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Empire Risen: Rebirth


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(Editors note: Yep. This is my space to ramble on about whatever I want to. And with that being said.....)


"Admiral, more Starfighters have launched from three of the Imperial vessels. Unknown configuration. They are moving to intercept the bombers." Captain Treviss shouted, and Cortviss looked at his displays. The new starfighters moved quickly towards his bombers, and he frowned. His bombers had no protection.


"Release the starfighters to move and engage these new contacts. We have to protect our bombers." he said, and treviss nodded. Cortviss sat back, and sighed. Perhaps this wouldn;t be as easy as he had hoped.




Commander Yagith smiled as he gunned his engines towards the oncoming bombers. His new starfighter would easily outfly them. Soon, they would all be nothing more than floating debris.


"All fighters, break by squadrons, then groups, then pairs. Stick together, and tear them up. Let's get this over with, i want to tangle with the real fighters." he said, and he switched his two lasers over to single fire. As he closed in on the first wave, he saw they were massive K-wing assault bombers. heavily armed, but slower than a Y-wing. Easy prey. As he got within firing range, he fired.




Taviura watched the sensors, and smiled as the Sabres plowed through the first wave of bombers, leaving nothing but debris in thier wake. As they moved on to the second wave, she looked over to Teshik.


"Admiral, if you wish, I can have my clutches deal with the bombers. They may not be up to Imperial standards, but they are more then enough to take on flying nerfs like those bombers." she said, and teshik nodded.


"I am aware of this. But I have bigger plans for your starfighters. They are equipped with ion-cannons, are they not?" he asked, and tavira nodded.


"Yes, but only light cannons. They aren't strong enough to do much damage to a capital ship." she said, realising what teshik was thinking. But Pelleon turned to her, and smiled.


"They only have to be able to disable their weapons. The ion-cannons on our destroyers are far to inacurate to hit them from any decent range. Shall I release them Admiral?" he asked, but teshik shook his head.


"No, we need to draw their fighters away the proper vector we need first. Give out Sabres a few more minutes to deal with the bombers, and then we can move on to phase two of this battle." he said, and Pelleon nodded.


Tavira turned back to the sensor screens, and saw that the BR bombers we being neatly massacred by the far superior TIE-Sabres. It was a beautiful sight.




Arlen Tovi'ka had always wanted to be a starfighter pilot. The feeling of flying at high speeds made his blood boil in ways that he could not describe. he had applied to the academy as soon as he was of age, and he began his training. After graduation, he had been thrilled to find he had been elected to lead his own squadron. He had been set to Cortviss' task force, along with twelve other A-wing pilots.


But now that he was in his first battle, he wondered if he had chosen the correct career path. Fighting in sims was one thing, this was completely different. All around him people were fighting for their lives. he could see the explosions of both TIE fighters and friendlies everywhere he turned.


"Captain, behind you!!" came a sudden call, and Arlen foced his fighter into a tight spiral upward, then throttled down and made a hard turn to port. As soon as he heard the fighter shoot past him while tryin got keep up with his manuver, he punched the throttle, and settled in behind his prey. He hit the trigger on his control stick, sending torrents of laser bolts at the enemy. Several of them hit, one of them puncturing the port engine. He smiled as the TIE fighter exploded.


"Thanks. Three, you're my wing. Let's go hunting." he said, and he arced his starfighter, looking for new targets. But before he could find one, he saw one had found him. The odd looking fighter flew straight at him, lasers blazing. Arlen watched in horror as his shields buvkled, then failed. The last thing he saw was a bright flash as a laser blast punctured his canopy.




"Admiral, the unknown fighters are engaging our starfighters. Bomber squadrons are retreating, with heavy casualties. None of them got close to their targets." Treviss said, and Cortviss smacked his hand on his control board.


"Blast. I guess we have to do it the hard way. Prepare to engage the enemy at point blank range. have our medium cruisers move up to support us." he said, and he turned to the viewport to watch as the massive Star Destroyers of both their forces moved to engage one another.


"Treviss, send a priority message to any vessels in this sector. Give them or location, and request assitance. I have a feeling ths is going to get ugly." he said, and Treviss nodded, happy the Admiral was coming to his senses.




"Captain, order all our starfighters to vector towards the port Vicotry-class. Have them target the sensor domes first, then the communications systems, then weapons. And have our Clutches prepare for a run against the starboard Victory-class, with targets reversed, using ion-cannons only. Let's see if we can get that ship in one piece." tachik said, and the captain nodded, and began barking out orders.


"Admiral, if I may ask, why do you want that vessel in one piece? Wouldn't it be easier just to destroy it?" Pelleon asked, and teshik nodded.


