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The Clone Wars (TV Series)


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  • SWR Staff - Executive

Looks interesting.. though I don't know how exactly they are getting the Hutts involved. Another side of the story perhaps... though if Jabba the Hutt knew Anakin Skywalker, I think he would have had a different reaction to Luke Skywalker in ROTJ maybe?

Also the fact that Jabba made his palace where Anakin and Luke both were raised? Too many coincidences for a backwaters planet like Tatooine


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I find it boring to spin the story around some well known characters. Threepio has been built by Anakin Skywalker, who is Lukes father and Obi Wan´s Padawan, becomes Darth Vader and Luke gets into possesion of Threepio again. So why not a son for Jabba. :roll: Get what I mean?
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from the little you hear about hutt's i wouldn't be suprised if jabba doesn't have a few hundred kids running around the place but he'd most likely keep most of em locked up back on Nal Hutta in his harem along with his dozens of wives and concubines. i dunno they seem very arabic to me for some reason lol
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Also the fact that Jabba made his palace where Anakin and Luke both were raised? Too many coincidences for a backwaters planet like Tatooine

Indeed! Everything evolves around that desert absolutely unimportant planet in the middle of nowhere of the Outer Rim. :?


Wanna know where Vader´s offspring is hidden? Goto Tatooine!

Your in search of a smuggler? Goto Tatooine!

You wanna hire Boba Fett? Goto Tatooine!


Maybe on some day they will tell that also Palpatine has his origins on Tatooine. :roll:

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I would, but I´m too much afraid of GLs anger. Note that Trailer even hasn´t been officially released yet. :?


Could send it by mail if you wish though.

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That trailer was quite good. Am I the only one getting sick of having Duel of the Fates used for every lightsaber battle, though? I know it's a bit much to ask to have John Williams compose all new music for a TV series (even if it's going to be started in theatres), but come on! I know, it's just a trailer, but you know it's going to be used throughout the series as well. Maybe it's just me; I liked the original movie scores than the prequels.


That said, I'm really glad they chose the animation style they have. It's a nice blend between cartoon and CGI.

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I'm looking forward to the series. I'm hoping it's like the Clone Wars cartoon - not very serious, and the plot doesn't exactly follow SW, but fun to watch.

The style is a definite plus in my books. It looks great, and seems to be lending itself to the same "fun" feeling of the Clone Wars cartoons.

Any news on how they're distributing the series? Cartoon Network then DVD again? I have a feeling I'll be waiting a while until I'll see them.




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Am I the only one getting sick of having Duel of the Fates used for every lightsaber battle, though? I know it's a bit much to ask to have John Williams compose all new music for a TV series (even if it's going to be started in theatres), but come on!

A couple of days ago I watched "ET" and "Raiders of the lost Arc". Williams made the music-score for both. I had the feeling that you could mix all these songs together, no matter if you use them for Indi, SW or ET. They are all quite similar.

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Williams has a particular style that he uses, as most composers do, that would make his scores seem similar, however they're certainly not interchangeable. Basically most of Williams' scores involve trumpet fanfares (especially for thematic sequences for male characters), soft flute segments repeated by a more aggressive string repetition of the theme (for female characters) and rolling string phrases punctuated by brass for almost everything else.


I've always felt that this suited the Star Wars films quite nicely, though. Imagine the original trilogy without a score, or scored by someone else; the films would have a much different feel to them. The scores for the new trilogy veered away from this style of music somewhat, or greatly embellished upon it to the point where the familiar feeling of classic Williams was gone. Going back to my original point though, I think that Duel of the Fates is over recycled as you will find it in nearly every trailer for a Star Wars film, video game or product since the release of Episode I. It wasn't even that great of a composition to begin with.


I would like to say that saying Williams' score compositions are essentially interchangeable and that there is little difference between them is a bit unfair. While I'd agree that they are stylistically similar you couldn't use a snipped from Indiana Jones in Star Wars, or any other film that Williams has scored. If you actually listen to the music from those films, without being distracted by the visuals or the audio you'll find that there is much more to each piece than you think. While those differences may not be overtly clear when you watch the films I think on a subconscious level we pick them up

History is on the move, Captain. Those who cannot keep up with it will be left behind, to watch from a distance. And those who stand in our way will not watch at all.

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Those scores I´ve mentioned weren´t such themes like fe "Imperial March" or something similar. I was talking for that music mostly used in scenes which aren´t that dramatic. I´m sorry though I don´t know any particular title I´m lost in giving you any example. But I felt that those themes sounded quite familiar and forwarded the same feeling some similar tracks of the OT do provide.


I agree with that "Duell of the Fates" is overused. Even fantrailers use them all too much as well as the "Imperial March".

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You know, I just noticed the emblem on his armor is the one from the Legacy of the Force. :?






I wonder if theres anything behind that, or if it's just reuse of old artwork.

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  • SWR Staff - Executive

Well how do you think Palpatine had a suit in Anakin's size ready? :)

Makes sense that they would be testing this technology and Vader would be another guinea pig


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- SW:Rebellion Network - Evaders Squadron Coding -

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Well how do you think Palpatine had a suit in Anakin's size ready? :)

Makes sense that they would be testing this technology and Vader would be another guinea pig

I slowly get the feeling that rather you are GL instead of Tex! :mrgreen:

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