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[Tales of] The New Sith Order (Redux)


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Six Tie Defenders streaked out of the tunnel that lead to the asteroid base hangers. The last one slowed then turned to fire a torpedo back into the cave mouth.

Face keyed the com. "Hurry up Kell, let's blow this thing and go home."

"Right with you One. Detonation in thirty seconds... Mark."


The half squadron of tie craft sped around the outer surface of the Asteroid until they were above the out system facing side. Below them previously concealed Turbolasers began to appear and take aim.

"We got Turbo's poppin' up!" Shouted Def.

"Go evasive." Calmly replied Face. He pulled away from the other fighters in the group so that there was room to jink and put laser power into the engines.


Bright green Turbolaser bolts flashed out from the base, some passing close enough to momentarily blind his sensors. Kell's fighter, farther back than the others took a nearly direct hit. The Defender spun away trailing a thin debris cloud.

"Five you ok?"

"Fine lead, the shields on these things are pretty tough. Lost half my cannon and some of my repulsors though."


A flash from behind them forestalled any further comments. A fireball erupted from the base entrance and the Turbolasers stopped firing. A large section on the 'North' side of the asteroid caved in on itself before another explosion hurled debris into space.


"That's one base down. Let's find Red group."

"Already got them on sensors Lead." Said Myn "Looks like they're tangling with about ten squadrons of Ties."


"Castin plot us a microjump to their location."

"Got one ready sir," said the human from Coruscant. He was sounding more cheerful than normal, almost as if holding in laughter at some inside joke.


"Start countdown. Ten seconds to jump, mark."




Corran and his wingman finally managed to punch through the shields on one of the Tri-Avengers. The Tie pilot tried to roll out but a dual fire burst caught one of it's Ion engines. That side of the fighter exploded sending the main body spiralling off into deep space. On the other side of the engagement the two Bothan aces took out another of the new Ties when Vri'syk lead it straight into Sei'lar's gun sights. Meanwhile the less experienced X-wing pilots were busy holding the Tie Interceptors at bay long enough for the older pilots to tackle the Brights.


Corran glanced down at the dwindling timer Whistler had posted on his display indicating the time until the second Imperial Tie wave arrived.

Thirty seconds.


"Everyone get ready for the next wave of Ties. Stay alert."


Farther back toward their hyperspace exit the Fastblast herded the cloud of Interceptors duelling with it's escort toward the main fight. The ship's Captain seemed to think he was invulnerable to starfighter attacks with Quad lasers augmenting the four Turbolasers. Either way, the Ties refused to willingly go near the freighter which was starting to pick up speed.


"Hyperspace entry detected." reported the Fastblast's sensor operator. "A half squadron of Tie Defenders just reverted near the back of the second Tie wing."




"Castin you idiot." Muttered Face under his breath as he realised where they were.

"This is perfect!" shouted Kyp. "Wraiths follow me in I've done this before."

Not waiting to see if the others followed suit the Jedi kicked his Defender's engines to full power and fast began overtaking the other Ties. Castin and Def followed soon after.

Face swore.

"Kell, Myn, lets bring up the rear and cover them."


As Kyp was about to pass a formation of Interceptors he changed course and fired two torpedoes into their midst. The flight leader sensing the weapons lock started to turn but was too late. The double explosion tore through half the squadron sending the survivors banking off in different directions.

The three Defenders with Kyp still in the lead punched through another Tie squadron from behind, firing lasers and Ion cannons.

A third Interceptor squadron broke formations and came back around to target the Defenders. The Jedi slowed enough for Face's group to catch up and all six fighters went head-to-head with the Imperial squadron. With the heavy shields in place the Interceptors didn't stand a chance. Most, realising this, juked and dived until they past the traitor starfighters then tried for deflection shots.


Up ahead a squadron of X-wings had extricated themselves from combat long enough to go head-to-head with the shielded Tie Lancers. Unlike other tie craft Lancers weren’t that maneuverable, instead relying more on their shields. Most of them survived the pass as the XJ's simply dodged past them to shoot at the Interceptors they were forming a shield wall for. The remaining Interceptors went evasive as the X-wings the Defenders traded targets, the XJ's going after the wounded Tie squadrons as the Wraiths pounded the weakened Lancers. It didn't take long for the Imperial Commander to realise that things were not going to get better any time soon.


The Imperial squadrons started to turn and run. The handful of advanced starfighters remaining held on long enough for the Interceptors to begin their withdrawal then joined them.

"We've got them on the run!" shouted Kyp over the com. "Lets finish them off."


"Belay that." Replied Corran then switched to all ship frequency. "All Alliance personnel pull back to the hyperspace entry point. Fastblast begin recovery of fighters."


Kyp contacted Corran on a private channel. "Corran we can beat these Imps. We can take out all of the remaining bases in this system."


"What about the losses Kyp? We set this mission up to tackle one base, perhaps two at the most. We're not wasting any more trained people on something with no strategic value to our upcoming fight."