"Yes, it would be. But I recognized it when it entered the system. Let's just say that vessel has some history for me. History I would like to visit." Teshik said, and Pelleon frowned. He wonderd what Teshik was getting at, but decided not to ask.

I once knew a great man. Nothing got to him, and he always smiled. May he forever rest in peace, knowing fully well that his freinds shall remember him.
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  • 1 month later...

Editors note: Well, I finally got banned from my latest addiction. Apparently WoW CSRs do not appreciate being called nasty names in general chat. Oh well. Time to get back to work on this. Sorry it has taken me so long, WoW completely consumed me.


The RP itself has already ended, so I will be working in earnest on finishing this. The ending was a blast to RP, and in natural SW fashion, it ended in a climactic battle in space. I will not say who wins, as it would spoil it all for you, and make me not want to write about all of it.


With how quickly it all ended, this may only be a two part series, as the RP didn't go on for anywhere near as long as we had hoped.


But, on with the story. Excelsior!!!


"Admiral, the Purity is reporting damage to several of their primary sytems. Those unknown starfighters are to fast for our gunners to get a lock on, and our fighters are taking a beating. What are your orders?" captain Treviss said, worry in his voice. Cortviss stared at his screens, and sighed. This battle was not going well.


"Have the rest of our vessels move forward to flank the Purity and the Divinity. Have our gunships move to protect the Purity. And have we recieved any word form other freindly forces?" Cortviss asked, but the comm officer shot him a painfull look.


"The nearest vessel is the Golden Jewel, and it is almost half an hour away." the officer said, and Cotviss sighed. He was on his own for this battle.


"Alright. Helm, once we reach to frontline, give me a 70-degree turn to starboard, 20 degree roll to port. Have our evac shuttles prepare to launch. We will be wanting to pick up survivors." he said, and Treviss looked to him, a quizzical look on his face.


"Survivors, Admiral? All of our EV pilots are already being retreived." he said, and Cortviss nodded.


"This may be true, but we will be losing vessels in this fight. And I would prefer that we do not leave escape pods where they may be hit my stray blasts." Cortviss said, and Treviss nodded.


"As ordered Admiral." Treciss said, and Cortviss turned back to the battle, and watched as the two feets came into close enough range to begin the final duel. he had no doubt he would come out on top, but he did wonder who he was facing. He knew it was no ordinary commander, not one that was suicidal enouh to take on a force that outnembered them this badly. Whoever this was either knew what they were doing, or truelly was suicidal. Either way, only time would tell.




Admiral Drommel looked out the viewport of his massive flagship, and smiled. All around his vessel, workers swarmed around the massive patches of hull that were under repair. His vessel had seen nearly a decade of neglect, neglect that was now being repaired. It was a wonderfull sight, and he could not wait to get his vessel back out onto the front lines of combat, But he knew it would still be several weeks at best before that happened. The empire by itself did not have the resources needed to repair his vessel with anywhere near the speed he would have liked,


As he watched the repair work being done, he heard footsteps from behind him, and he turned around to see one of his new aides walking up the bridge deck. He nodded to her, and she saluted smartly. Drommel waitied for a few moments, and then returned the salute. The Aide droppd her salute, and then held out a datacard.


"here are the latest repair reports, Admiral. Weapons control has been repaired for banks forty-one through fifty, and work has begun on the next set. Also, the main hanger bays have ben brought back up to operational status." she said, and Drommel nodded.


"Excellent. What about the Hyperdrive systems? I would like for them to be repaired as soon as possible." he said, and the aide nodded.


"I will make a note of that, sir. But the hyperdrive will require extensive repairs and overhauls. It may be weeks before it is ready for a test run." she said, and Drommel sighed. he hated waiting, but he knew it must be done.


"What is the status of the Lusankya? I notived a large amount of supplies were being diverted to her in the past few days." he said, aggravation in his voice. he vessel would require much less material to repair, and to him, it seemed foolish to waste time on the crippled hulk that was the Lusnkya.


"Admiral teshik wishes for both vessels to be repaired and prepared for battle at the same time. I believe he may have something in mind for their use." she said, and Drommel nodded.


"Of that, I have no doubt. Carry on, then. And have my shuttle prepared, I wish to go the the Lusankya, and walk her halls for myself." he said, and the aide nodded, and turned to walk off the bridge. Drommel turned back to the viewport, and wondered to himself what Teshik would have in mind that would require the use of two super-class Star Destroyers. One vessel by itself was enough of a headache for rebel commanders, two of them would be a nightmare. Whatever it was, Drommel knew it was something important.




