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SWR Folding@Home Team


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  • SWR Staff - Executive

Yea the integrated graphics aren't going to do you well for any modern games. But it can play what you want there.


If I did the conversion right (in Google):

109.90 Euros = 169.32 U.S. dollars

That isn't bad.. but you're buying generation old technology. It's probably the cheapest dual core.


I don't know the prices where you are (with VAX and such), but I would prefer an Intel system for that money. And not buy on Ebay.


Tech Report's Econobox



Processor Intel Pentium E2180 $69.99

Motherboard Gigabyte GA-P35-DS3L $89.99

Memory 2GB Kingston DDR2-800 $38.99

Graphics Integrated


Total price - $200 = 129.81 Euros

If you're overclocking to get better performance, Intel blows away the AMD chips.




Underdog11 is really adding points. Score of 13413 with 136 WU and rising!


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Fighting is terrible, but not as terrible as losing the will to fight.

- SW:Rebellion Network - Evaders Squadron Coding -

The cake is a lie.

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  • SWR Staff - Executive

Now Nvidia users can add their video cards to the Folding@home project. We know you're not spending all that time playing games with your video card. Use its processing power for a worthy cause.


Nvidia Folding@home beta client


Requirements: A Nvidia 8000/9000 series card (all those support Cuda which this client uses).

Reports of 8800 GTs that can go up to 4000 PPD (points-per-day), that beats the pants out of all other clients.




I guess this my update for June. Our team score right now is 188203 with 176 WU.

Our team ranking is 4303 of 126821. (Up another 2000!)


If you add your Nvidia card, we can reach our current point value in only 47 days! Another month and a half to double what we've contributed so far. Multiple people contribute, we can easily reduce that by multiple factors. Let's see how far our team can rank up.


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http://swrebellion.com/images/banners/swcicuserbar.png Administrator


Fighting is terrible, but not as terrible as losing the will to fight.

- SW:Rebellion Network - Evaders Squadron Coding -

The cake is a lie.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 months later...
  • SWR Staff - Executive

This is pretty cool



In another month, we can overtake most groups and get to the top 2000.

A year, probably into the top 1000 teams. Of course, the top teams have lots of producers, but even around the 500s, there are many teams we can overtake with sufficient time. It means, on our current trend, we are producing more than they are per day.


http://swrebellion.com/images/banners/rebellionbanner02or6.gif Webmaster

http://swrebellion.com/images/banners/swcicuserbar.png Administrator


Fighting is terrible, but not as terrible as losing the will to fight.

- SW:Rebellion Network - Evaders Squadron Coding -

The cake is a lie.

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  • 5 months later...
  • SWR Staff - Executive

Our team has joined the ranks of the top 1200!

That means... user signatures :)




Join us and help the cause!


http://swrebellion.com/images/banners/rebellionbanner02or6.gif Webmaster

http://swrebellion.com/images/banners/swcicuserbar.png Administrator


Fighting is terrible, but not as terrible as losing the will to fight.

- SW:Rebellion Network - Evaders Squadron Coding -

The cake is a lie.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • SWR Staff - Executive

trailblder hasn't had any posts since 2004... but man is he trying to stay competitive on points. I'm running Core i7 overclocked SMP client + a Nvidia GTX 260 (216 cores) OC as GPU2 client almost 24/7. I only stop it for an hour or two of gaming.

He may just be active on forums of other SWR Network sites.


http://swrebellion.com/images/banners/rebellionbanner02or6.gif Webmaster

http://swrebellion.com/images/banners/swcicuserbar.png Administrator


Fighting is terrible, but not as terrible as losing the will to fight.

- SW:Rebellion Network - Evaders Squadron Coding -

The cake is a lie.

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  • 14 years later...
  • SWR Staff - Executive

I've been removing the pins on some of our old "pinned" topics and locking the ones that no longer have any relevance. This project was something near and dear to one of our principal founding members, and so I just wanted to post the newer link for this project now at: https://foldingathome.org/

(side note: We don't allow references to external websites (except where the community guidelines specifically state) or when specifically authorized by staff. This, of course, was posted by staff and it should go without saying that it was authorized).

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  • Stratus unpinned this topic
  • 1 year later...

يمكن للمكافآت والعروض الترويجية في الكازينو أن تُحسِّن من طريقة لعبك بشكل كبير، ولكن معرفة مكان العثور عليها أمر ضروري. يضمن لك التحقق بانتظام من المصادر الموثوقة ألا تفوتك العروض القيّمة. مكان رائع للبدء هو https://firstarabicnews.net/ للحصول على تحديثات وتوصيات مصممة خصيصاً لتلبية احتياجاتك.

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تشكل الأخبار العالمية فهمنا للشؤون الدولية، من السياسة إلى التغيرات البيئية. من المهم متابعة المصادر الموثوقة للحصول على معلومات دقيقة. للاطلاع على تحديثات شاملة وتعليقات الخبراء، تفضل بزيارة arabian news وابقَ على اطلاع على أكثر القضايا العالمية إلحاحاً.

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يبدو مستقبل المقامرة في مصر واعداً مع توسع الخيارات والتحسينات التنظيمية. ومع نمو السوق، من الضروري البقاء في المقدمة. للحصول على تحديثات ومعلومات شاملة حول مشهد القمار في مصر، قم بزيارة https://gambling-news.org/ للحصول على أخبار ورؤى الخبراء.

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تنبع جاذبية رابونا من طريقة اللعب المثيرة والمكافآت السخية المتاحة للاعبين. توفر هذه المكافآت قيمة مضافة ويمكن أن تعزز تجربتك. للبقاء على اطلاع على أفضل المكافآت والعروض الترويجية، قم بزيارة News للحصول على تحديثات منتظمة حول آخر العروض وأخبار الكازينو.

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تكمن جاذبية الروليت في إثارة المجهول. يعتمد اللاعبون على غرائزهم مع استخدام استراتيجية لزيادة فرصهم إلى أقصى حد. مع  لعبة الروليت مباشر، يمكنك الانغماس في إثارة لعبة الروليت المباشرة وتجربة اللعبة في أفضل حالاتها.

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The Plinko game is a perfect mix of simplicity and excitement. Each chip drop holds the promise of a surprising outcome. For the best experience, approach the plinko game with a balance of fun and mindfulness. Experiment with small bets to understand patterns and keep the fun alive while playing responsibly.

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لأي شخص يبحث عن تجربة مثيرة ومجزية، تقدم كازينو مزيجًا مثاليًا. تقدم المنصة خيارات ألعاب متنوعة تخلق جوًا من الإثارة، حيث يمكنك اختبار حظك ومهاراتك. إنه مكان حيث تلتقي إثارة الألعاب بفرصة الحصول على مكافآت كبيرة.

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