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Rebellion: Reloaded - Character Contest


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The contest is about to end. I've posted all characters in the sticky above.

Here you can discuss things, ask questions about the contest, or about the nominates.

If you want, you can of course vote your own character too, but if you feel, that there are better ones....... :wink:

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Hey, you forgot one for the New Republic!


:arrow: Darth Trej.


Darth Trej was a very powerful dark Jedi, even more powerful than both Darth Vader and Palpatine. And Darth Tyrannus.

He killed hundreds of Jedi during the Great Plague, but dissappeared suddenly. Thousands of years later he reappeared and joined the New Republic. He wields three double bladed lightsabres and can destroy entire fleets of stardestroyers with just one wave of his hand.

He is a powerful ally to the Republic. He can train other Jedi hopefuls in only one day and make them more powerful than Luke Skywalker.


He is also very good in sabotaging and has a diplomacy rating that is higher than all Republic diplomats together.


Except all these qualities he is a great admiral and can also serve as general or commander.


Leadership: 1000!

Combat: 700

Espionage: 200

Force Rank: 400


Ship design: Yes

Facility design: Yes

Troop Training: Yes


Detection rating: VERY HIGH!!!!!!!1one


Admiral: Yes

General: Yes

Commander: Yes


:lol::lol::lol::lol: Sorry, had to bring him in there, just couldn't resist! (/me falls on ground laughing while everyone stares at him). I liked that one robot chick... gah, forget her name! But she was an Imperial character whom I thought was pretty good... Also have to say that I liked my Thakawash guy for the NR. I wish I could actually remember my character's names! :lol:


Edit: The characters are Zoelay Cintheron and Shy'ati Rhy'stol

Edited by DarthTofu


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

Not gone, merely marching far away

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Ok, if anybody has any questions about the contest or the characters listed above, just ask. The poll will start and end in December. You have time to post new characters until about the 1st of Dec.


I hope we get a lot of voters. I'm curious how many of you will take part :)

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Mad, I have to point out that it is me, who came up with Darth Trej :twisted:


Don't shoot the messenger!


- Tofu: Thanks for liking it ;)

Or should I put in some more 'high' and 'highly' :lol:

Z'anthr saves the world. Sorry about the mess...
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  TK421 said:
Mad, I have to point out that it is me, who came up with Darth Trej :twisted:


Don't shoot the messenger!


- Tofu: Thanks for liking it ;)

Or should I put in some more 'high' and 'highly' :lol:


I thought he was a great character- one that should deffinately replace Vader or something :lol: Though I'm still bitter at you for stealing my old avatar... before I even used it. :lol:


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

Not gone, merely marching far away

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Pft you all wish that your wimpy characters could stand up to Mr.Bucket... They suffer in comparison...
"I saw the greatest minds of my generation destroyed by madness, starving, hysterical, naked, dragging themselves through the negro streets at dawn looking for an angry fix." -Allen Ginnsberg, "Howl"
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Ferrion Caxo for the NR if you tone his leadership down to 80 (assuming we're still using the original scale). I like the name and the 1984ish death of his family is neat.


Zeolay Cintheron for the Empire. I know she's my character, but I just like the idea of someone who's whole existance is a lie. She doesn't know she's an Imperial Agent, and might not even know she's a droid.

Count Dooku is the strongest Star Wars character as depicted in the movies. All hail Christopher Lee.
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  • 2 weeks later...
  Mad78 said:
Stop acting stupid Tofu :lol:


Acting? I mean, umm, yeah, acting, yeah, I was acting stupid... :D (I'm kidding about being a stupid person for those of you *caugh* Tex*Caugh*Rob*caugh)


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

Not gone, merely marching far away

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