"You're making a mistake leaving them behind."


"Take it up with Kre'fey when we get back." With that the Corellian set his com back to fleet.


"This is the Fastblast transmitting co-ordinates for first jump. Topside docking hatches have been cleared for Wraith five and Red twelve. We'll jump once they're secure."


Through the Force Corran could feel Kyp simmering in anger. The younger man was going to become dangerous if he let any more of the darkside in.



Edited by Defender_16
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Well at least you left some of us alive Defender lol. - Grand Moff Conway


They did however eliminate nearly all of the Hyperspace capable Imperial fighters in the system. There's still something like six Tie squadrons there but force projection into other systems is practically nil. The navy would have to station ships out there to threaten nearby systems now.


And the new XJ's seem to be working out.


On a side note I beat Shadow of the Colossus today so slightly more rapid writing.

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I'm not cheating. If I was cheating this would have happened:


[didn't really happen] Raging at Corran's choice Kyp opened himself more fully to the force than he ever had before. Reaching out he felt the life forms inside the two remaining asteroid bases and the flow of energy that had to be their reactors. Reaching out he closed his hand arround one of the reactors and the life signs inside the base were suddenly snuffed out. Opening his eyes he saw one of the asteroids explode sending chunks flying off in all directions. The smaller debris pelted the Tie Interceptor squadrons and most winked out in what appeared to be tiny ball explosions.


A larger piece of debris struck the other smaller base cracking the protective rock and venting the base atmosphere. The life of those on the remaining base started to fade as their life support systems failed. The Rebel force jumped to hyperspace leaving the surviving tie pilots to slowly die in the depths of space. [/dramatic parody] [/didn't really happen]


But that didn't happen so I'm not really cheating. :twisted::roll:

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I'm not cheating. If I was cheating this would have happened:


[didn't really happen] Raging at Corran's choice Kyp opened himself more fully to the force than he ever had before. Reaching out he felt the life forms inside the two remaining asteroid bases and the flow of energy that had to be their reactors. Reaching out he closed his hand arround one of the reactors and the life signs inside the base were suddenly snuffed out. Opening his eyes he saw one of the asteroids explode sending chunks flying off in all directions. The smaller debris pelted the Tie Interceptor squadrons and most winked out in what appeared to be tiny ball explosions.


A larger piece of debris struck the other smaller base cracking the protective rock and venting the base atmosphere. The life of those on the remaining base started to fade as their life support systems failed. The Rebel force jumped to hyperspace leaving the surviving tie pilots to slowly die in the depths of space. [/dramatic parody] [/didn't really happen]


But that didn't happen so I'm not really cheating. :twisted::roll:


Or, how about this ...


[didn't really happen] Raging at Corran's choice Kyp opened himself more fully to the force than he ever had before. Reaching out he felt the life forms inside the two remaining asteroid bases and the flow of energy that had to be their reactors. Reaching out he closed his hand arround one of the reactors and the life signs inside the base were suddenly snuffed out. Opening his eyes he saw one of the asteroids explode excessively, vaporizing it. The large stockpile of ammunition and explosives on the base simultaneously detonated within milliseconds of the base reactor, exponentially increasing the destructive force.


The explosive shockwave shattered all the asteroids in the vicinity, including the other Imperial base and all Tie craft returning from the battle. Multiple sized fragments of asteroid debris hurled at amazing speeds in all directions. Many fragments near hypervelocity shredded through the fleeing Rebel forces. Most of the older fighters took severe damage, while any that had previous battle damage simply ceased to exist.


A larger piece of debris struck the Fastblast cracking the ship in two like a large egg. Atomsphere vented from the open sections of the interior, as power failed throughout the ship leaving a cold dead testament of the supposedly "victorious" rebels. The life of those on board started to fade as life support systems failed.


Kyp was dazed at what just happened. One moment he was a hero of the Rebellion defeating Imperial tyranny; now he had inadvertantly killed most of his comrades.


Corran was the first to speak, "Kyp what on the Emperor's black bones did you just do?". The previous rebel victory turned surreal. "Kyp, take your fighter and go. Never contact us again, ever. If we want your help ...". Corran couldn't finish his thought. "All hyperspace capable craft prepare to jump; everybody else ... hang loose until we can return with help. May the Force be with you." For he knew the chances of help arriving, or them surviving were close to null.


The Rebel force jumped to hyperspace leaving the surviving pilots to slowly die in the depths of space. Kyp stayed behind not knowing what to do, or even where to go.[/dramatic parody] [/didn't really happen]


I didn't cheat either; I just "toned down" the GGMW polish :lol:


It was still a good post Def :wink: . I'm sure eventually the Rebs will get what's coming to them :D

Finally, after years of hard work I am the Supreme Sith Warlord! Muwhahahaha!! What?? What do you mean "there's only two of us"?
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Meh, they were just pirates anyways. You would have killed off some of my 'humanoid shields.' :roll::lol::twisted:


Decided to go with a short post since I still havn't been getting much writing done lately. (Stupid shifts... even more stupid Shadow of the Colossus. Why do you have to be such an addictive game?! )





The heavy transport 'Deep Darkness' reverted to hyperspace near the transition point to the Rebel Fleet. When the returning X-wing units exited the cargo bay however they saw that the Rebel fleet had emerged from the Nebula. Shuttles and repair vehicles flew from ship to ship, moving supplies and preparing to head out. Though only around twenty of the ships in the fleet had originally been built for combat, half of those were light cruisers or small Destroyers.


