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Starcraft & Warcraft


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It seems to me that everyone on this forum is avoiding real time strategy games, seeing how this topic is all abou rts games :roll: . And I hardly consider Rome Total War an rts game.
I thought I was going forward, but it turned out I was going backwards.
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Are there no starcraft and warcraft fans around, I mean they are classics.

I'd really like to get this topic started. Just as an off theme forum disscusion. :wink:

I thought I was going forward, but it turned out I was going backwards.
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:) i have both games here.

SC is a great Game with a great story but there must be come an second Game. Because what happendet with the good old mother earth when the Zerg will arrive earth? And will i get Kerrigan back to the Side of the Humans. Will Raynor get back his love? All this Question will be answered in Starcraft 2 ETA unknown ^^

Why is English one of the most speaken languages? German is more better, it sounds better and i did unterstandt it ^^ but for you i will spoke english too, not good but you should unterstand me ^^


"Der Preis der Freiheit, ist ewige Wachsamkeit" Col. Blair Herz des Tigers

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Well nice to meet a fellow RTS fan, all I hear on this forum is sw here, sw there, I'm nuts, but hey it is a sw forum :wink: .. Blizzard hasn't released any information on a starcraft 2, but the confusing end is who is the new more powerfull species that threaten the entire galaxy, that's what's really bugging me, and they sure have a way of keeping us in suspens.
I thought I was going forward, but it turned out I was going backwards.
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I still play Starcraft online and every now and then take a run through all of the missions. IMO best RTS game ever. If you read the FAQ forum on their Starcraft:Ghost website they say that sometime in the near future they will be revisiting the StarCraft galaxy. Hopefully, Ghost will come out sooner then later. It going to be at E3 for like the second year in a row. I mean come on. Even Halo 2 didnt this long but then again the ending sucked so hopefully it will be a good game. Anyone here ever play a game called Dark Reign 2?
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Well let's say it's going to come out sooner or later but it's going to be an console game, and i don't like that, they're practicly ignoring us, PC games fans, and that's low. Yeah I did play it but I wasn't exactly a fan, but rather a good vs Ai game, coz the network games kinda sucked, I remmemer we used to barricade ourselves with plasma turets, and then used the artilleries(which had a rather long range, I could shoot from my base to my enemies without even mooving them), or wait(if u where the bad guys) to build about 10 special weapons, I remmember they where cyclons.. plasma.. I don't remmember exactly, and devastate the enemy base. Anyway the balance issues were something that u couldn't take likely, but hey I was a kid then, who knows I could be mystaking. :roll:
I thought I was going forward, but it turned out I was going backwards.
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Lol you are talking about the first Dark Reign. I was referring to the IMO excllent sequel made. Its way cool. Controlled me for a good 2 years untill Warcraft 3 came out. But hopefully StarCraft ghost will live up to the hype :roll:
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I doubt there will ever be a Starcraft 2. The first is old enough now where nostalgia has set in and the second will never be good enough to top the first. Some friends and I still play it at LANs, I usually go Zerg considering thats the only race I've succesfully fended off Protoss Carrier attacks with (go scourge!!!) and almost everyone goes protoss. Here is a tip, if your the only non-protoss player, never ever agree to a "no rush" time over 5 minutes, you'll never win. Or agree and rush anyways in the first minute with zerglings.

Starcraft : Ghost changes more than a politician during an election year, I judge that game after it is been released for a month or two. From what I read in evil avatar, the new developer has completely re-done it from what was first shown, and that isn't nessicarly a good thing.

I've played WCIII: FT five times, and it was some sort of game where you and a few buddies had to fend off wave after wave of baddies. I've never gotten to play the actually game.

