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Rebellion 2 Source Release


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Friday, October 17, 2008 Updates:

  • 1. Fixed planet names (which kept it from running off the IDE)
  • 2. Affixed the new loading screen to the game.
  • 3. Sorted out some of the classes and added more comments -- work in progress.
  • 4. Added some music!



To Run:

  • 1. Download the game and extract the file
  • 2. Open the file and go to Reb2/dist/
  • 3. Click on the Reb2.jar file to run!
  • 4. Post if it does not run or a message comes up!



Other Notes:

The game itself is hardly finished. What you will see wont even be the final product. Please keep that in mind when opening the game. It's hardly much more right now than a glorified card game. With a bit of effort from you guys, we can complete this thing and make it far superior to its predecessor!

Edited by DavidAdas
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I was waiting for someone with more knowledge than me to respond. I thank you for you hard and continuous work. :D Since I do not know much about compiling Java, is there a Windows XP (plain old 32 bit) binary EXE? Sorry for my inexperience. I can see that Java is kind of like C language, but maybe browser based? All I know is Visual Basic and C++ more or less.


Edit: OT stuff, sorry.

Edited by Slocket
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Thank you for providing that "demo" of your work. I have downloaded it and wanted to try it, but I dont know how to start that game at all.

Maybe if you can supply an EXE binary then it would be easier to take a peek? :mrgreen:

Maybe you can explain how to start that game, because I feel that there could be lots of others than just Slocket and me who dont know how to handle your program? Thanks in advance.

Who cares at all?! :roll:
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martin@vembloud:~/Downloads/Reb2/dist$ java -jar Reb2.jar
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
       at javax.swing.ImageIcon.<init>(ImageIcon.java:138)
       at rebellion2.game.state.Resources.getImage(Resources.java:104)
       at rebellion2.game.state.Resources.getImages(Resources.java:93)
       at rebellion2.game.state.Resources.initGameMedia(Resources.java:35)
       at rebellion2.game.main.Rebellion2.<init>(Rebellion2.java:23)
       at rebellion2.game.main.Rebellion2.main(Rebellion2.java:32)


Zip files store their contents in a case sensitive way, which is also how Unix-like systems treat filenames (Planet1.png is not the same file as planet1.png). The rest was working fine.

-rebellion2 enthusiast-

Terra Reconstructed

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ok, so java -jar Reb2.jar is the trick within that directory? We do not need the Java runtime stuff? or is it already inclusive? within or the computer installed?


edit: solved. THX

Edited by Slocket
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java -jar [file]


This command actually invokes the JRE on the specified .jar file. You might however have this command associated with the jar files as a default action.


David, perhaps you should consider releasing source and binary build (jar) separately next time (and include some kind of readme so that non-programmers may play your game). So far the archive is twice as big as it could be, because all game artwork is duplicated (/build/classes/rebellion2/* and /dist/Reb2.jar/rebellion2/*).


And I have also few bugs for you:


  • planet info widget opens behind Coruscant (z-ordered)
  • clicking on the personnel tab fires up the planet's pop up menu

-rebellion2 enthusiast-

Terra Reconstructed

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Oh so sorry for the delay in responding :P Midterms and all. I apologize for not giving more instruction here.


First off, the game really isn't meant to be played at the moment. You're all free to try though if you want! Assuming you've unzipped it you just need to go to ../Rebellion2/dist/ and click on Reb2.JAR (the executable inside). There's not much to see yet though.


And Moribundus, I've actually been trying to fix it so that stupid planet wont pop in front of the frame. I have it set to always front but for some blasted reason it wont go. I'll figure out some way around that soon.


The character list will be fixed soon too as well. In fact, give it a week or so and you'll be able to use your main characters to recruit new ones. Or you'll have the option to build on planets finally. Either way, midterms are over and I've got time to waste.

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I must be doing something wrong. I double click on the reb2.jar file as stated, but I do not see the game start up like an EXE does. So I read the readme file, and I try other things.


I can try to run it using "java Reb2.jar" at the cmd line dos prompt and get the above exceptions. Can you please tell me how you got the game demo to work? Sorry if I am missing the obvious. 8O Eagle has the same problem I suspect, and others that may be a bit shy to post. I would really like to see it working.

