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I know weve talked about AI Shipnames and changing them but does anyone know if you can make it name the user ships, if so where is the string that neds to be changed.
Why are people afraid to die? It is a natural part of life. Life and Death. They go together. Some people are just willing to speed up that process.
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I don't think so, Tim :wink:


The game seems to take the description of the shipclass from the dlls and simply adds a number to that. I don't think that could be changed, sorry.




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Probably one of the most memorable quotes from Home Improvement. Don't you remember Al Borland saying to Tim when Tim had one of his great ideas, "I don't think so Tim."? I always say it to my friends and they're like "wtf did you call me?".


If you don't know what Home Improvement is it was a uhh, what the hell do you call those shows? A series like Frasier or Friends. I forget. Anyways, it was a comedy with the main character being Tim Taylor who had his own show Tool Time. Tim was always looking for the latest and greatest way to add more power to his tools and it always backfired. Funny stuff.

I wanna know why the man has a gun and the gun not the man keeps the world at bay. I wanna hear what the man has to say, what the man has to say might just save me.
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You said it brother :lol:


Btw, Tim was played by Tim Allen and Al by Richard Karn. Maybe you know Tim Allen from some movies, like Galaxy Quest, Santa Clause, ...


Oh yeah, and : more power, hrr hrr hrrr :wink:




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