Admiral Cortviss gripped the arms of his chair tightly as another salvo racked his flagship. He stared out the viewport, and stared at the carnage that was taking place around him. His fleet was being picked apart piece by piece, and nothing he did seemed to slow down the enemy vessels. And what was worse, all of his vessels were locked in tracotr beams, making escape impossible.


"Order the Silvertide to make a turn to port, and target the Invidious! And have all remaining starfighters report in! I want to know what I have left!" he yelled, but when he did not hear an immediate response, he look for Captain Treviss. When he found him, his heart sank. treviss was lying face down on the deck, having fallen victim to an exploding console. Cortviss looked arond the bridge, and saw that several of his other bridge crewers were dead, or dying.


He looked at one of remaining screens, and closed his eyes. They were dead in the water, and the ship was beginning to break apart. There was only one thing left to do. He tapped a button on his command console, and spoke loudly.


"All hands, abandon ship. I repeat, all hands to escape pods. May the force be with you." he said, and he tapped another button, acitvateing a series of lights on the outside of his vessel. he wasn;t sure how many of them sere still intact, but only a few of them needed to be. ge tapped the button three times quickly, then twice slowly, the order needed to signal his vessels to stand down.




"Admiral, we are reciving surrender signals from several of the remaining enemy vessles. I can only assume all the other vessles have lost communications." the comm officer called out, and Pelleon nodded.


"Excellent. Have all of our vessles hold their fire, returning fire only at vessels that continue to fight. have rescue shuttles launch, and begin picing up the escape pods." pelleon said, and he turned to Admiral tavira, a smile on his face.


"Another victory for us, it would seem." he said, but tavira asnwered him with a snarl.


"And how many of my vessles did you throw at those cruisersto get it? Almost my entire fleet is gone now. Not to mention the almost complete destruction of my starfighter forces." she said, and teshik chuckled from behind them.


"I apologize for your losses, Admiral. But your pilots chose to ignore my orders, and proceeded to tangle with starfighters and pilots that far surpassed them in ability. Their foolishness rewarded them with their deaths. As for your larger vessels, there way not up to holding up to firepower from frontline vessles such as the ones we faced." he said, but Tavira was not convinced. If she didn't have to join the Empire before, with her entire fleet now gone, she had no other choice.


"If you say so Admiral, but let it be said that I do not think you are telling me the entire truth." she said, and teshik nodded.


"It shall be noted. Now, let us see what he have gained from this fight, shall we? i think we may be able to slalvage at least one of the Star Destroyers, if not two of them." he said, and Pellon nodded.


"I will have salvage crew launch immediatly, along with stormtoppers to gaurd them." pelleon said, and teshik nodded.


"Excellent. And make sure that they all know that all prisoners are to be treated with the same respect as their fellow soldiers, assuming they don;t put up a fight." teshik said, and he turned to leave the bridge. Pelleon wondered why the Grand Admiral would show such a thing, but then shrugged it off. It was not his place to ask such trivial things yet.

I once knew a great man. Nothing got to him, and he always smiled. May he forever rest in peace, knowing fully well that his freinds shall remember him.
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I think you misunderstood Paul. The RP ended, but I have a ways to go before the story I am writing ends. We still have a ways to go before it draws to a close. in the SW universe, this story arc lasted wll over two years, possibly close to three. Not to mention the Corporate Sector hasn't even entered the war yet, along with yet another force the NR is unforunate enough to get riled up at the wrong time.
I once knew a great man. Nothing got to him, and he always smiled. May he forever rest in peace, knowing fully well that his freinds shall remember him.
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  • 3 weeks later...

(Editors Note: I think i have kept you all in suspense for long enough. Maybe three or four posts to go, and this part of the arc will be complete. Now, on to preparing for the final battle of this arc.)


Admiral Ackbar looked over the reports, and sighed. While he had never cared for Admiral Cortviss, he was a capable commander, and respected throughout the fleet. His loss would be felt for a long time. And at the same time, he was the third highly placed person in the fleet the be removed from the chain of command in as many months. The death of General Ibliss had been a demoralizing blow, as had the very sudden resignation of Colonel Antilles. And now with Cortviss captured, voids were beginning to appear in the fleet, voids that would be hard to fill.


As Ackbar sat there, he heard the chime to his door ring, and he looked up. He pressed a buttondoor slid open, and Han Solo walked through the doors. Ackbar smiled seeing him. Han, and the other hand, tried to smile, but failed miserably. It looked as if he had been through as much hell as Ackbar had been through in the past weeks.