Corran keyed his com unit. "Horn to Defiance, where do you want my squadrons landing?"

There was a moment of com silence and then Kre'fey came on the line. "Horn, we've cleared room on the Defiance for you. I want you aboard ASAP. After that split up your X-wing pilots into three groups. Try to create a balance of experience between the groups. I'll be hosting a major briefing in two hours, I expect you to be there."


"Acknowledged," replied Corran, then he changed frequencies. "Ok Red group, head in to the Defiance and land. Fastblast crew thanks for the help. If you hand around I'm getting the feeling you might be able to secure another few operations."


"Thanks Horn. We'll wait around and see what's happening. We only lost a couple of fighters on that raid."




Kre'fey look around the room at the assembled ship captains and veteran squadron leaders.

"We find ourselves here yet again. Throwing ourselves against the Empire in a bid for survival. The last time we tried this we lost most of our fleet. Five Vic's... an Impstar... and nearly thirty Katana Dreadnaughts, not counting our corvette losses."

Many of those gathered nodded grimly.


"This time we have to hope the skill of the survivors will be enough. We have surprise on our side, with the majority of hypercom communications through the rim damaged we stand a chance. If we can strike hard and fast enough the local populations previously held under the Empire's boot will be enough to keep up afloat. We have allies looking into getting us more ships, but troops and facilities we'll find in Bothan space.


We'll be splitting the fleet up into three groups which will make their way to Bothan space. Group Three will form up around the MC-90 Defiance, Group Two around the Galactic Voyager, and Group One around the Ralroost. Each will be accompanied by one of our three remaining Victory Destroyers and a mix of support craft. All will be joined by additional regional Rebel cells while on route."

As the Bothan Admiral talked each of the planets mentioned started to light up in turn.


"The fleets will start from near Rylolth, Kowak and Gamorr. If you think you can take out Imperial forces on your way to Bothan Space without serious casualties attempt to do so. Remember though, we need enough forces left at the end of our journey to deal with the Imperial occupation force.


We hope that the Smugglers Alliance will be able to send additional support perhaps even their Carrier but we don't know for sure. Iblis is moving and will be crushed by Imperial Response fleets if we don't begin now. We can only hope that our fight will give our allies time."


Someone in the back waved a hand in the air. "What about the Hutts?"


"We don't know precisely what the Hutts are doing at the moment but some of our suppliers have been able to acquire weapons through them recently. Both of our MC-90's have a full combat load of Torpedoes now, along with enough for some of our fighter squadrons. Either way the Hutts won't have any major impact on events in our area for some time."


Corran raised a hand. "Starfighter availability? We're bound to take losses forcing out the occupation force."


"We've planned accordingly. We have supplies of starfighter grade shield generators suitable for Tie Starfighters. We should have enough time to refit captured vehicles before any major counter attack arrives."


Horn nodded but still seemed slightly uncertain.


"Also, our techs have informed me that they can now convert any standard SFS production line to produce the new XJ X-wing starfighter. Obviously we won't be able to build them as fast as Ties but it's something."


Kre'fey noticed Kyp standing near the back of the room. "Jedi Durron, will you be accompanying the fleet?"


Kyp folded his arms. "You're going to need all the help you can get. Put me in one of these new X-wings like you promised and we have a deal."


"Done. I'd like yourself, Octa Ramis and Colonel Horn to all station yourselves aboard the Ralroost. Everyone, we jump in five hours. Finish what preparations you need to and get to your ships."



Edited by Defender_16
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Needed a break in the Rebel action, and not just because all of you preferr the Empire.





Jag leaned back in his chair in the Ardent's briefing lounge. One of the new pilots they'd brought aboard at Agamar had setup a holo projector to play a holo docudrama. 'The Death Star of Yavin' wasn't exactly the newest material ever seen but the pilots needed a break from the combat and simulator runs.


The main fleet under Admiral Burgan returned to Agamar to re-supply before dispersing to create a skirmishing line. Ships and supplies were starting to trickle in from the Core regions already but it would still be another couple of weeks before a Sovereign class fleet arrived. Once the Super laser bearing Super Star Destroyer and it's support fleet arrived in the area Jag doubted even these Vong would stand a chance.


