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What is Star Wars Rebellion? Is it a game?



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Yes, Rebellion is a Star Wars strategy game. Look at the link "About Rebellion". It's been around forever, or at least i think i got my copy of it some time around 1997. It isn't a mod, but people are modding it all the time, making total conversions of the game to make it different and better than it was. I'm in the preliminary stages of a Total Conversion right now. If you can find a copy, i strongly suggest you pick it up, should be pretty damn cheap at this point. Come to think of it, i should try to find an extra copy myself, just in case something happens to the CD ROM. If you do play it, you can learn alot about it on this site, then, after you've played it for a while, you can mod it and play it again. Its different every time without changing it, so modding it only makes it more fun. Ask around, alot of the people on this site have been playing this game for going on a decade now, and in the past few years, people have been modifying the heck out of it :)
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If you enjoy strategy games, definitely find a copy if you can. The only problems i've heard of is from people outside of the states that have shipping difficulties. the game runs from the cd even if its fully installed, so there are no downloadable copies out there and that's a breach of copyright anyway. But, like I said, it should be cheap and can bring hours and hours of fun, and sometimes frustrating gameplay (like all good games). :wink: It also has a tactical component that's fairly pathetic, at least in terms of graphics and your ability to control your fleet, but it goes back to strategy again and how you put your task forces, squadrons, and fleets together to go into the battle. There is some control in terms being able to direct your fighters and what ships you want to plunge into the heart of the battle and which ones should stay on the fringe or go after fighters instead of capital ships. Again, this is mostly strategy though, but it's fun to learn how to go into a battle and win, run when you need to, or even defeat a bigger and better fleet depending on how you strategically command the battle. Sadly, there are no ground battles, which would have been a good extra aspect of the game. You do, however, have control over 30 personnel and all the special forces teams you can make to conduct certain missions, and have complete control on building mines and refineries (that harvest raw materials, stockpile refined materials, and give you a maintenance pool for all your forces), building other facilities (such as shipyards and training facilites, and planetary defenses), and building your ships, fighters and troops for defense or attack. It's a fairly complex, complicated game, but once you master it, the AI actually seems pretty mentally inept. Some people around here have been working hard experimenting and testing settings in rebed for your military units that helps the AI along and be "smarter" and more aggressive. If you know the game, you'll end up winning sooner or later, but its a long fun trip :) Once you really learn how to play, you can mod it yourself, try the total converstions that people here are working on, or, if you really want a challenge, play against somebody online :wink:


Just a warning though, this game can be addictive. I've had spells when I'm really in the mood to play that i started friday afternoon, got 3-4 hours of sleep sometime saturday afternoon, played more, and all of a sudden realized that it's 2-3 on monday morning and i had to get up for school or work in 4 hours :P

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  • SWR Staff - Executive

Admiral_Sarn, I really glad you are actively posting on the forums.


But please don't expect someone to reply to your post in 20 minutes. This is a forum, not a chat room. :)


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Fighting is terrible, but not as terrible as losing the will to fight.

- SW:Rebellion Network - Evaders Squadron Coding -

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Yes, sometimes it takes a good while for people to reply. Take your time, really look around the site. There's alot of info here that just needs to be found rather than asking the same questions over and over. Sometimes you'll fine the asnwers you're looking for, sometimes you have to ask because its a notally new question or subject. And yes, posting is great, and its nice to get that ranking up, but be respectful and don't just post your ass off for the hell of it. There's only so much space to go around for the site.


Good luck on your questions for HW2 and academy, i haven't really gotten into them much. I've started this TC project now that i have a bit of time and haven't really played other games, not that i don't have them, lol. what can i say, I'm a rebellion freak :P

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  • SWR Staff - Executive
Like everything else, you have to pay for it.


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Fighting is terrible, but not as terrible as losing the will to fight.

- SW:Rebellion Network - Evaders Squadron Coding -

The cake is a lie.

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Yes, Rebellion is a Star Wars strategy game. Look at the link "About Rebellion". It's been around forever, or at least i think i got my copy of it some time around 1997.


I didn't actually read the conversation, just saying- Rebellion was originally released in 1998. So you got your copy a year later than you thought. I think. :roll:


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

Not gone, merely marching far away

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Thanks again Tofu :wink:


Maybe it was 98, I just know its been a while that i've had it. I remeber playing it for about a year when i as at PSU, and i graduated in 99, so 97 was a guess (i didn't bother lookig for a date :P ). I must have gotten it pretty much close to when it first came out.


I really haven't looked around the net for another copy, although i should probably do so so that i have a back up copy if anything ever happens to my disk, but i'd imagine you may be able to find the game on amazon, ebgames, or other places online that sell video games. LucasArts might actually still sell it on thier site as well, as they sell a bunch of thier older games still, but i haven't checked that out either yet.


If anybody does happen to look for it (not many probably will, most of us that come to this site already have it and have been playing it forever) please post where you found it, if you do. I'm betting i'm not the onely one that wouldn't mind having a safety net back up copy. CDs don't last forever, they wear down, get scratched, and even get broken in unfortuate (and most of the time, idiotic) mishaps.