"General Solo, it is good to see you." Ackbar said, and Han sat down in one of the chairs across from him. As he sat down, he waved at Ackbar non-chalantly.


"Don't start with that Admiral. I resigned years ago. And no amount of bribery will get me to take the title back." he said, and he leaned back in the chair, starign at the Admiral.


"Although I have heard rumors that some people in high places wouldn't mind seeing me back in uniform. And truth to that?" Han asked, and Ackbar simply stared at him for a moment, and then nodded.


"Yes, there has been talk. The Empire has been getting restless in the past few weeks. They have been making jabs at our fleets here and there. And they have scored a few victories that have left some holes to fill. And with the Empires new found reliance on pirates, smugglers, and other underworld sources, we would like to have someone with knowledge of such things to help us combat such tactics." Ackbar said, and Han scratched his jaw slowly, deep in thought.


"So, the Empire is taking the Zsinj approach now, are they? Strange, I never saw Pelleon as being the type of person to go that route. " he said, and Ackbar nodded.


"That is because he hasn't. Someone else is now in command of the Empire. Our Intelligence sources have indicated it may be a Grand Admiral, or someone posing as one." he said, and Han sat up in his chair, his hand gripping the arm rests tightly. He only had one thought on his mind, one that sent chills down his spine.


"Thrawn?" he asked, but Ackbar shook his head, and Han relaxed slightly. If anyone was capable of turing the war against the New Republic, they both knew that Thrawn would be more than capable of doing it. It was one of the constant fears that everyone had, one that they both doubted would ever go away.


"No, it isn't Thrawn. These kind of tactics are below him, nto to mention he spurned the wrath of several smuggler groups when he was in command. This is someone else." Ackbar said, and Han sighed.


"Another fake Grand Admiral? Why would Pelleon hand over control to a fake? That makes no sense." Hand said, adn Ackbar sighed.


"That is the entire reason we are where we are at. We have no idea who is control right now, and such cannot adjust our tactics accordingly. And since we have loss Antilles, Ibliss, and now Admiral Cortviss, the three best tacticians who have first hand knowledge of such tactics are no longer at our disposal. Hence the reason we are asking you to return to service. Unless you think you can convince Colonel Antilles to return?" he asked hopefully, but Han simply shook his head.


"I wish I could Admiral, but I can;t even get ahold of him. He went to Bespin, then to Nar Shadda, then I lost contect with him. I have heard rumors about a merc squadron on the outer rim, but that is about it." he said, and Ackbar nodded.


"That is what intelligence has told me as well. He is currently leading a squadron of former X- and B-wing pilots out on the rim, hunting down pirates for systems plagued by them." Ackbar said, and Han nodded.


"Well, if I get ahold of him, i will tell him he is needed back here. But he felt pretty spurned by the council, especially you. I think it will take more than this to bring him back. besides he is doing some good out on the rim. Hunting pirates is something we really don;t have the forces for." Han said, and Acbar shook his head.


"Sadly, I must agree. I just hope we can bring him back. But until we do, would you at least consider taking a temorary commision as General, to help fill the void?" Ackbar asked hopefully, and Han sighed. He leaned back his head as if he were in deep thought, and then shook it slowly.


"I know I am going to regret this, but sure. As long as I don;t have to lead any task forces against a Super again. I had enough of that with Zsinj." Hand said, and Ackbad smiled.


"I assure you, I will do my best with that one request. And since we have tabs on the Reaper at all times, I don;t think it will be a problem. Welcome back to the navy, General Solo." Ackbar said, and Han nodded.


"You know, Leia is going to kill me when she finds out. I promised her I wouldn't do this again." Han said, and Ackbar laughed.


"Yes, you did. But she will understand that you are needed. Also, it was her that made the suggestion in the first place." he said, and Han chuckled.


"I should have known. Either way, I suppose I should be getting the old uniform out. Any idea where I am to be stationed?" he asked, and Ackbar shook his head.


"currently, we are shifting forces arounf to compensate for recent losses. I believe you will be placed near the core at first, to get you caught up on current regulations. After that, we will move you closer to the front as needed." Ackbar said, and Han nodded.


"It's great to be needed. But why can't it ever be for a game of Sabaac?" he asked, and he walked out of the room. After he left, Ackbar leaned back in his chair, and sighed. No matter how many years passed, it always eemed the heroes of the past had to save the Republic. he wondered what would happen when these heroes were no longer in place to do such things. He just hoped that would be a day far into the future.




