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Problem with the Private Messaging System


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On...I believe Saturday, I was notified via email that somebody sent me a private message. I didn't read the message, so I don't know when exactly it was sent.


Anyways, when I got here, I checked my inbox. No message. Hmmm....


Now, I have my suspicions as to who sent it to me, (I have sent out a PM that has not received a response,) but would anyone who has sent me a PM since...oh, Thursady, at least, or someone who has not received a response from me and sent me a PM anytime int he last month (when I know it was working) please resend it.


My question is did I miss something? Is there soemtihng not immediately obvious that I should do to get the message? Can someone delete a message after sending it? If this problem continues, what int he blazes can I/should I do about it? Has anyone else had/currently has this problem?

Sovereign ProtAKtor of the BEAK Imperium.


1 Corinthians 16:14 " Your every act should be done with love."

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On...I believe Saturday, I was notified via email that somebody sent me a private message. I didn't read the message, so I don't know when exactly it was sent.


Anyways, when I got here, I checked my inbox. No message. Hmmm....


Now, I have my suspicions as to who sent it to me, (I have sent out a PM that has not received a response,) but would anyone who has sent me a PM since...oh, Thursady, at least, or someone who has not received a response from me and sent me a PM anytime int he last month (when I know it was working) please resend it.


My question is did I miss something? Is there soemtihng not immediately obvious that I should do to get the message? Can someone delete a message after sending it? If this problem continues, what int he blazes can I/should I do about it? Has anyone else had/currently has this problem?


Emm... well I think I can clear the matter up. I recieved you PM and replied to it. Then I deleated my answer from my outbox, meaning you would never recieve the PM you were now informed of you had recieved.


I told the Reloaded crew I can't contribute to the fighters testing for reasons outlined in the Reloaded forums area, and was a bit perplexed why you were pointed in my direction in the firstplace...


The testing of the overall stats is something I wanted to get some old hands involved with who have been with the site and thus the game through the years, but not in the method propsed in the public Reloaded forum; ie: just sneaks and hints. Some have already offered their services which I put forward. Without the slightest bit of disrespect to you PI-and I sincerely mean that :wink: -the Reloaded project has sort of got to where it is sluggishly now because of the promises and raised arms of new people on the site who subsequently vannish in a puff of highschool or internet-passing interest bullshit. This, obviously, doesn't apply to you given you've posted this thread not least and are then expressing genuine interest, and have previously done so.


You may wish to raise this with La-Forge.

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Though not a PM, I did recieve a notification that I had been added to the Rebellion Reloded group on the forums. It seemed odd since I'm not contributing in any way to the project so I checked here and, as I suspected, I was not in fact a member of that group.

History is on the move, Captain. Those who cannot keep up with it will be left behind, to watch from a distance. And those who stand in our way will not watch at all.

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Though not a PM, I did recieve a notification that I had been added to the Rebellion Reloded group on the forums. It seemed odd since I'm not contributing in any way to the project so I checked here and, as I suspected, I was not in fact a member of that group.


It is possible* that you may have been subject to me testing something, somewhere GAT dude...


Oh dear, this entire thread is turning into a 'how much havoc can Jahled create...' :?


*like oops...

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Should we email you a ist of all the problems for which we blame you? :P


Keep your problems short and simple, and ready for yes/no/i'm not qualified to analyze your psychosis answers.




Yay for Christmas Ninjas!! :)

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Yay for Christmas Ninjas!! :)


Nice pic... Wish that I had the intelligance of a ham sandwhich and could make something like that... As it is I'm stuck on the "Tuna-Fish Salad Sandwhich" level... :wink:


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

Not gone, merely marching far away

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Yay for Christmas Ninjas!! :)


Nice pic... Wish that I had the intelligance of a ham sandwhich and could make something like that... As it is I'm stuck on the "Tuna-Fish Salad Sandwhich" level... :wink:


Look above my post before this, Mr La_Forge has got festive, like he does every Christmas, before being a Ninja, he flips out and kills lots of people...


Anyway, I demand you take back that remark about ham-sandwhiches. I have plenty of mates who have the intelligence of a ham-sandwhich.

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It was very flattering regarding ham sandwiches! I was giving myself up as a worshipper to ham sandwhiches and making the ham sandwhiches something to which I can aspire to become.


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

Not gone, merely marching far away

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Nice pic... Wish that I had the intelligance of a ham sandwhich and could make something like that... As it is I'm stuck on the "Tuna-Fish Salad Sandwhich" level... :wink:



I was under the assumption that tuna fish was "brain food"...

Your feeble skills are no match for the power of the Dark Side!


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Salmon is "brain food"; tuna fish is "Brian food" (whoever "he" is) :lol:
Finally, after years of hard work I am the Supreme Sith Warlord! Muwhahahaha!! What?? What do you mean "there's only two of us"?
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Didn't he change his name to ... Lorretta? :lol:
Finally, after years of hard work I am the Supreme Sith Warlord! Muwhahahaha!! What?? What do you mean "there's only two of us"?
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