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A New RPG to anyone out there


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how about Dail Wars, where the Broadband Rebellion fights the evil Dail-Up Empire but has limited bandwidth that it must overcome. They are helped by the arrival of DSL reinforces them with more bandwidth
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Well, I was thinking more along the line of something to do with Order 66, like the jedi who survived it and then meeting up together or something. Maybe a final confrontation with Vader?

"It's not my fault!"

"Oh yeah? What's in it for me?"

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Order 66 was the order from Emperor Palpatine for the clones to terminate their Jedi Commanders.


I thought maybe we could have a set of jedi who managed to escape the order and maybe a few people playing as Clones or Imperial Spies and the story line could follow the jedi escaping.

"It's not my fault!"

"Oh yeah? What's in it for me?"

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Guest Scathane
Sure, if we could keep it somewhat orderly... i.e., let all declared participants have a turn-based chance to react to one player's post...
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  • 4 weeks later...
If you're lookin at Order 66 and the aftermath of it, being Thrawn fits perfectly, because that was when he first met the Empire.

Chaos, Panic, Disorder, Destruction.....

My work here is done.


Grand AKmiral

Commander-in-Chief of BEAK Forces


"To BEAK is Divine!"

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