Admiral Pelleon looked over his newest reports, thinking to himself carefully. They had managed to salvage one of the Destroyers from their most recent battle, all the other vessels were being turned into spare parts for other vessles, most notably the Lusankya and Gaurdian. Noth vessels were coming along quickly, and were due to be done with all major repairs within a few weeks. Which fit perfectly with the grand Admirals' plans, whatever they were. It still irritated him that Teshik was not letting him in on what his immediate plans were, but teshik noted security as being the primary reason, which Pelleon could understand.


Suddenly, the doors to his office opened, and Grand Admiral Teshik walked in, along with Admiral Tavira and Admiral Drommel. Admiral Pelleon Stood quickly, and began to salute, but teshik waved him back into his seat.


"No time for that, Pelleon. The time has come for us to begin the next phase of our war. We have nipped at the NEw Republic for long enough. Recent movements of their fleets show they are preparing to bolster their defenses, and perhaps prepare for an attack. This cannot be allowed to happen." he said, and Pelleon nodded. He motioned for them to sit at his desk, which they all did. Pelleon once again took his seat, and picked up one of his data pads.


"Yes, I have noted this. Admiral Voon'tai has moved his main force away from the front lines to Kuat, apparently for a fast refit and some minor repairs to his vessles. Also, it seems that General Solo has ben returned to service. Currently, e beleive he is still on Coruscant, but I am certian they will move him to the front lines after not to much longer." Pelleon said, and Teshik nodded.


"Very true. Having Solo back in command will be interesting. I have read the reports on his war against Zsinj, and I think he could be a thorn in our sides if we allow him to be. But he will have to wait for another day. Our top priority has become Admiral Voon'tai, and his task force. Voon'tai is in command of the second fleet as a whole. If he moves his fleet against us, we will be hard pressed to halt him. Hence th reason we are going to strike before he has the chance." teshik said, and Pelleon nodded.


"This would be a commendable idea, but how would we do that? His task force is more then enough to handle any force we have used so far. And he is a ver capable commander. I have faced him before, and he nearly bested me." Pelleon said, and Drommel nodded.


"Yes, he is good. But, we have something he doesn't have. Super Star Destroyers." Drommel said, and Pelleon looked up suddenly.


"You can;t be serious. The Reaper is battle ready, but the Lusankya and [i[Gaurdian[/i] are both far from that level. What use would they be in a battle?" Peleon asked, and Teshik smiled.


"Ah, that is the beauty of it. They do not have to enter the battle to be of any use. All they have to do is draw away a few vessels, allowing us to strike at our main target." he said, and he placed a small datacard into a slot on the table. He tapped a few buttons, and a hologram appeared above the table, showing a massive space station, surrounded by massive warships, all of them appearing to be drydocked to the station.


"You mean to attack Voon'tais' task force when it is drydocked? In Kuat?" Pelleon asked, and Teshik nodded.


"Yes. Basically, we use the Gaurdian and Lusankya together to draw away as many defending vessels as we can from the shipyards. We then jump in with a second force, and attack the station. His force will still be docked, and therefor very vulnerable. If we plan it right, we will eliminate the head of the second fleet, destroy a number of vessels frm that fleet, and seriously wound the New Republic by depriving it of valuable shipyards." teshik said, and Tavira nodded.


"Kuat if the second most heavily defended system in the New Republic. They have more then enough vessels to handle such an attack. What makes you think they can;t just sperate their defences into two forces?" she asked, and Teshik nodded.


"A very good point, one I have thought about. That is the entire reason we will be using all three of our Super-class Star Destroyers. The New Republic has in the past used a large amount of vessles to combat them, tow of them wil cause them to use even larger forces. I think three of them will send them into a panic. One which not even Voon'tai will be able to control." teshik said, and Pelleon nodded. One Supr-class was a bad sign. Three of them would be a nightmare for any commander.


"Where will we draw support ships from? Surely we cannot draw enough vessles from our own forces to attempt such an attack, The New republic is bound to notice that many vessels going missing." he said, and Teshik smiled.


"Ah, that is the beauty of it. They won't even know they are gone. I have contacted our freind Admiral Kayn, and he has agreed to loan us a number of his Victory-class Star Destoryers, enough to cover the ones we will be using. Along with twelve of our own Imperial-class Destroyers, and twice as many smaller vessels, I think we will have more then enough firepower for the operation." he said, and Pelleon nodded slowly.


"And at the same time, we will force Admiral Kayn to join us fully in our war, as the New Republic will eventually figure out where the excess Destroyers came from." he said, and Teshik chuckled.


"You are learning quickly, Admiral. Now, let us get to the guts of this plan, to make sure it actually works they way we want it to. I would hate for this to be the operation that blows up in our faces." he said, and one by one, they began to talk about possible problems with their newest plan, and how to fix each one.


