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New Bulwark Battlecruiser model

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Hi everyone! I've been working on a new Bulwark Battlecruiser for Rebellion. its from XWA, but hey its cool looking! Heres what I've got so far:




What do you think?

Count Dooku is the strongest Star Wars character as depicted in the movies. All hail Christopher Lee.
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Update: I think its finished! It looks really good in lithunwrap, at least. Someone download it and let me know how it works!




Edit: I got home and tried this, and the models dont appear in-game! Could someone help me figure this out?

Count Dooku is the strongest Star Wars character as depicted in the movies. All hail Christopher Lee.
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Could you please send me the first version of the model. i am going to do the texturing in max. Also could you tell what area of the model has what texture. Thx




Click here is you like Trance

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Here are the textures, original OPT file, the x files and the 3ds files. The grey bmp is what covers most of the materials, while the bubbles on the side and the window in front use the blue color (materials 20 and 25 in lithunwrap)



Count Dooku is the strongest Star Wars character as depicted in the movies. All hail Christopher Lee.
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Okay, this time I tried using a single bitmap for the textures, which I added to the model in gmax. It took me a while, but I finally got the Bulwark to look good in gmax. So, I export it to lith in MD3 format, where...


It doesn't show up in the preview section. Like I said earlier, it looks great in Gmax, but once I export it, it won't even show up in lithunwrap. What should I do?

Count Dooku is the strongest Star Wars character as depicted in the movies. All hail Christopher Lee.
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  • 2 years later...
hey all, how's it going? just started working on my own tc again and i'm compiling my shiplist and models. just wanted to know if anybody has the completed bulwark with the textures working nicely. the links in this thread seem to be dead. even if its not finished, just a basic one that i could tinker with would be cool. if so, please put a working link up or feel free to email it to me at jasonlaviolette2006@yahoo.com. thanks :) oh, also looking for a decent looking GR-75 transport too. i could probably model that one without much trouble, but i have absolutely no artistic talent when it comes to texturing. yes, i know its a rediculously stupid ship, but having one or two avaliable at the start of the game is still nice to start building facilities on those uninhabited rim systems with lots of raw materials and energy :P
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  • 11 months later...

I have a need of more .X models. I can try it out in this DB engine and see what it looks like. I have gotten the wire frames from this website to work, bu the bin files for the textures never seem to stick. They will have to textured in a way the data is all together like a normal .X model mesh/texture.


I am using 5 full working sweet models I got from Nobel374 and they work great in the engine. I am very close to release a rebellion remake test alpha demo with the 2D interface and have it switch over to the 3D battle engine when attacked. I have not learned how to texture any all wire frame model (just placing one big simple skin over the whole thing). But I do have about 6 models that have the texture jpg and .x mesh together as two files and they do work inside the engine properly. I have those ships attacking each other and a display to show the shield/hull status and recharge rate indicators for damage. Plus pretty nice laser and sound effects with damage spites. It is nothing fancy but placeholders, but that can always be improved.


I want to make sure this is going to work on other Windows based OS and screen resolutions, and graphic cards that support DX9.


I gathered from the people and showed to work fine in game for the Rebellion Remake. Imperator, Venator (two versions) a higher polygon ISD, a Mon Calamari mc40a (its is called a 80a but it looks like the 40a), Escort Carrier, Bulk Cruiser (Black Sun variant like in the original game), Dreadnaught, TIE Intecepter (only fighter model so far), Acclamator (not in the original Rebellion but it works).


Need also a Carrack , medium Transport, Correlian Corvette and gunship "mesh and textured", Star Galleon, all those odd ones nobody seems to use much. I do thank you for any models I can try out to get to work.


Compared to the old Rebellion graphics, this space battle aready is LIGHT YEARS ahead in special effect and looks pretty darn good for basic graphics FX. As always it can be improved, the limiting factor is number of ships rendered verse eye candy. Remember EAW had to limit the models in game for graphics/cpu load I think; I want at least 300 capital ships per side and up to 1500~ fighter total for a large battle, so I tend more for gameplay than fancy graphics, but still it looks pretty.


I will give a try and post a picture, since I had the whole weekend to catch up on making this project.


EDIT: Oh crumbs, that is an old post and the link is dead. I guess I will learn how to texture those .X mesh files form this Rebellion website and add textures that will work with DarkBasic Engine. The texture pics are in .BIN form but I need a .jpg or whatever picture type texture. Is there a backword BIN to JPG convertor?

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I'll see if i can find the BIN to BMP converter for you. But it will have to wait a bit since my Windows OS computer's hard drive is having issues.

