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Starcraft & Warcraft


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Concerning Cain, he did what any other red-blooded administrator would do, he just posted a reminder that foul language is not necessary in making a point.


Darkman, you really know what your taking about, but there's one thing bothering me and that's the fact that Blizzard doesn't wanna leave the Starcraft&Warcraft universe (altought it's pure genius they managed to keep it going on so many genres so far, rts, rpg, adventure, mmorpg)

But seeing how I loved all their releases I don't know if want them to do that.

I thought I was going forward, but it turned out I was going backwards.
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They probably stick to the worlds they've created because they know how to do them well. It's also like any idea, you get attatched to it personally. Blizzard not only make good solid games, but they really engage the reader in the story. There's a whole history of warcraft now that I can't begin to comment upon, and with this Starcraft Ghost, they're expanding upon that story.


This is what they do, create realistic story worlds. That's why I don't know if branching out and trying something new is really the right idea for them. If they were to go on to create other games and forget about the old ones, they would become just like any other of the smaller games makers out there.

"And the moral of the story is: Appreciate what you've got, because basically; I'm fantastic." ~ Holly, Red Dwarf



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the ony complaint i could mount with blizzard is thier mmorpg game World of Warcraft! i know every mmorp has whiners that NEVER shut uP! but since its such a success and so many whiners and the maintenance and bug fixes leaving me at the forums it makes me feel sorry for such a good game. to other WOWers out there the whining noobs dont understand anything of balance! they think balance is all the same stuff. So they go after he palain class, the one class that, if used properly can survive for a long time but doesnt do much damage. So thanks to whiners ho complained so much on a class that did its JOB! blizzard had to nerf it to oblivion. Then they attacked another class and another and it saddens me.....

But blizzard you are superb! you got me hooked on War3 and its expansion and i love it so much! i like battlenet too, sometimes i play online games but i like the flexibilit to play custom games that are so random, you have DBZ maps, monster maps, mazes,mauls,and more

keep up the good work blizz!

I've have you now - Lord Vader
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The problem with WOW is the fact that it's player based and there's always, like you say, an issue to be fixed, I haven't checked out their homesite and I'm curious, did they solve the ganging issue, where 5 players would go against 1 ? The funny thing about Blizzard is that there's the old stories tweaked by them and altought there's 40% Blizzard and 60% other means of inspiration (for example Warcraft is Tolkien based and Starcraft is Alien, Predator, Starship Troopers and Independence Day based) they still manage to turn it in a delicious story and a great game.
I thought I was going forward, but it turned out I was going backwards.
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  • 2 weeks later...

So what happened? Did this topic just die?


I've been looking for the Lan version of WOW but I can't seem to find any good links maybe some of u can help check out this link and tell me if it get's u in the right place.





or maybe just point out a functional link, if u know any.

I thought I was going forward, but it turned out I was going backwards.
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well this should be posted in the bragging post but here gooes.

i played a custom made game against this guy who had a level 40 hero and mine was like 20, anyways i have a cloak of shadowas and its nighttime and he gets right up to me, stops, and walks away. i found it hilarious and kissed my cloak many many a times

I've have you now - Lord Vader
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Do you mean in Warcraft 3? Because heroes there have a max of lvl 10 :? .


I must admit, I liked cloak of shadows in W3 a lot. Once you learn where they spawn you can target those creeps specifically. Think I've had a whole hero party with each one having one before. A level 6 tauren chieften with a resurrection ankh doesn't go down too badly either.


Haven't played WoW. I'm sure it's pretty decent, but I try not to get dragged into MMORPGs if I can help it. Guild Wars seems to be the only one so far, and that's only because I don't have to pay monthly.


also... the thread isn't really dead, it just ain't moving much anymore.

"And the moral of the story is: Appreciate what you've got, because basically; I'm fantastic." ~ Holly, Red Dwarf



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nope i played in a custom made game in battle.net with mauls,tower defences, hero arenas and all other tweaks in the game, also heroes coulld be aby lvl. there is a DBZ one and it is pretty stupid, you can go up to lvl 1000 in ssome of them
I've have you now - Lord Vader
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World of Warcraft I haven't gone back to it yet and its not very friendly with people, like me. Its good but not that friendly since the leveling. You need to have all these perfect but not good armor and weapons to actually stand a chance. This is not what it sounds as in going lone wolf. I wanted to go with the people I know in Europe but we cant join up. If you saw me i'm Polovnik in that game


As for guildwars its good but someone I know doesn't play it much anymore.