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Loooooooooohohohol.... Warcraft's beauty stands in the non-trigger multyplayer games and my opinion those maps ruin the game, I have to tell you that I fell in love with the game from day one, and I've been playing it since, and consourning Starcraft 2... well.. u know Blizzard, they like to ware out all their products before launching another one. 8)
I thought I was going forward, but it turned out I was going backwards.
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  • 3 weeks later...
This is what I'm talking about, I still play this game in fact, but from the beginning I just played player made maps, and only the movie or game based ones, I still play it, see if you can find me under this same name.

aka Edea's Baby Daddy



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Jeese, I'd like to buuuuuuuuuut I have the cracked version of Warcraft so therefore the battlenet is unavailable to me :cry: . To tell you the truth I only played it on battlenet a couple of times.... but I sure appreciate a true fan. As long as u'r on this forum I know how o get in touch with you. :wink:
I thought I was going forward, but it turned out I was going backwards.
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Even I gotta admit Betttlenet screws up a LOT, if you get kicked or leave a game you cant see the game list for what seems like hours.

aka Edea's Baby Daddy



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  • 2 weeks later...
Anything by blizzard=sewage.

Why? coz they only deliver quality games, and the balace issues are at minimum. And they have the coolest way of covering their mistakes, they put out a patch, with which they solve issues and they slip some minor changes to the game to keep the gameplay going for years. :wink: Nice. Go Blizzard !!

I thought I was going forward, but it turned out I was going backwards.
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I like blizzards game its just one I have to pay $40 for a game which is good but gets repetative and has annoying people in it, World of warcraft.


Warcraft 3 battlechest just annoys me since people online dont give a flip about other teammates or mostly noobs or very skilled people. The hero kept on destroying the gameplay on me over since I would spend my time building an army then it be destroyed to a 3 men army then I would have to keep on rebuilding.

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.... dont give a shit about other teammates or mostly noobs or very skilled people. The hero kept on screwing me over since I .....



Pls. all of you - avoid words that may look like "swearing" and any "obscene" contents.


- The Trivium Organization - Community Manager -

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:arrow: Don't worry but just keep an eye on such words. ;)



:arrow: As for your opinion you will have to wait for MyZrael cause now that he is no longer a internet cafee admin he will have to go him self to I cafee's loll - and he will reply kind of slow...not to mention that I gived him the task to do some concept art for a new game that I want to propose at Ubisoft ... so wait for a while :)

- The Trivium Organization - Community Manager -

- Petroglyph Fan Forums - CoAdmin & Human Resources Manager -

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Concept art for a new game ? sweet Cain :roll: Well Starcraft Ghost seems to be a good game but its not on my mind to buy but the word ghost is over used these days. I want a game that actually uses that word properly. No ghost gets themselves killed or killed again :?
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:arrow: Well until I'm fully in - I still have to see their lead departament and the others still don't told me about the cash per month issue question - loll - but when i will go back I want to put on their table two new game design documents to make an impresion on the lead ...and who knows maybe he will like them and send them to the lead producer to take a look- (they are based on Prince of Persia II and Silent Hunter III - tools , engine , AI - not story - the story is new and different )

- The Trivium Organization - Community Manager -

- Petroglyph Fan Forums - CoAdmin & Human Resources Manager -

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very nice, well Cain glad you like it right now :)


Well I still want to see the salary before I fully say I like it ... that will be the final third (3) interview ...

- The Trivium Organization - Community Manager -

- Petroglyph Fan Forums - CoAdmin & Human Resources Manager -

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I've got a great respect for Blizzard. I've been a follower of warcraft since the original, in fact I believe it was one of those games that eased the transition for me between Atari and PC. Though at first a little disappointed by the warcraft 3 'cartoony' look, the gameplay was (and still is) out of the league of many others. Once you get over the lack of realism it is great. I've had many a fun hour into the night battling my housemates here.


Starcraft. I never really got into it until two years ago, and by that point I was facing a community of people who had years of experience. From the brief period I played it I could see why it remained popular. If there's something Blizzard does, it's to get gameplay spot on. How else can you explain the popularity of these two RTS' when others have faded into nothing. As long as it remains to be played in such numbers, Starcraft 2 will always be a possibility.


On another note, I also play Diablo 2. I know it's not RTS, but it help in emphasising the fact that I've never had to complain about blizzard to this date.

"And the moral of the story is: Appreciate what you've got, because basically; I'm fantastic." ~ Holly, Red Dwarf



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