Several hours later, each Admiral stood up, satisfied with their plan. It was a sound plan, one that would bring the Empire one step closer to their long term goal of victory, and to their short term goal of destabalizing the New Republic until it imploded.

I once knew a great man. Nothing got to him, and he always smiled. May he forever rest in peace, knowing fully well that his freinds shall remember him.
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Wedge Antilles, hero of the rebellion, former general of the New Republic, and now captain of what was becoming a very feared mercenary squadron smiled grimly as another clutch exploded under his sustained fire. He glanced around, and saw that the pirates they were fighting were in complete dissaray. His squadron had jumped them as they prepared to hit a cruise ship, and quickly sent the pirates into a panic. Wedge keyed his intercomm, and spoke clearly.


"Attention enemy vessels. This is the captin of Red squadron. I offer you one chance to surrender. After that, you are fair game to my pilots." he said, and he waited for a response. He waited a few moments, and then got his reply as the corvette that served as the main vessel for the pirates fired at his elderly X-wing. Wedge simply shook his head, and keyed his comm back over to the squadron frequency.


"Alright, they want to continue the fight. Three group, take down their shields. Two group, their weapons. One group, hold the fighters off. Gold squadron, get ready. If they try to run, break them of that idea." he said, and he heard several acknowledges. He smiled, and watched as a group of X-wings opened fire on the dorsal sheilds of the corvette with a barrage of torpedos. The sheilds buckled, and Wedge saw several blast marks on the hull of the vessel. Then, a second group of X-wings swooped in, lasers blazing. Soon, the corvettes guns fell silent as the X-wings destroyed them.


Wedge was about to ask them to surrender again, when the corvette fired its' engines, and began to rocket out into space. Wedge sighed, and looked off into space. As he did so, six Y-wings flew towards the corvette, lasers and ion cannons blazing. The bridge of the corvette exploded in a fireball, meaning on of his men had scored a direct hit on it. The corvette began to slow down as the engines cut out, and escape pods began firing off.


"Alright guys, I think this one is done. Any of the pirates grow a brain?" he asked, waiting for an answer, although he thought he already knew what it would be.


"Red lead, this is four. I got two pilots sitting idle. And one more EV. Other than that, I think we wiped them out." she said, and Wedge nodded. Perhaps all these pirates weren't so dumb.


"Alright, instruct them to sit right where they are. Blast them if they don't. And call in the Sundawn. If we can salvage that corvette, I want to. The Corellian yards will give us a good chuck of change for it. And good flying everyone." he said, and he keyed his mic off. He leaned his head back, and watched as their ride out of here dropped from hypserspace. The Sundawn was an old Quasar-class bilk freightor redesigned to carry starfighters. He had gotten that vessel, and his starfighters, from the New republic surpluss yards. All at a very reasonable price. meaning someone in high command still liked him.


But that was neither here nor there. Now, al he had to do was transport a group of pirates to the nearest Naval base, and collect the reward that he was due. Along with what the Corellian yards would give him for the corvette, he would make enough to keep his men from starving, and his ships from breaking for some time. But this just didn't suite him as much fighting the Empire did. It lacked challange. But he had been spurned by the council, and had decided to go where he could do some good instead of sitting at a desk being punished.


"Red lead, salvage crews and pick-up craft are away. What are your orders.?" came a sudden voice, and Wedge came back to reality. he still had responsibilities here.


"Two group, Gold squadron, stay on gaurd. Three group, one group, head back to ship. Let's finish up here, and get moving. We need to get back to the core for some rest." he said, and then he heard a chorus of chears, which made him smile. They had worked hard chasing these pirates down, and they all needed some rest. Adn he needed to get in touch with Han. he had been out of the loop for a while now. It was time for him to catch up with how things were going overall.




"Admiral Pelleon, the last of the Destroyers has arrived. All forces are present and prepared." the captain said, and Pelleon nodded.


"Excellent. What about the Lusankya and gaurdian? Are they holding up?" he asked, and the captin nodded.


"Yes, Admiral. Admiral tavira reports some minor problems with a few of the aft weapon banks on the Lusankya, but no other problems have been reported." he said, and Pelleon nodded.


"Excellent. Inform Admiral Teshik that everything is ready for the assault." Pelleon ordered, and the captain nodded. As he walked away, Pelleon turned to look out the viewscreen of their flagship. Several kilometers of warship sat in frotn of him, all of it bristling with weapons. Surrounding his vessel were a dozen more destroyers of various sizes, and dozens of support vessels. In teh distance, he could see the other half of teh attack force, the Lusankya, Gaurdian, and all of their support vessels also hanging in space. It was the largest force of warships the empire had put together since the time of the resurrected Emperor. He simply hoped it wouldn;t be the last time.


