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Feedback on the SW vs St Story


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Well I haven't done much with the Reality mod yet except toss around some conceptual stuff. I've been trying to balance a mod I've been working on (For Ages) for Star Wars Rebellion. Getting the AI to build some of the ships is proving difficult.

Forum and RPG Membership:




Sufficiently advanced technology would be indistinguishable from Magic. -Arthur C. Clarke

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Just an announcement. I'll be recommencing work on ST vs SW over the thanksgiving break. Expect a new episode soon! :D

Forum and RPG Membership:




Sufficiently advanced technology would be indistinguishable from Magic. -Arthur C. Clarke

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I like the new episode! It rocks!

Also, can anyone help my story? It's the "Crusades" thread.

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Okay I've finally entered uncharted territory with the Fanfiction. I've started righting sections from the point of view of the Trade Federation and the Ferengi. I'm beating my brains for a title for the next installment.


Also by adding these points of views as well as Mandalorian, Hapan, Romulan, Klingon, and Cardassian down the road I'll be able to set up and sort out the diplomatic position of all the factions toward each other. It's already quite clear that the Federation, Rebel Alliance/New Republic/Galactic Federation of Free Alliances, Klingons, Jedi, and perhaps the Mandalorians will develop something of a loose alliance, as far as the other factions go, I think they're actions will be dictated by how they first meet other factions as well as what activity the Borg, Yuuzhan Vong, Species 8472, and Rapora conduct.


What I think we'll see is a loose coalition will form around the Trade Federation with the Ferengi as their primary supporters. The Bothan and Romulans will form a loose alliance but their relations with other factions remains unclear. The Cardassians will probably be influenced by the Trade Federation and may join their loose coalition. There will remain some wild cards the Dominion for one, as well as the pre-organa treaty Klingons.

Forum and RPG Membership:




Sufficiently advanced technology would be indistinguishable from Magic. -Arthur C. Clarke

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