Admiral Dorja had come back aboard at Agamar having been promoted. The Ardent was headed to a staging point on the Hydian Way along with the Victory Destroyer and two Interdictors that had joined them. Upon arrival they were to meet with a mobile refit platform and a rapid response fleet. The plan was to leave an Interdictor on the Hyperspace lane at the border between the Mid and Outer rim then continue. Another would be left on the lane closest to Dathomir and the last Interdictor would accompany the remaining fleet.


While in transit, and when they arrived and began repairs, Jag and the remaining original pilots had to train the replacements. Under normal conditions this wouldn't have been a problem. Any pilot that graduated from training had to have a minimum level of proficiency. Unfortunately the tactics needed for fighting the Vong tended to vary substantially from those taught to new pilots. The new people would have been quite capable fighting Rebels or Pirates... but not the Vong.


Jag shook his head and paged through the inventory on his datapad again. The refit platform was supposed to be supplying them with starfighters for the new pilots when they arrived. The Admiral had been clear that he wanted to get as many advanced craft aboard as possible but few were available. There were enough parts waiting for them to rebuild the Gauntlet squadron as well as the remains of the Tie Avenger unit. A full squadron of new Starwing Assault Gunboats were going to be transferred to the fleet, but other than a few Tie Hunters and Bombers everything else were Interceptors. Older models Interceptors at that.


Jag looked up in time to catch Tarkin starting his assault on the Rebel Death Star at Yavin. Older ships like Victory Destroyers and Dreadnaughts escorted a wedge formation of newer Imperial class Destroyers. The Imperial fleet fought their way to the docking stations and landing bays in the equatorial trench, the entire time taking heavy Turbolaser fire.


Crack Stormtrooper teams blasted their way through the Rebel skeleton crew that manned the station, some using suicide tactics to slow them down. The badly damaged Devastator docked before long and Tarkin himself along with Darth Vader were soon aboard. The two Imperial figureheads and a small groups of Imperial Guard reached the station's command center. General Jan Dodonna directed a last message to the remaining Rebel squadrons stationed on the nearby moon. They had to destroy the station by firing into it's reactor exhaust ports.


An old grey haired Jedi of the Old Republic faced off against Vader giving the Rebel General time to give his last orders. "We meet again Obi-wan the last time we saw each other you were the teacher, now I am the master."


"Only a master of evil Darth. It's not too late, renounce the Emperor."


The Dark Lord pointed his red lightsaber at the older man.

"You would see the Empire brought to it's knees old man? Civilization would crumble and the legions of Alien races would throw down humans to be trampled underfoot. No, that I will not allow to happen."


The two fought, lightsaber's hissing and cracking as they struck, but Vader was too powerful for the old man to beat. Finally Kenobi's lightsaber was knocked out of his hand.

"If you strike me down I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine."


Vader hesitated and in that moment the old Jedi pulled his lightsaber back to his hand with a flick. But Vader was faster, before the other lightsaber could activate the red energy blade sliced clean through Kenobi. Suddenly the clothing the old man had worn was empty and the rags dropped to the floor.

Before the Imperial Guards could move in Dodonna shot himself in the head.


Officers and more troopers rushed into the room and began manning stations. Tarkin moved to the main display and activated the view screen.

"Find out where that last transmission went."


Vader approached. "This day has seen the end of Kenobi, it may very well see the end of the Rebellion as well."


"You could be right," agreed the Grand Moff. "If the Rebel base is nearby we could finish them off with one swift stroke."


The next few scenes that followed concerned bringing more Imperial troops aboard and manning the stations many guns. The Tie squadrons consisting of many early model craft were badly depleted from the attack on the station.


"Sir, we have them." Reported one of the officers. "Fleet elements have detected Rebel starfighters launching from the fourth moon."


Tarkin found the operations officer. "The asteroid processor that the Rebels turned into a weapon, can we use it?"


"Yes sir. We'll need line of sight though."

"Get us underway."


The main display changed to show where the moon was hidden behind the gas giant Yavin.

"Orbiting the planet at maximum velocity. The Rebel base on the fourth moon will be in range in... fifteen minutes."


"Rebel starfighters approaching, some of them are X-wing class."


Vader stepped closer to Tarkin for a moment. "With all of our cruisers damaged we'll have to engage them ship to ship."


The Dark Lord stormed from the command center and towards the landing bays.

Jag picked up some of the small specialty foods that were being passed by and put his datapad away to watch the rest of the holo vid.



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Excellent plot swap Def! :D


Are you going to destroy Yavin IV? Remember, Exar Kun and all of the Sith history there! :o

Finally, after years of hard work I am the Supreme Sith Warlord! Muwhahahaha!! What?? What do you mean "there's only two of us"?
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Blarg. This thing seemed to take all day to write, edit and spell check. Glad I have that waste of a 2004 DVD to use to review the attack on the DS. Would have been hard on my VHS tape.




A few techs and even a pair of Stormtroopers that had been nearby looked in through the open doors to the briefing room to watch the climactic starfighter battle.


The Rebel X-wing and Y-wing starfighters approached the Death Star.