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Shame. The only attraction of MMORPGs for me is that you can party up with your friends. Kinda defeats the point if you get left over with those unwilling to help or give you a hand to get those armour, weapons etc.


Also, sorry Gen.Vader. Didn't realise you meant custom map. My misunderstanding completely since I rarely play other people's custom maps. Lvl 10 is the higest any of my guys get. :roll:


and even though it's completely unrelated to the topic, here's my wonderful GW monk in all his glory.


I would paste some W3 pics, but all my good ones were lost when the hard drive on my old cpu died. If I get back around to playing I'll try to get some decent ones.

"And the moral of the story is: Appreciate what you've got, because basically; I'm fantastic." ~ Holly, Red Dwarf



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My Wow Character

- Polovnik , as new as possible, http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y292/GhostlyPolovnik/world%20of%20warcraft/Polowow1.jpg


Guild Wars

- I'm the one in the middle - http://photobucket.com/albums/y292/GhostlyPolovnik/Guild%20Wars/?action=view&current=gw018.jpg


I feel like goign back into wow but I dont know anybody there that I could join with online plus I cant go online since I need a card.

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mhh i play WOW but only on German Servers because some of my friend played there too


if anybody plays on the German RPG Server "Der Rat von Dalaran" send a message to Seewolf or Firewolf

Why is English one of the most speaken languages? German is more better, it sounds better and i did unterstandt it ^^ but for you i will spoke english too, not good but you should unterstand me ^^


"Der Preis der Freiheit, ist ewige Wachsamkeit" Col. Blair Herz des Tigers

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Nice looking character Ghostly, what is he a Night Elf? So did anyone try that link, does it work? coz it's a Blizzard approved "renegade" server it has about 200 people with quests remade and stuff. And is it just me or there's a misunderstanding about WOW and warcraft 3? I haven't played WOW yet coz I don't have a permanent Internet conection but from your opinion is it a balanced game? Starcraft ghost ha? 30 $ ? not much but it's a console game for crying out loud, I really want the PC version. Blizzard just got a black mark for this in my book. I'm going to try to play it with one of those PS2 emulators maybe I'll get lucky :wink: .
I thought I was going forward, but it turned out I was going backwards.
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  • 2 weeks later...

I must of missed this topic by mistake :?


Thanks its a Nightelf yup. Level 23 last time I left my character at some place. Its a nice game as I said and its just the people around there that are rude. Only a hand full of people are nice or maybe thats because i'm on the North American side of the servers. I bet if I go to the European side there'll be more helpful people there but if i'm in europe I would be less on the computer since Europe is just a nice place :roll:


I bet its 20 bucks now for Starcraft Ghost. Maybe I should get it while its cheap and try it. I like anything with stealth and Ghost in the name. Just some games dont implement them well or the way I want them. I want to actually be hidden and attack when I can. One game came close such as Metal Gear 2 and maybe James Bond Agent Under Fire but cant remember now.

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So Ghostly I see you like homeworld2 :wink: and especially Silent Hunter III, did you know it's made in Romania ?:oops: And published by Ubisoft Romania? Ahhhhhh...... I'm proud to be a romanian :D . But it's working kinda laggy, maybe I have a computer problem or they haven't solved all the requirements issues, anyway I keep my comments for now.
I thought I was going forward, but it turned out I was going backwards.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Anyone bought Starcraft 2 yet? Coz I'd sure love a feedback. So the hotspot of this forum is in the EAW Discussion, the others just seemed to fade away.
I thought I was going forward, but it turned out I was going backwards.
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wahahahahahahaahahahaha........hahahahahahahahahahaha....funny joke hadoken, have you seen WoW? sure it has been one of the best out there but how do there servers fare? not well, the even have a terrible 20 nickname for the 20 worst servers, either down alot or laggy as hell
I've have you now - Lord Vader
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Everquest and everquest 2 sucks :? Even tho world of warcraft has badly graphics and limited character designs its still one of the best :roll:


Why o Why did SWG have to suck crap :cry:


edit: Played Warcraft and saw that creatures from WC3 and WoW are named differently :? Murlocs (WoW) and the "Naja" from WC3. Its a fun game. Isn't the Night Elfs suposed to have male units and have more unit variety ? Been spoiled by WoW.

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hadoken, i have read the reviews,played the game, OWNED the game, played for 6 months and sure its better than most, but that doesnt make it perfect like so many people claim. its servers are plagued with shutdowns,paroblems and lag! i kno it is in every MMO but maybe its just not my cup of tea.
I've have you now - Lord Vader
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