"Well Admiral, it seems everything is ready. Shall we proceed?" came a voice from behind him, and Peleon turned, and saw Teshik standing there.


"Everything is ready, yes. Once we recall all starfighters and scout vessels, we will be ready to leave." Pelleon said, and Teshik smiled.


"Excellent. Let us get going then. I have not seen Kuat in years. I do miss the sight of the yards." he said, and then he chuckled slightly.


"Although it will be odd destroying them. But if we must, we must." he said, and Pelleon nodded.


"Correct Admiral. Shall I give the order?" he asked, and Teshik nodded.


"Of course. Let us begin." he said, and teshik sat back, awaiting the time for them to make the leap into hypserspace.

I once knew a great man. Nothing got to him, and he always smiled. May he forever rest in peace, knowing fully well that his freinds shall remember him.
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(Editors Note: Jesus guys, this story must be like crack to you. I just can't give you enough. But since, I got off of work very early today (Thank you IT, for being unable to keep our computers running), I think I can give you another dose. Enjoy!)


Admiral Voon'tai sat in his office, looking over the latest intelligence reports coming from his scout ships in Imperial territory. As the fleet under his command was at the very front lines against the Empire, he always had scouts moving in and around the Empire, keeping tabs on the going ons of the Imperial warfleet. But the latest reports bothered him. A large number of Star Destroyers had vanished, only to re-appear hours later in different locations. Some people would have looked at it as Pelleon, or whoever was in charge now, deciding to shuffle vessels around in a foolish attempt at confusing him. But he knew better. The Empire was up to something, he just didn't know what.


Also, the new starfighters the Empire had worried him. They were faster and more manueverable than even the much vaunted TIE-Interceptors. And since they were smaller, they had so far proven much harder to track and destroy. But what worried him most was the fact that the Empires shipyards will still producing only the standard TIE fighters, along with limited numbers of Interceptors. So foar, the NRI had been unable to pinpoint where the Empire was getting their new fighters, but Voon'tai had a hunch. And if he was correct, the war against the Empire was about to get much more complicated. Hence the reason he had placed a call earlier to Admiral Ackbars' office, in hoped of speaking with him. So far though, his call had gone unanswered.


As Voon'tai looked over more reports, claxons began blaring loudly. Voont'ai looked up, and then stood quickly. Those claxons could only mean one thing. Kuat was under attack. But that made no sense. Kuat was far to heavily defended for the Empire to dare attack. Not to mention to far from teh main battle lines. As he left his office, he heard a voice call out over the intercomm system of the ship.


"Battlestations! Battlestations! Imperial ships have entered the system! This is not a drill! All pilots to their ships! Repeat, this is not a drill!" the yelled, and Voont'ai broke out into a run. he now knew where he needed to be. As the highest ranking person in system, the defensive forces Kuat had were under his command in this situation. And with his main task force still in drydock, that defence force was all he had. But he was certain it would be enough. Kuat had a sizable defense force, more than enough to handle an Imperial attack.


As he entered the bridge, he saw nothing but chaos. He walked over to where his captain was standing, and turned him around.


"Captain! What has become of my bridge! get this crew under control!" he yelled, but the captain looked back to him with fear in his eyes.


"Admiral, we have a problem. This isn't any normal Imperial fleet. Our sensors have picked up over two dozen Star Destroyers of mixed sizes, twice as many support vessels." the captain said, and Voon'tai nodded. So that is where the Imperial vessels went, which also confirmed his suspicions.


"Quite a force they have brought here. Contact the Kuat defense command, inform them I am taking control of the battle. Also, have our crews begin emergency preperations for launch. We are stting ducks on this station." he said, and he moved to sit down in his command chair when the captain shook his head.


"Admiral, you don't understand. Two of the Star Destroyers. they're the Gaurdian and the Lusankya!" he said, and Voon'tais' eyes went wide. How could the Empire had gotten both those vessles battle ready so quickly? He had not planned for this. No one had. And if they were both fully battle ready, the Kuat defense force was going to be hard pressed to deal with them both at once.


"Give me numbers on what we have available, and what other forces may be nearbye. Have our defence forces form up in groups of ships, so that they can cover each other if need be. Also, have our starfighters prepare for runs against the Super-class Destroyers. We must remove them from the battle as soon as possible." he said, and he watched as hologrpahic sensor reports appears around him command center of the battle. His heart sank as he saw where the empire had entered the system. They had come in close enough that several drydocks would be at their mercy before the defence force could muster the firepower to stop them.