"Lock S-foils to attack position," commed the squadrom leader. "Accelerate to attack speed."

The rebel starfighters closed to the surface and began to attack the few Turbolasers that had already been manned by Imperial crews.


Deep in the command center an aid rushed over to Tarkin. "Sir, the Rebel fighters, they're so small that they're evading the turbolasers."


"Lord Vader will handle the threat posed by the Rebel fighters." He looked over the officer at the wepons console. "Time?"

"The Rebel base will be in range in ten minutes."


The scene changed to show Tie starfighters screaming out from the docking bays where the Imperial fleet had landed. In the lead was Darth Vader's Tie Advanced.


Some of the Rebel fighters turned and attacked the Tie craft as they came in while a flight of Y-wings dove down towards one of the surface trenches. Vader, seeing where they were headed ignored the other fighters and dived down into the trench after them. Up above the Rebel Ace pilots battled the tie fighter cloud.


"Careful if you get one on your tail."

"I can't shake him!"

A pair of ties shot down one of the X-wings but before they could move on to another target the Rebel Ace pilot Biggs Darklighter blasted both of them. The famous actor Tetran Cowal gave an evil looking grin as he blased another tie out of space.

"Cover me Porkins"

"Right with you red Three."


The two fighters strafed another group of surface batteries just as gunnery crews were starting to man them.


The Y-wings began to close with their target.

"The exhaust port is marked and locked in."


Imperial gunnery crews had already mannaged to take control of the turbolaser turrets in the area and they turned the heavy guns on the starfighters.


"Switch all power to front deflector screens. Repeat switch all power to front deflector screens."


"How many guns do you think Gold Five?"

"I'd say arround twenty guns, some on the surface, some on the towers."


Back in the command center the count down continued. "The Rebel base will be in firing range in five minutes."


"Switch to- targeting computer." said Gold leader.

"Computer's locked, getting a signal."

The bright green turbolaser bolts stopped flashing.


"The guns they've stopped."

"Stabilize your rear deflectors, watch for enemy fighters."


Gold leader nervously looked over his shoulder. "They're coming in... three marks at two ten!"



"I'll take them myself," instructed Lord Vader to his wingmen. "Cover me."

"Yes sir."


A Y-wing starfighter appeared in the heads up display and black bloves closed arround the trigger.

One of the Rebel fighters exploded immediately in the way only a holodrama could cause.


"It's no good I can't manuver!" argued Gold leader.

"Stay on target."

"They're too close!"

"Stay on target."


Gold leader began to panic. "Loosen up!"

Then his fighter exploded.


"Gold five to Red leader, lost Tyre, lost Toch."


The main viewer showed to the moon of Yavin four starting to near the horizon. "Rebel base three minutes and closing."

"We've alanysed their attack sir and there is a danger. Shall I have a ship standing by?"

"Evacuate?" Scoffed Tarkin. "After what we've spent to take this station? I think you over estimate their chances."


"Rebel gunship detected headed toward the tie fighter engagement."


The scene went back to the Rebels.

"Ok red boys listen up, I'll lead my group in, Red three you take your group and hold up here."


"We'll keep an eye out for any fighters headed towards you." Responded Biggs.


"This is it." Shouted Red leader.

Just as with the Y-wings they suffered through several seconds of Turbolaser fire at first.

"Keep an eye open for those fighters."


"There's too much interferance. Red three can you see them from where you are?"


"No sign of any- wait they're coing in at point three five."

"I see them."

Vader's Tie came flashing in towards the rebel attack group.


"I'm in range. Target coming up... Just hold them off for a few seconds."


"Close up formation," directed Vader to his wingmen.


"Almost there." Sweat beaded on red leader's face.


One of the X-wings exploded under the Dark Lord's guns.

"I'm a little loose they're right behind me."


"Almost... there."


"I can't hold them!" Laser fire burned through the back of the Rebel's cockpit.



Red leader kept his attention focused until the targeting computer gave out a

'Beep!Beep!Beep!' noise.


"Hits away!"


the X-wing pilot pulled up as his Torpedoes detonated.


"It's a hit?!" Asked Biggs over the com.


"Negative. Negative, didn't go in. Just impacted on the surface."


"Red leader you've picked up a tail."

"Get set up for your attack run, I'll try to pull him away."


Before long Red leader crashed to the station surface in a ball of flame.


"We're going in full throttle, hopefully we'll be able to pull out in time."

"This is Narra, most of the other tie fighters are either downed or retreated. I'll hang back and cover you red flight."


"The rest of us will stay back far enough to give you time Biggs," copied the heavy set man.


All of the fighters shook from teh Tubolaser barrage.

Wedge, the youngest pilot called in. "My scope shows the tower but I can't see the exhaust port. Be sure the computer can hit it."


"Here comes the fighters. I-I can't shake them boys."

The older man's fighter exploded under Lord Vader's guns.


Wedge was the next one to take fire. "I'm hit, I can't stay with you.