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Ah ha! Slocket. My sincerest apologies. I had forgot to fix the case-sensitive names in the code. Here in a bit I'll re-upload it for you and we can try it again. Before I do that, though, I'm going to add just a wee bit more life to it. Maybe get the music playing. That way it doesn't seem so.... boring?
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Still haven't managed to post the thing up yet. I've been trying to add the loyalty bar to the bottom of planets so I can finish up with the ownership phase. Making a rectangle should otherwise be the easiest thing to do in Java. But when it comes to coloring it two different colors, suddenly BAM! It's the most difficult task ever. But I know that's pretty much a milestone at that point.


After that it'll be putting planets into sectors. Can't wait for that! That's freaking important.

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  • SWR Staff - Executive
Seems like you would need two rectangles then. Different widths would give you the bar depending on the loyalty scale.


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http://swrebellion.com/images/banners/swcicuserbar.png Administrator


Fighting is terrible, but not as terrible as losing the will to fight.

- SW:Rebellion Network - Evaders Squadron Coding -

The cake is a lie.

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Thank you, Eagle :)


I really appreciate the support. Without it I probably would have given up a while ago.


But I'm still working on it. The bar is such a pain. Having to now disguise part of it has become a huge hassle. I should have that done soon, though. In the meanwhile, I need to set up a much better screen management system ASAP. I just loaded the game on a 20" monitor and realized that my screen adjustments are all preset. That, and I realized I still hate my interface but I can work on that later :P


I will post what I have up here tonight when I get back from work (at 9:00) so be looking for it.

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Yes aragnis we certainly could use help :P I'll post all the things that still need to be done very shortly. And thank you! Hopefully, though, it'll look better with a much neater interface.


But sorry for the delay. Random trip to Canada. College and all. Will get this up soon. I promise. *Sighs*


I never give up though. Best thing about me.

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Alright it was finally posted! (Check the first post of this thread)


Right now there is a lot we need, though.


An interface is needed badly so if you have any background ideas or menu bar ideas or anything you can whip together, we could use it. Coding-wise, I'm working on the planets so I'll be okay there. I could use help with the missions class (equations?), figuring out how to determine resources, organizing the code altogether with comments, the AI, et cetera.


Music is another thing. I whipped up some stuff that'll work I suppose but if you could find a way to create the originals it'd be fantastic!


There's a million things we could use. And if you don't know what to do just list your talents and I'll work with you gladly!

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:P cool! getting there! I type in the CMD dos line java -jar Reb2.jar and it worked. I am as you asked posting that a small message comes up saying malformed data entry in buildings.txt




#**: Number of days per builded object's construction points


Construction Facility, 10,10,3,4,0

Training Center, 10,10,3,4,0

Orbital Shipyard, 30,13,2,4,0

Advanced Construction Facility, 10,10,4,2,2

Advanced Training Center, 10,10,4,2,1

Advanced Orbital Shipyard, 20,20,2,2,4

Mining Facility, 20,0,5,5,0

Refinery 20,0,2,5,0


It could be that a comma is missing after Refinery.

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Wow. Yeah actually. That was exactly it! Thanks Slocket!


Also, the new loyalty bars will be posted soon. Oh and uh yeah. Uh huh. They are awesome.

It makes the game suddenly seem more like the old Rebellion. My ego is kinda here right now *Raises hands*

Get ready for it. Oh yeah!

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Those look fantastic, don't they? Granted, when all is said and done I'd like this to be a Rebellion 2 not a Rebellion remake, so it might be changed. For now, though, they look beautiful! Hopefully, it gives you guys a bit of confidence in me. If not, hopefully it just brings back fond memories :P

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Exactly that picture appears now in a window after starting your new version of that game. But I cant do anything with it. The only button which seems to work at least a bit is that one for the charachters. And when that window opens I only can see the names of all those characters. Cant do anything else. Maybe I did something wrong. If so, than plz fill me in.
Who cares at all?! :roll:
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Well, that's basically all that there is of the interface at the moment :P


There's a significant part of this that is functioning (such as the space combat part I am still working on) it's just not displayed yet. All the game does at the moment is display the icons and all I've created.


Give it a bit of time though. You'll soon be able to build on these and enact missions on targets. Just need to get the display set up.


But if you hear music and you saw a loading screen -- then it's working as planned :D

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The source code is all you need. Check the first post for some instruction :P


Just keep in mind. There's very little functionality. It was posted simply to have it available in case something were to randomly happen to me and I couldn't complete it (so... basically if I die).


I'm working hastily on connecting the code to the interface. I'm hoping to have, by the middle of December to have the core gameplay completely finished by December. That does not include space battles (that'll take some time) but everything such as ship building, missions, et cetera should be ready to go.

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