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Jaina and Jacen


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I am working on a Jaina, Jacen and probably Anakin Solo card. I have Jaina's pictures done, but I don't know the stats. I haven't read much on her, and what I know doesn't help me much. She's a mechanical genius. That in no way tells me what kind of diplomat she is. She becomes a pilot. In Rebellion, that would help her as much as it helped Antilles. It only helped him appear in the game. He still had wimp stats.

Anyways, I will be at the same loss with the other too as well. Maybe these weren't the best options for my first cards...

I ended up giving her ship research of Antilles equivelant, no diplomacy with 30 variance, 80 espionage with 30 variance, 70 combat with 30 variance and 80 leadership with 20 variance. She can only be a commander though.

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Well, I can't tell you the exact stats to give each character, but Jaina should have a high combat and leadership rating, but her diplomacy should be rather low, with her espionage being moderate. Jacen should have a high diplomacy, low combat, higher than average espionage, and a moderate leadership. Anakin should have a high combat, low diplomacy, low espionage but a high leadership. Both Anakin and Jaina should have ship research abilities. Anakin should also have a moderate troop research ability.


Hope that is of some help to you :).

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  • SWR Staff - Executive
I would almost put Jacen as Admiral. He has a good sense for tactical spaces, as shown in the NJO battles. I think he'd definitely be up for an Admiral position in the future, should be decide to become part of the navy full-time.


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