I guess i can also make one or two models for you.




Click here is you like Trance

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I'll see if i can find the BIN to BMP converter for you. But it will have to wait a bit since my Windows OS computer's hard drive is having issues.

I guess i can also make one or two models for you.


Thanks Mad78. :P I really could use a tool like that, and any models would be cool. I would like several models for people to use and have a complete game. I once thought there was a BMP to BIN convertor (New Fighter's Tutorial and Rebellion_Model_Exchange)to fit into the original Rebellion, but this DarkBasic wants it the normal way, and a 'BIN to BMP' convertor would put to use most of the models at this own SWR website download section.


I am good at coding the gameplay mechanics to work, but I am not much of an artist. It takes time and some talent to make a mesh model and learn how to texture it. :) Time I never had, to learn how to do it yet.

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Okay I fixed my computer so I can finally get down to work. I'll try and make a few ships. BTW are you sure that the Correlian Corvette is not in the Model Database? I'm sure I saw one there.




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Okay I fixed my computer so I can finally get down to work. I'll try and make a few ships. BTW are you sure that the Correlian Corvette is not in the Model Database? I'm sure I saw one there.


Thanks. Yes the Correlian Corvette is in the this website download. I have the mesh and can display the mesh fine in the DB pro engine. I just cannot use the texture in BIN form. I need the original BMP, JPG or normal format to texture the object.x with.


I believe people used a "Convert to BIN"? program to make those BIN maps out of the normal BMP maps. If I had a way to reverse the procedure. If I had the source code to that convertor people used to make the model textures work inside Rebellion as BIN. I tried to make a simple 32*32 bitmap square 256 bit color RBG basic format BMP used the convertor and tried to understand what it was doing to the data to reverse engineer it.


I was only partially successful (yet -and it is time consuming). But if you know what or how was done to those original BMP texture maps being created into those BIN textures...


I should say that I only need the 'close' up .X and close texture. The game engine make mipmaps to scale the far awya models automatically so there is no real need for those medium and far mesh and textures at this time or ever.


------------OT interest

The newest upgrades to 7.3 DB pro is working much better even still. The new Pure GDK is interesting in that compiler can almost match VC++ Express if I dare say. I would not mind migrating the code to that to take advantage of the ability to use the Win 32 API calls to get more control of the window/mouse call backs messaging (networking messages too) and playing movies and such. It seems to be almost 2x faster than plain old DB pro. By stepping the code, I can find the choke points and and optimize the code at assembler level (inline) if something fuddy is going on. I call that a real personal touch. A human mind can go in there and make the code run very fast by doing that, though I would need to 'upgrade' to Pure GDK.


You can't make a super graphical "Halo" game out of it with huge MP support ASAIK, but it will do simple hardcore gronard games like what we want without needing to be a PHD master in progamming. :) Plus I think the graphics and FX are not bad if a person wants to learn how to get them to work. So it is a good starter /intermediate complete game engine to work with. Soon I can release an alpha tech demo , I just need some decent textures so peeps will not say booo on the 3D models. 8)






As usual pic quality is terrible. Thus I want to release a real EXE tech demo. > Looks 100X better.

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PM me your email adress and I'll send you the converter.


You're gonna have to give me a little tome for the models since I soon have my exams. But I'll make them for sure after that. :)




Click here is you like Trance

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  • 3 weeks later...

Oh I should tell you that it works great! Here is a picture of a corvette running away from a VSD, similiar to A New Hope. :D The textures are on the ships. Yess!





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Nice pic Slocket! Keep up the good work :D:wink:
Finally, after years of hard work I am the Supreme Sith Warlord! Muwhahahaha!! What?? What do you mean "there's only two of us"?
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  • 3 months later...
  • 3 years later...

Who else preserved model of the cruiser? Remade almost all sizes of meshes Rebellion, but Bulvark - a very rare item. All links are forbidden. Found one http://www.users.globalnet.co.uk/~john22/maxfile.htm, but it seems very difficult for Reb. I understand that the topic for many years, but suddenly ...

Such games are not doing right now and I'm on the Phenom and Sli video card play Rebellion. :?

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  • 7 years later...
I am in the process of modeling the Bulwark to a much higher degree of detail than any previous model, along with some artistic interpretation here and there. It's not EC Henry/FractalSponge/Howard Day level, but I think I'm doing a pretty good job. I was wondering if there is anyone in this community who could help me texture it when it's modeled and UVmapped.
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  • 2 years later...

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