"Get clear Wedge, you can't cover me with a busted engine," replied Cowal's character.



Vader called to his wingmen before they could break off. "Let him go, I have the leader."

The dramatic music picked up in pace as the Rebels were reduced to just the last two fighters.


"Biggs they're coming in a lot faster this time, I can't hold them back."

"Hang in back there buddy."


"Wait! I think I can hold them for- no!"

Jek Porkin's X-wing blew up.


"Rebel base in range." Said the nameless officer.

Tarkin kept his gaze steady on the display screen "You may fire when ready."

"Commence primary ignition."


Vader closed in of the last fighter as Biggs weaved back and forth to make him a harder target. Finally a target lock sounded. "I have you now."

"Sir! Rebel gunship!" Yelled one of the other Tie pilots.


"What?!" Yelled Vader.


A laser bolt struck one of the other ties and the Dark Lord was forced to pull out of the trench to avoid the rest of the fire. A YT-1300 flew in from the direction of the system's star, Lasers firing from a pair of laser turrets.


"You're all clear kid now let's blow this thing and go home."

Darklighter got a target lock and fired torpedoes. Both entered the station's exhaust port and half of the people gathered in the briefing room inhaled.


The Rebel fighters fled from the station as fast as they could.


The scene went to Vader, looking at the exhaust port and a voice seemed to filter into his head. A voice that could only be the Emperor himself.

The words were indistinct and couldn't be made out but Vader understood them. He reached out a hand toward the opening in the station and began to close his hand as he was known to do when killing Navy officers that had failed not only himself by the Empire in general.


There was a small flash from the port opening and then a giant flame was pouring out into space. Vader turned his fighter away and flead to a safe distance. More and larger explosions began to throw debris out of a rapidly widening hole in the north side of the Death Star. One especially large explosion sent a visable shockwave traveling out from the hole through the Station's outer hull and armour.


A fireball poured out of one of the superlaser emitters as the green beams started to coalesce. The Lasers flashed to full brightness for only a moment and then went out. A portion of the beam hit the surface of Yavin four causing an explosion, but nothing like one necessary to destroy a planet.


Flame and melted durasteel continued to stream into space from the huge hole in the station for several minutes before fading away.


In the station command center Tarkin picked himself up off the floor. "Perhaps we didn't quite overestimate their chances."


An aid was soon at the Grand Moff's side. "Are you injured sir?"

"Not badly, no. Recall some stormtroopers and send them down to secure the planet. Send our least damaged ships to escort them."


Vader watched the Rebels flee.

Darklighter broadcast on a wideband to be sure Vader heard him. "I'll get you next time Vader! The next time we meet things will be diffrient!"



Edited by Defender_16
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"This is Captain Nalgol aboard the Tyrannic to all Imperial forces in the system. Begin withdraw and regroup at Bothawui. Repeat, pull back to Bothawui."


A pair of Mark two Imperial class Star Destroyers began to turn away from the fighting near Kothlis. A Rebel fleet had been pushing in towards the planet for nearly a full day. A Victory Destroyer Upgrade had already been lost when a large number of uglies had cut off the ship from support. The Imperial fleet might have been able to crack the tight formation of Rebel capital ships if it wasn't for the blasted fighters.


As the fleet prepared to jump the surviving tie craft swarmed aboard. Less than half of the Tie squadrons that had been defending the system at the start of the day survived. Shielded vehicles like Assault Gunboats and Skiprays had become priority targets for the Rebels. The Interceptor pilots were good, but few had seen combat in the past two years.


"Fleet transitioning to hyperspace."

The stars in the forward viewports elongated into the swirling maelstrom that was hyperspace. Nalgol had to figure out how he would explain this defeat to his superior.




Tyrannic reverted to realspace at the edges of the Bothan home system.

"Com, put us in contact with the fleet command base. Inform them that Kothlis has been taken by Rebel forces."

"Aye sir."


They didn't have to wait long for a response. "Sir, Admiral Vanton on the com."

"Put it through to the forward station."


The hologram flickered then resolved itself into the balding head of Admiral Vanton. The older man started in without preamble.

"Report Captain."


"A Rebel force has completely overwhelmed the garrison at Kothlis. They're using some new variation of X-wing starfighter. It's tougher, faster and more maneuverable, our starfighters can't make up for the diffidence."


"What else will they throw at us?" The Admiral grumbled half under his breath. "Other parts of the sector were hit with Y-wings and other slow fighters outfitted as gunships. I need to know, did they use many torpedoes or missiles against your group?"


"No sir. They either were holding them in reserve or just didn't have many."


"Did their capital ships close to range with yours at any point?"


"Only when each of our heavier ships were cut off, when that happened their two heaviest ships closed in. They had a flight of Tie Defenders and a full squadron of the new X-wings escorting the pair of ships at all times. The majority of their starfighter force was made up of uglies though."


The Admiral nodded.

