, quad laser cannons, along with their heavy turbolaser batteries. Or the same for the Rebels, for that matter. Why are heavy starships and quicker laser cannons mutually exclusive?
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Well they didn't go for quality since they could just mass produce things with ease and conquer what was needed. Its more cost effective then going for both quality and quantity and I dont see that as the Empires way until EU.
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The whole point of Capital ships was to damage the Enemy as quickly as possible and force the fighters to withdraw. They're used to attack the enemy and create covering fire against the enemy.
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Another thought just occured to me:


Starships have a limited amount of power that they can allocate to weapons. They also have to worry about shielding, engines, gravity, life support, etc. Smaller and medium ships like Carracks and Nebulon B Frigates are equipped with both turbolasers and laser batteries because they don't allocate nearly as much power to shielding and guns as large capital ships do - they simply don't have the energy to dedicate to one form of attack without leaving themselves horribly vulnerable to the other (dedicating everything to turbolasers would leave them vulnerable to fighters - without the heavy shielding of a capital ship to actually take that sort of beating - and everything to lasers would leave no defense against larger ships). Considering that both ships either have no fighter hangars, or a small amount of fighters stationed in them, smaller and medium cruisers have to rely on more tactical laser cannons to protect themselves against fighter attacks, with some larger turbolaser cannons to at least offer some resistance against capital ships - large vessels like ISDs and Mon Cals simply do not have that vulnerability due to their huge investment in armor, shield energy, and fighter complements, and thus can merely rely on their own fighters to take out enemy fighters, and their gargantuan shield power to repel close to anything a mere star fighter or bomber squadron could do to them.

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