Later all :)

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The Wikipedia entry looks good FishFace. Really surprised me that copies sell for up to $45 on ebay. I knew there was a big face base, as this site and the people modifying the game are a testament to, but i didn't know it was that rare and/or in demand to be selling for a price like that. Not too suprising, however, because it is a great strategy game where you have to keep on your toes about everything that's going on, from your characters, to your troops, fighters, ships, and special forces, to how much maintenace you can have and how fast your facilities are eating up your pool of refined materials if you don't have enough mines and refineries to keep up with your construction projects, all while not really knowing what the enemy is doing except for the obvious overt actions taken against you. Action games with fantastic graphics and sound are a dime a dozen these days, and new ones sell for over $50 dollars, so i guess its not very surprising that there are Star Wars fans and other people that enjoy thinking that are searching to get this game.
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Proof read it eally fast, and under "Poor reaction" this sentance is rather confusing: "The some players however were hardly impressed by this, expecting to control or see the on-planet battles of their troops, and not just see the outcome, like in the old game Defender of the Crown." Just saying. :D


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

Not gone, merely marching far away

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I agree, but much of it is not my doing; THIS is what it looked like before I found it.


I intend to polish the article some more and get rid of all confusing sentences and useless paragraphs, but I'm kinda working on five things at once and don't know when I'll find the time and patience.

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Amen to finding time and patience. I'm trying to do this TC of mine on top of the rest of my life. I learned most of the programs i needed to in order to do the TC in one weekend (exceptions being RebEd, which i played around with alot, and the ship modeling programs because i'm waiting until near the end to change those) Learing where everything is in the DLLs if funtastic :P and i can say that picking one place to start and staying on track and completing things in steps is not easy when you keep finding new things and starting new parts of the project when you come across them. I'm just happy to say that i pretty much stayed on track this whole weekend with one step of the project; researching characters, deciding who is going to be in my TC, and editing all of their data in ResHack. A big part was researcing rank systems and thier insignias so i can accurately portray the characters at the correct point in thier careers. Next is on to replacing all of the bitmaps for all of my characters :)


on a goofy note, i just noticed that i went up a rank in the postings, woohoo :D take it easy everybody

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No reason why you shouldn't start to learn how to do TCs now!


If you have any skills with photoshop, just tsalk to Jahled (PM or the reloaded boards) and he'll get you on board as he needs artworkers.

I've just remembered i've got a signature!
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Though, as I can tell you, talented photoshoper doesn't mean taking images off of the web and altering them into what you want them to be :oops:


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

Not gone, merely marching far away

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Really surprised me that copies sell for up to $45 on ebay.


I've even seen them as high as $50 plus on some sites. But if you go to Lucasarts.com go to PC Games and go to classics you'll find Rebellion new for 29.95 plus shipping. No I'm not associated with the site :roll: but have been looking for a new Rebellion copy. Mine just bit the dust but hey I've had the same copy since it first came out :wink: and I remember it cost me 48.50 when I bought long,long ago 8O .

"The attack on me by the Jedi has left me physically deformed. But, my Resolve has never been Stronger"Palpatine
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Hate to be the one to relay this bad news, but Rebellion is now out of stock at Lucasarts store. I do not know if they will get more or not of course.-Grand Moff Conway
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Thats LucasArts taking one giant dump on all of our hopes and dreams. Curse EaW!
"I saw the greatest minds of my generation destroyed by madness, starving, hysterical, naked, dragging themselves through the negro streets at dawn looking for an angry fix." -Allen Ginnsberg, "Howl"
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If you want a new copy of Rebellion on line that may be slightly used and missing instructions, or something, check http://www.half.com It's a branch of E-bay that shows you the absolute cheapest (And sometimes junkiest)stuff for sale. Honestly, we got Apollo Thirteen (The movie) off of there for sixteen cents. No exageration... Well, except for shipping. Just saying.


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

Not gone, merely marching far away

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Okay I hate to break it to everyone but you all have disfunctional CD's. See I got the FIRST one and therefore am UNIQUE, after realizes that 'I' was UNIQUE LucasArts realized they could never destroy my individuality, so they magically destroyed all other copies, and then cloned my copy and tweaked it so I had a better version than all of you mwahahaha... Seriously... >.>
"I saw the greatest minds of my generation destroyed by madness, starving, hysterical, naked, dragging themselves through the negro streets at dawn looking for an angry fix." -Allen Ginnsberg, "Howl"
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Paul posted

Hate to be the one to relay this bad news, but Rebellion is now out of stock at Lucasarts store. I do not know if they will get more or not of course.-Grand Moff Conway


Yes unfortunately have figured it out too and was very disappointed :cry: .

Well then we'll just have too

Wipe them out. All of them!
oh oh, umm anyway I guess E-bay here I come :? .
"The attack on me by the Jedi has left me physically deformed. But, my Resolve has never been Stronger"Palpatine
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You don't need to goto Ebay! This site is very friendly to illeagle activity! Didn't you see the warm greeting that one guy asking for a digital copy of Rebellion got? :D Anyway, just because I say it whenever I say anything: check http://www.half.com for Rebellion. You get stuff very cheap there.


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

Not gone, merely marching far away

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