"Adn send a direct feed to Coruscant control. I want them to know everything that happens here." he said, and he settled into his chair, getting ready for what looked like the hardest battle he would ever have to fight.




Admiral Tavira sat ont eh bridge of her new flagship, the Lusankya. She watched her sensor boards carefully, and smiled as she saw the would be defenders of the shipyards scurry from the massed IMperial warfleet, leaving several of their precious drydocks at their mercy.


"Have our force move forward at full speed, I want to hit as many of those docks as possible before the defenders try to stop us. Keep our fighters close though, let's put these guns to use." she said, and she watched as her force began to move forward as fast as it could. According to her sensors, Admiral Drommels' force was doing the same, but several groups of TIE bombers along with their escorts were flying ahead, to score the first kills. Tavria smiled, and decided to let him have them. She would rather keep her fighters back for a defensive screen.


"Sensors, keep me informed of the positions of the nearst new Republic vessels, and if they make any drastic course corrections at all times. We need to get as many of them concentrating on us as we can, so that the final phase will go off as planned." she said, and she heard a voice call back in the affirmative. She smiled and leaned back in her chair as the forward most part of her force began firing on a small drydock, which seemed to be housing a pair of small Frigates. So far, this was like massacring paralyzed nerfs. She just hoped it wouldn't be like this the whole battle.




"Admiral, a force of defense vessels had formed up, and is heading in our direction. Orders?" came a call fromt he sensor pit, and Drommel smiled. Finally, they would be able to fight something that shot back.


"Continue on our current course, I want a shot at the bigger yards further in system. But keep me informed, if any more frces array themselves, we will have to swtich to pahse two of the operation. What of Admiral Taviras' force?" he asked, and the answer came back quickly.


"Little to no resistance so far. She is currently matching our speed and heading fifteen kilomters to our port. I think a defence squadron may be getting ready to try and halt her however.: the voice came back, and Drommel nodded.


"Alright. If she comes under heavy fire, let me know immediatly. We can't let ourselves get to unbalanced. Remember, we are a distraction, nothign more." he said, and he eard several acknowledges come from his crew pits. If evertyhting went according to plan, they would be a distraction which would devestate the shipyards, and leave their true target underdefended. If not, they would still wreck the shipyards, which was an admirable goal in itself.




"Admiral, the battle is underway. New Republic defense forces are moving to intercetp Admiral Tavira and Admiral Drommel as planned. " Pelleon said, and Teshik nodded.


"Enough of the forces so that our friend Voon'tai is open to attack?" he asked, but Pelleon shook his head.


"Not yet Admiral. But I beleive soon. I think Voont'ai is moving another squadron of vessels to help stall Drommels force. I think we will be able to hit his docked force then." pelleon said, and Teshik nodded.


"i think you may be right. Launch all hyperspace capable craft. I want everything we have in this battle. Also, watch Vonnt'ais' force. Oif he gets it away from teh docks, this battle will become much more difficult." he said, and Pelleon nodded.


"Yes Admiral. But most of his forces were will into their repair phase. It will take time to get them away fromt eh docks, even in emergency launch procedures. I think we wills till be save for several more minutes." Pelleon said, and Teshik smiled.


"We can only hope, Admiral. We can only hope." Teshik said, and he smiled deeply. So far, his plans had gone well. he just hoped he could keep it up.

I once knew a great man. Nothing got to him, and he always smiled. May he forever rest in peace, knowing fully well that his freinds shall remember him.
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This is good enough that with a little editing, I think it could be published in some form or another.


(Editors Note: A little editing? Little? Try an insane amount of editing. My editorial skills suck. Period.)

I once knew a great man. Nothing got to him, and he always smiled. May he forever rest in peace, knowing fully well that his freinds shall remember him.
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I could do that for you BS. I haven't had the chance to read through it yet, but I'd still be willing to edit it for you if you want to look into a short story and want it to look a little better before submitting it for publication. Edited by Mitth_raw_nuruodo

Chaos, Panic, Disorder, Destruction.....

My work here is done.


Grand AKmiral

Commander-in-Chief of BEAK Forces


"To BEAK is Divine!"

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I've been debating whether or not I should copy/paste it into Word. That would get the spelling done with, and I'd have to remove the tags and replace them. Other then that, it could probably use a few revisions from you (nothing I ever write is perfect the first go around, anyway). That's really all it would take to get it good enough to submit to someplace; they'll probably do their own editing, depending on where you submit it of course. Just get the obvious things done and then any story revisions and you should be good to go.

Star Wars: Rebellion, A Field Manual

"O be wise, what can I say more?"

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