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IRC Server


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  • SWR Staff - Executive

SWRebellion's IRC Services are provided by BlazeIRC Network (www.blazeirc.net)


IRC Server: irc.blazeirc.netrunning Ureal3.2.7 IRCd and IRCServices 5.1.11


Get mIRC here.


Hello gang,


Sorry I haven't checked the forums. Evaders has enough on his plate to have to deal with IRC issues. In the future, please direct any IRC issues to me via email for quickest response - stratus@swrebellion.net.


Here's the scoop on previous issues.


(Connection Issues)

irc.blazeirc.net was pointing to two IPs based on two irc daemons we had running (glacier.blazeirc.net, and subzero.blazeirc.net). When we got glacier up and running, I don't think we bothered with subzero and so it was to remain offline. Since it runs a different IP address, irc.blazeirc.net sometimes routes to subzero's IP, which is not accepting connections. That is why some users are having connection problems. I have removed the round-robin DNS settings for irc.blazeirc.net and it now points strictly to glacier.


(Channel & Nicks Expired)

Channels and nicknames expire automatically after not being used for x amount of days. (I honestly cannot remember). I just logged in and found that my own channels had expired, as I have not been on in a while myself. Fortunately, my nickname (and Evaders) are set for noexpire as I know the two of us have so much on our hands that we can go long enough without getting on IRC that our nicks would expire. I did not anticipate connection errors on main users that caused no one to be in the channels resulting in channel expiration or channel owner nick expiration (which causes the channel to expire also in many cases). I have since protected Uliq's main nick and it will not expire anymore. Please submit noexpire protection requests to me via email and I will be happy to oblige.

Further problems, question, and requests, contact: stratus@swrebellion.net

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Sweet! Thanks for posting Stratus.


I just joined the server. Didn't even realize we had one. I'll chill out there as often as possible. If anyone has Rebellion 2-related questions feel free to join!

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  • SWR Staff - Executive
Just a quick note - IRC Services crashed in an attempt to upgrade. Since most of your nicks were expired anyways, I am going to beta test a new set of services, that will eventually work with SQL - just some settings that need tweaking on our server end. They use XOP levels for channels by default, but they also can use access levels, as you can toggle xop on/off per channel. I have set a global no expire setting for services, meaning that at this time, no channels or nicks will expire while the setting is in effect (as long as we use these services.) So come and idle in the #swrebellion channel and eventually we'll have more uers idling there that everyone will be on and the network will be busy again and be worth my time in getting it going hint hint ;)
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  • SWR Staff - Executive
I decided to go with a new set of services that seem to have more functionality and better stability. We'll be trying these out. Come online and chat with us!
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