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Thirty days at the time of posting


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that was kind of the point referencing the honors system wasnt it?


well anyway, rushing through them all now is really an unfortunate way to experience the series, there's so much to notice, you have to process the book before you read the next one

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yea if you just wanted a basic idea of the plot. but there's so many correlations and allusions to look at that help you understand the plot. i mean you could spend hours just looking at people's names and seeing how that plays into the plot. some of it is just funny (ernie prang is a bus driver; a prang is a car accident and ernie was JKR's grandfather) but some of it tells you something about the plot or the character's personality (minerva is the roman goddess of wisdom, hermione is a character in one of Shakespeare's plays who is temporarily turned to stone). its a lot to take in, and its a big reason i love the books so much; there's so much to do between books.

And now, for something completely different!


The Care Bear Stare cures cancer now!


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Albus being Latin for white (Adjective), Sirius being the dog star, everyone in the Black family being named for stars, Draco being, as my favorite astronomy book puts it, "The last in a series of rather dim stars," Inferi being the plural of dead in Latin (I think- I remember it had something to do with either the dead or zombies)...


There are so many easter eggs hidden in there that it's hilarious. There are almost so many that it isn't even funny, but Rowling is smart enough to know when to stop. :P


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

Not gone, merely marching far away

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i rather like it. i noticed the hint with fenrir greyback's name in the beginning of HBP and I was pretty proud of myself.

And now, for something completely different!


The Care Bear Stare cures cancer now!


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Duuuuuuuuuubya Tee Eff?


Some of these "spoilers" are really odd. Oh, yes, probably not safe for work... Or if anyone is going to be looking over your shoulder. Or if you're a small kid. In fact, it probably isn't safe for anyone. I wonder why I posted it.


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

Not gone, merely marching far away

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Some of these "spoilers" are really odd. Oh, yes, probably not safe for work... Or if anyone is going to be looking over your shoulder. Or if you're a small kid. In fact, it probably isn't safe for anyone. I wonder why I posted it.

I know the reason. Because it's TOFU!

Chaos, Panic, Disorder, Destruction.....

My work here is done.


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"To BEAK is Divine!"

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The site's down, Bruja. Not my fault. Not unless I'm psychic and don't know it and subconciously wanted to take out the site's server. 8O Which I doubt.



Anybody think there will be new animangi in book seven, or that Fawkes might be one?


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

Not gone, merely marching far away

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Damn, I really hate to double post. :roll: So anyway, in my nerdiness I just spent the better part of three hours or so reading the Wikipedia articles on just about every Harry Potter character and location.


Here's something that I don't know that we've discussed: Godric's Hollow, where Harry's parents were killed, has been confirmed by Rowling to be named for Godric Griffindor. Significant, methinks.


Also, my father figured out why there are seven Weasley children, and I feel rather foolish for not figuring it out- they're named for the Knights of the Round Table- King Arthur, Sir Percivul (Percy), Fredrick (Fred), Guenevire (Ginevra, AKA Ginny), etc. Ron is apparently named for Arthur's spear, "Rhongomynyad" in Welsh legend(Source)


It's been confirmed that Krum will be returning for book seven, as well as that Sirius's motorbike from book one will reappear. In an interview she said: "you will find out [where the bike is], but the real sleuths among you might be able to guess."


I say it's at Number 12 Grimmauld Place, personally, or else Hagrid still has it.


Here's a great interview with Rowling from some Potter fanatics.


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

Not gone, merely marching far away

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I can't believe that I did not catch the Knights reference. That's pretty cool.



Seeing how there are so many Pottheads (Harry Potter fans) here in the forums, I think we should move this discussion to a new topic, which will be all about spoilers and whatnot, so one would not read or post in there until they either read the final book, or just say "to hell with it" and want the spoilers for themselves.

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