"Captain the entire sector is being overtaken. With holocom communications being as troublesome as they are, keeping track of Rebel attacks is becoming impossible. We'll try to force them into an engagement at Bothawui but we'll be prepared to pull back to worlds closer to the Corellian Run. It could take us a couple of months to stamp out these damn Rebels."


"Understood sir. I'll bring the remainder of my fleet group into orbit around Bothawui."


"I'm going to begin transferring some of our personnel off of the planet. If the Rebels do come I don't want our people killed on the ground. I'm transferring my flag to my command frigate so I may be out of contact while gear is moved. I'm placing you as second in command Captain."


"What about Rear Admiral Harshing?"

"He's dead. His group was hit by an MC-90 and some sort of big Pirate ship. Vanton out."


The Destroyer Captain from Kuat thought things over. He'd always aspired to becoming an Admiral in command of his own fleet, not just a system defence force. With the Rear Admiral out of the way he could soon be given command of the entire sector fleet. Now he just had to make sure enough of the fleet survived to allow his ambitions room. Tyrannic was a powerful ship but he was well aware of her limitations.


"Com direct the fleet that we're to make for orbit of Bothawui. Helm put us in a standard Orbit."



A day after the fall of the Kothlis system three Rebel fleets emerged from Hyperspace and began their cruise in towards the Bothan Homeworld.

Kre'fey looking slightly more dishevelled than he had a week before hand looked out the viewport.

"Status of the Imperial fleet?"


"Five Imperial class Star Destroyers in orbit and two Victory class ships headed in system towards their position. We have signs of transports and light capital ships leaving the ground."


"Are they pulling out?" the Bothan asked Corran who had come up from the starfighter bay.

The Corellian looked over some of the displays.


"If they are evacuating we need to hit those ships before they jump. They'll just be troops ready to drop on us again when they return with a larger fleet."


"Agreed. Helm plot a jump to take the fleet in to the edge of the planetary gravity well."


"Booster isn't here yet." Horn reminded him.


"That smuggler believes in dramatic timing, he'll show up eventually. Launch hyperspace capable fighters, we're going in. Horn, get down to the launch bay."



Edited by Defender_16
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Blast it! Owning the galaxy and all, how the did the Imperial military end up so blasted underfunded?


[And under-abled, but we won't go there. These Rebel uglies fight like Rogue and the other elite squadrons of the real NR, and they are neither elite nor all in top-of-the-line fighters.]

Sovereign ProtAKtor of the BEAK Imperium.


1 Corinthians 16:14 " Your every act should be done with love."

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I am aware of the difficulties. The Rebels did take losses just not in any large quantites that would be worth noting at this time. Perhaps I'll throw in an update report on Kre'fey reviewing casulties and vehicle losses, but they'll once again be insignicant to what's coming up.

I appreciate that you guys don't like GGMW but the Rebels need to survive long enough for a power base to form, establishing them as a true threat to the Empire.


The Empire is a long way from defeated in general. The rebels just forced off or destroyed some ships that had been assigned to hold the Bothan control sector. Next post to follow for tomorrow already written.


Now planning Imperial counter response.

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Ok, I'll refrain from aiming the superlaser until after its up. Just a warning, though: don't go out your front door unless you like concussion grenades up close and personal. One of my AT-ST drivers is a tad over-zealous. ;)

Sovereign ProtAKtor of the BEAK Imperium.


1 Corinthians 16:14 " Your every act should be done with love."

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*Looks at next post* :? ?

*Looks at previous post* 8O


Uh... You guys were complaining about just that little skirmish?! I thought you were complaining about THIS POST.

*Points below*


+ + +


"Hyperspace reversions detected... it's the entire Rebel fleet!"


"Launch fighters and raise shields! Get me numbers and types of enemy ships!"


"Uh..." The sensor officer cleared his throat then continued. "Yes sir. Six squadrons of X-wing starfighters, more than half of them are of the newer variant, six squadrons of Twilek Deathseeds, four A-wing squadrons, and about fifteen squadrons of Uglies. Two Mon Cal Heavies, a Bothan Assault Carrier, Five Katana Dreadnaughts, about a dozen corvette class ships and three Victory Destroyers. There are also a few bulk cruisers and an Assault Frigate jumping in at the edges of the system."


The numbers were far too close even if the rebels hadn't been augmenting their forces with new fighters. "Where's the Admiral?"


"His command Frigate is still in orbit sir, the command staff are shuttling equipment aboard."


"Is the surface still secure?"


"No sir, we're starting to get reports of rioting. Word of Kothlis being taken apparently leaked."


"Send a message to the Admiral's command ship; we break orbit in five minutes. We can hold the Rebels off that long before we endanger our ability to retreat."


More than twenty squadrons of Tie series starfighters rushed toward the on coming wave of rebel fighters. The leading A-wings and faster Uglies crashed into them starting the looping dogfight. The heavier Rebel fighters came in next, burning their way through the clouds.


