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Lobby Topic - Full Freedom of Destiny (Brett Tosti)


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Brett Tosti always says in his interview that the player will be free like a bird in EAW to "forge his destiny". Still our team (SWEAW-PFF) is requesting for the implementation of the traitor or treason option. We as future costumers will like to see that in the product that we will buy.


It is known that the Emperor will give you all kinds of missions (maybe holocost types of missions) What will happen if you say no ?! What will happen if you want to chose Han Solo's road and abandon the Imperial Navy ?!


The ingame change of sides is a known concept in mods for other games but the treason and change sides event it is quite well known in the SW Universe.


I will say that only one change of sides (treason) should be left at the players choice. How cool it will be to get messages from Vader asking you to join him. Then with one ship, the most loyal to you the event happens and you go to the enemy wile the AI will take over your side and you loose all the info from it. You will probably recive after some missions to prouve your new loiality by attacking your old "friends".


If you will also like this pls. post why or simply vote yes for it.


This will give to the the "free to chose" EAW concept a new dimension. (*maybe we are lucky and it is already in the game).


Topic also on the Official Forums:



- The Trivium Organization - Community Manager -

- Petroglyph Fan Forums - CoAdmin & Human Resources Manager -

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Total Posts: 17

Member Since: 02/05 Date Posted: May 07, 2005 08:03 AM




mhh here are some good ideas


why dont make a little ingame story

start the game as an imperial young officer who cames from the acedemi (tutorial)

you become some small mission in which you learn to playing the Game

the Game starts like this

your mission is to patrol a small planet somewhere in the Galaxy (learn to send fleets trough the Universe), at your mission, a small group of pirates attacks you (learn to fight against fighters and small units), after you victory, your next mission is to destroy the pirates home base, after you have found them. (learn to use spionage Agents and after you found the pirate base, you would learn to attack capital ships and Bases) at the destroying of the Base a small group of pirates fleews to the planetsurface (The next tutorial, learning build of bases at the planet surfaces and fighting)

after your victory the imperial fleet admiral gives you a small Base on an planet (learning to upgrade Space Bases, building space buildings and Ships.) After you have learned this things there will be come a small cutscene

a small imperial fleet comes to your system after some ships with people startet from the Planet.

And now you have the choice. Repellion or Imperial. At the imperial side you destroy the ships from the planet. At the Repellion side you destroy the Imperial Abfangkreuzer and fleew with some ships from the System.

after your Decission you would get some small mission in with you show the repellion/imperial leaders your loyality. And the normal Game will start.

Sry for my bad english ^^

Why is English one of the most speaken languages? German is more better, it sounds better and i did unterstandt it ^^ but for you i will spoke english too, not good but you should unterstand me ^^


"Der Preis der Freiheit, ist ewige Wachsamkeit" Col. Blair Herz des Tigers

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:arrow::) I was planning to take your replys to :). If we don't take them from there they will sink and get lost eventualy.


:arrow: I can't wait to see the interview with Mike Legg completed so we will knwo exactly what we can feedback. :idea::wink::D

- The Trivium Organization - Community Manager -

- Petroglyph Fan Forums - CoAdmin & Human Resources Manager -

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  • 3 months later...
Total Posts: 17

Member Since: 02/05 Date Posted: May 07, 2005 08:03 AM




mhh here are some good ideas


why dont make a little ingame story

start the game as an imperial young officer who cames from the acedemi (tutorial)

you become some small mission in which you learn to playing the Game

the Game starts like this

your mission is to patrol a small planet somewhere in the Galaxy (learn to send fleets trough the Universe), at your mission, a small group of pirates attacks you (learn to fight against fighters and small units), after you victory, your next mission is to destroy the pirates home base, after you have found them. (learn to use spionage Agents and after you found the pirate base, you would learn to attack capital ships and Bases) at the destroying of the Base a small group of pirates fleews to the planetsurface (The next tutorial, learning build of bases at the planet surfaces and fighting)

after your victory the imperial fleet admiral gives you a small Base on an planet (learning to upgrade Space Bases, building space buildings and Ships.) After you have learned this things there will be come a small cutscene

a small imperial fleet comes to your system after some ships with people startet from the Planet.

And now you have the choice. Repellion or Imperial. At the imperial side you destroy the ships from the planet. At the Repellion side you destroy the Imperial Abfangkreuzer and fleew with some ships from the System.

after your Decission you would get some small mission in with you show the repellion/imperial leaders your loyality. And the normal Game will start.

Sry for my bad english ^^

MAN that is a great idea!

Yub Yub commander
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but treason/defective for the player is sort of pointless. why turn to the imperials if you already have the choice to do it? and if you did want to do that, why didnt you pick rebels in first place? and i would have to agree with you IF there was a third party (smugglers,hutts,mercs etc.or even....ewok......) i would already have to say that the freedom is choice is very well thought out an flexible, but that kind of freedom..eh its pointless.
I've have you now - Lord Vader
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In the basics this is a very good idea I have to admit. But I don't think it will be possible because as it seems to me the player does not play a person but is some kind of all-mighty hand of the Emperor/Rebellion. If he is a traitor all his units would follow hin and your new enemy would be gone because you are the enemy. I hope you understand what I mean


/imho please don't hit me ;)

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I have to disagree with the whole defection option..maybe if you were in command of a single starship for the entire game and you got that sort of mission well then sure its possible. But this basically puts you above the conflict. YOU are the Emperor, YOU are Mon Mothma commanding the respective sides. If there is ever a Star wars game that puts you in command of a single ship then frankly this would be a great idea to have happen. But it s not and I doubt it'll be implemented.
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It is known that the Emperor will give you all kinds of missions (maybe holocost types of missions)


Where did you get that tid-bit of info? I haven't seen it before.


As for the traitor option... Why? You had a choice at the beginning of the game, if you want to play as the other side simply start a new game. I'd probably use it only if I got to take a good section of my forces with me, and then its just because I want Imperial cap ships with rebel fighters. Also the idea of rebel AT-ATs makes me chuckle. I might do that once or twice for kicks and giggles, but after the novelty wore off not much of a point. Also a traitor option would be extremely annoying in multiplayer games.

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but treason/defective for the player is sort of pointless. why turn to the imperials if you already have the choice to do it? and if you did want to do that, why didnt you pick rebels in first place? and i would have to agree with you IF there was a third party (smugglers,hutts,mercs etc.or even....ewok......) i would already have to say that the freedom is choice is very well thought out an flexible, but that kind of freedom..eh its pointless.


I agree.

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