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Model installer doesnt work

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Okay so you put the imnporter in a new folder of the rebellion folder. You put the ship you wished to import in the "import" folder...

You would have to ask Mask. He is the one who programed the thing.




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Is the model importer exactly one folder inside your Rebellion directory ? (for ex. Rebellion\_model importer\thefilesarehereandnootherdirectoryexcept'import'isinbetween).


What did you put into the import folder ? An rmd file, a zip file, .x or .bin files ?


As I've said before, the program works 8) Let's find out, what you did, then.




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  • 1 month later...

This seemed like the best place to post this. I've been trying for some time to install the MC-90 model converted by Billy Loomis.


It originally was an XWA OPT by John "JM" Myers.


The files that extract from the downloadable zip file are;


medium x File

close x File

far_mc x File

mc90lite BIN File

mc90hull BIN File

mc90h_m BIN File

_How does this work.txt


No matter what I do I can't seem to get the ship model to load.



Would it be possible for somone to convert this to an RMD file?


Edit: I am such an idiot. All I needed to do was rename the far_mc to just plain far. :roll:

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*opens a sleepy eye and mumbles*


Really ? I need to fix this 8)




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Edit: I am such an idiot. All I needed to do was rename the far_mc to just plain far. :roll:


Haha, I do this so often when making a new model :roll::oops:


I can spend an hour looking at the model thinking that there's soemthing wrong with the conversion or the actual model when it turns out to be I forgot to re-name the files :P




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while still on the subject of not being able to get models to run in game, I still can't get the allegiance class ssd to work. I have the following files:









I copied the .bin files and changed them to .bmp in resource hacker and still will not work. Any suggestions?

Gentlemen, behold my latest invention, the Rabbot! -- Dr. Weird

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I also forgot to mention that the dominator model in the game looks like half of the ship is cloaked because you can see right through it. I need a really good model of an interdictor or maybe a fixed dominator? Help?
Gentlemen, behold my latest invention, the Rabbot! -- Dr. Weird

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I hope i can help u guys, coz i've experienced how to exchange models.

At me the model exchanger doesnt work. Fu..ed my computer.

As u know here are 2 type of files with a model

The .x and the .bin

Now, u have to open with Reshack the Tactical.DLL

In the dll is 2 sections - the 301 and the 303.

The .x must be loaded into 301 and the .bin into 303

In the 301 section are many sections storing the shiptypes - close,medum,and far views.

Ex. : here is the 2010,2011,2012 - this is the Mon Cal's model.

The 2010 contain the close view,the 2011 the medium, and the 2012 the far view.

Another ex : the 2050,2051,2052 contain the Alliance Escort Carrier.

the same way the 2050 contain the close view,the 2051 the medium, and the 2052 the far view.

U need Masks Rebellion_model_exchange.chm to know wich number is for wich ship.

Now, in ex. U want to change the Mon Cal in the game with an another mon cal lets say with the winged MC.

How to do this ? Well, u now know u have to change in the 301 and the 2010,2011,2012 sections.

U open the 301 and after that open the 2010, click on the 1033 - left,after right click.

Will appear a menu.Now here u choose replace source.

U click on the open recourse...after that in the directory where u store the another ships(winged mc) models,u click on the close.x, after that write in the 1’st section in the appeared window 301, after that in the 2’nd 2010 , in 3’nd write 1033.This will do that the close.x will be loaded as 2010.x - my opinion

Now u must go to 2011 do the same thing except u must load the medium.x to change the 2011.x

U have to do again at 2012 ,here u have to load the far.x

Now the model is imported in the game,the Mon Cal was replaced with the Winged MC.

Now u have to import the „mesh?" for the newly loaded model.

U have to go to 303 section. Open it, then in the top, from the menus choose „add new recource"

Will appear again a window,now u have to open the directory where u have the .bin files.

In example u have 2 .bins - one with hull.bin, another with hull_m.bin

Now in the window u type : 1’st section 303, 2’nd section hull.BMP (the bin must be written BMP : hull.BMP), in the 3’rd 1033. Click add resource. U have to repeat this with the hull_m.bin,go to 303,again add new recource etc,etc. doesnt forget to change the bin to BMP. U have successfully changed the model and the mesh for that model.

Now save the Tactical.DLL, and run the game, and go to a battle to see if the model work.

Have fun, Antonius.

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pParis17 if u have with the model 3 .bin's u have to import all 3 in the 303 section.

if u have one, import one, etc.

if u have one .x, u must use that one .x in all sections :ex 2010,2011,2012

u load into 2010 that 1.x, into 2011 1.x, and 2012 1.x.

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  • 3 months later...

Hi, and thank you for welcome.


Me windows is: Windows XP home edition 2002 (but me try in other pc with win98)


But the model installer no work, no rewrite the file tactical.dll, me put the file:




the model import:


/rmodimp/rmodimp_es.exe and the other files


and files the model in:


/rmodimp/import/*file.* (files of model)


But no work... my try all


Me add the model manually with Resource Hacker, but only add the model and no texture, the tutorial no talk under add texture.


pd.: me use the deep freeze in the PC.


Plss helpme !

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