Imperial Capital ships began to fire turbolasers but there were so many starfighters in the way few of the shots made it to the rebel ships. The Rebel ships carefully picked shots at enemy ties as they approached, then started to pass through the starfighter engagement. Once they were far enough through the cloud the heaviest Rebel ships began to let loose on the Imperial capital ships.


Whole squadrons of starfighters began to leave the main fight to assist in the heavy ship fight. Y-wings modified with a light Turbolaser turret began taking pot-shots at support ships while other lightly built Uglies started strafing the Destroyers.


"Obliterator is taking heavy damage." Reported sensors.


"She's protecting the entire port flank for the withdrawal. Com, direct the Lancer frigates in closer to the Destroyers they're in danger of-"

Both MC-90 cruisers chose that moment to send turbolaser broadsides into one of the Lancer Frigates that had been straying too far away from the larger ships. The sublight drive lit up like a pyrotechnics display. Seconds later with the Lancer out of the way squadrons of uglies strafed the Obliterator.


Nalgol came to the only solution available to him. "We can't hold any longer, all ship break orbit, best possible speed."


The Com officer looked up. "We still have troop transports on the way up from the surface sir."


"It won't do them much good to dock with ships that have turned into an orbital debris field will it?"


"Obliterator is disabled," Reported sensors. "Support ships on the port side of the formation are taking heavy hits."


"Time to the edge of the gravity well?"


Out ahead one of the other Destroyers in the group jumped to hyperspace. Other smaller ships soon began to join it.


"Sixty seconds."

"Begin fighter recovery. Get the remaining Frigates in close so we'll have anti-starfighter cover for our jump."


"The Admiral's command Frigate has been hit."


All around them other ships were jumping. A steady tremble began to run though the ship as laser fire hammered at the aft shields.

"Transfer power from forward weapons to aft shields."


The shuddering of the ship began to come in waves of increasing strength as the more of the Rebel ships closed in. "Sir, we won't be able to recover all of our fighters before it's time to jump."

"We don't have a choice," growled out the Kuati. "Leave them!"

The shield indicator flickered and died and then the stars elongated as the Tyrannic entered Hyperspace.




A cheer went up on the bridge of the Ralroost.

"The last Destroyer just jumped into hyperspace. Their course puts them headed roughly towards the Corellian Run."


"Where they'll flag down any patrol fleets they find to send more support from the core regions." Kre'fey shook his head. "Status of the planetary shields?"


"They're flickering in and out. It looks like there are heavy riots near the generator protecting the capital."


"Commence planetary assault while the shields are still having trouble. Send in the Uller as well, they're still equipped for assault duties."


The Com officer directed a tight beam transmission to one of the other ships in the fleet. "Ralroost to VSD Uller, you are cleared for drop. Begin at your earliest convenience."




The heavily Modified Victory class Destroyer Uller blasted it's way through the light flickering planetary shields protecting Bothawui and entered the atmosphere. The old ships' shields lit up from the heat of re-entry and the repulsors, powerful enough to keep the ship aloft, groaned to life for the first time in years. A few dozen AB-Wing uglies and Deathseeds followed the capital ship in, ready to help target any ground based defences capable of harming a Destroyer.


Uller began to level out at around twenty thousand, coming to a cruise at fifteen thousand meters above the capital. The moment her descent ceased the Assault drop started. Thirty Ultra Light Assault Vehicles dropped from cables suspended from the main bay ceiling. A few more launched from the old assault concussion missile tubes, all of them descending en-mass into the city.


Pairs of Gamma class assault transports and shuttles began their descent from orbit. Invasion sirens were going off down at street level and the remaining Imperial troops rushed to counter the incoming Rebel forces. A pair of ULAV's fired concussion missiles at a large blocky storage building that AT-AT's were starting to launch from. The collapsing Ferrocrete crushed one of the vehicles as it was exiting, blocking any others inside from leaving before the bunker imploded.


AB-wings with their starfighter grade Lasers or Ion cannon were detailed to take down the more heavily armoured walkers. High above, Uller turned to bring more of it's Turbolasers in line with her intended target then fired at the main Imperial Garrison base. The first two salvos destroyed the outer walls and the third set the entire base on fire. It still took some ten more blasts to reduce the building to rubble.


Down at street level landing ramps dropped on transports and Alliance troops poured out. ULAV's flew every which way, attacking bands of Stormtroopers with their laser cannon and blaster turret. The few AT-ST groups that had been outside the garrison building became easy pickings for starfighter groups and any other major problems could be dealt with by the Destroyer hovering overhead.




*Braces for flood of anti-rebel sentiment.*

Edited by Defender_16
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Operator: We're sorry, but the Superlaser is currently unavailable in your area. If you would like to contact the Superlaser distributer directly please press '1' or stay on the line for operator assistance. If you would like to order a superlaser for future deployment please press '2'. If you are a Bothan agent and would like information on how to destroy the nearest Imperial Superlaser please press '3'. If you are Grand Moff Conway please look behind you while the droid operator runs away.
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