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Help Required from SWR Jedi Masters


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:arrow: The request is simple. I need your argument power in a debate about the future of EAW planets numbers.


:arrow: The developers are thinking to add a max of 50 planets (not decided yet) and I push for 80+. I know from LEC for sure that they can add as many planets as they want, but consider less planets better cause of the gameplay issues :? .


:arrow: So some of them (petroglyph) are contra arguing with me and the two LEC people in charge of EAW are keeping an eye on the topic. If we won this argument we will surly get 60 planets if we clearly demonstrate the need for 80+ planets we will get them. (*Divide the galaxy on small, medium and large they must)


:arrow: I never asked many favors from you guys in the past but i'm asking now. I need the big brains from SWR to back me up, I need the cavalery charge if we are to win this. If there is a chance to influence the EAW planet numbers ... it is now. The next game development stage will close this debate forever.




:arrow: Follow all the debate and back me up as you know best. Evaders, Igor, Mask, Trej and all the others who really can bring a better argument that I can.



Thanks guys ! :D

- The Trivium Organization - Community Manager -

- Petroglyph Fan Forums - CoAdmin & Human Resources Manager -

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:arrow: Keep tryng - they have to many hits and the system is to old. It will clear eventually. Thanks for the suport I was really runing out of arguments in front of them.

- The Trivium Organization - Community Manager -

- Petroglyph Fan Forums - CoAdmin & Human Resources Manager -

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Personally, I would argue that restricting the number of planets based on hardware is nonsense. A true PC gamer is usually someone who has been constantly upgrading their machine to stay current with technology. Catering to people who still use for instance a Pentium II machine is just dumb. People with those machines still probably only play Solitaire.



Think about this, the galaxy is realistically a big place. With billions..BILLIONS of planets. 50 is not even a drop in the bucket.

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:arrow:Skynxnex I know , I know but post there not here. it is really hard to convince them.

- The Trivium Organization - Community Manager -

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Guest JediIgor

Since I haven't registered with the LucasArts forums yet (and because of the amount of stupidity on those forums I doubt I ever will), I will refrain from doing so until I can see some proof it won't just be a waste of my time (that is, I want to know for sure Petroglyph/LEC is actively reading those threads). Where are their replies, hmm?


I will say this however, most of those people against are completely absurd, there is no reason why in this day we couldn't have an option to have as many planets as we want (from 1 to X)...


Of course if the gameplay is like Rise of Nations' "Conquer the World" I'd rather have less territories :).

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NO quotes pls. Guys - I will edit this next day. Thanks


:arrow:JediIgor Sluggo the moderator there is actually the .... Edit.



It's better to PM you. Look at your PMs. BTW what is your yahoo messenger ?

Edited by Cain

- The Trivium Organization - Community Manager -

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bobandrubert I can assure you that I'm not insane or something. The only email public posted from Ismael is this :





I know most of the others but don't ask me to share them with you. Not to mention that Ismael is editing them even for me.


but I can live with that. I even have Mike's Legg email but I never email him cause I trust Ismael sends him the links that I want him to see...


this is all I have to say.

- The Trivium Organization - Community Manager -

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Do I get to be a Jedi Master? XD
"I saw the greatest minds of my generation destroyed by madness, starving, hysterical, naked, dragging themselves through the negro streets at dawn looking for an angry fix." -Allen Ginnsberg, "Howl"
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:arrow: Loll .... it was just an expresion for them to know at whom I am adressing ;) that means SWR lovers.

- The Trivium Organization - Community Manager -

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:arrow:Mad78 thank you. I know that they are not haveing in their work agenda right now the increase of the planets number but I'm sure that they will think about it. I was needing some more powerful arguments to defeat Cobra878 in the debate. I hope we did enough of them but I fear the battle is still undecided.


:arrow: bobandrubert I wish you luck but what you seek is extremly difficult. try my style from EAW LEC forums. I could quote you a LEC developer that that is the only way to really make the developers see your words.

- The Trivium Organization - Community Manager -

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:arrow: Thanks Mad78 if they want a trench war we can reply there to one another keeping that topic up for months. Loll we will defeat them in a war of attrition. If they see that topic still going up forever they will really do the 80+.

- The Trivium Organization - Community Manager -

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Guest JediIgor

Turns out I was registered on LucasArts, probably back from the days when I hit "register game" like a sucker (cause I was using my 5+ year old password heh). Anyways, I posted now, so maybe if some influential people are visiting those forums like someone implied we might be seeing results.


Now if they threw in XML files and an SDK like Civ4, we'd be in heaven :).

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:arrow:JediIgor, mawshiye and Mad78 thanks for joining the "war" . I will make sure to ask Ismael to send the topic to Petroglyph also ... next week when they will have more free time.


:arrow: It is not only that but we can make feedback topics and send them the links to their emails. I know for sure from Ismael that they said this was good feedback :





:arrow: this is the only way : they are not allowed to recive emails with fan suggestions or ideeas. They are scared by theyr contracts to death about this issue. So the only way to do a good feedback topic for them to see, follow and implement (if they like it) it will be like this :




see my first post.


Their official contract restraints oblige them to act like this. We are really lucky that Ismael find out the way to do good feedback and comunication with them.


As for the planets they started from 20 and now is 40+ as long there is a (+) we will fight for more. If they officialy frozen the number we will end our argueing and feebdack other EAW areas.


the planets feedback topic from there and the E3 topic are the most productive ones in temrs of discution or argueing with developers.


In case a newb sees this ... hmmm ... act like a fan and say nothing. Just be very smart in your posts there.


Evaders or any other SWR admin when you see this pls. delete the hole topic. It opens a knowhow gate that must be not to wide or left open to much.



- The Trivium Organization - Community Manager -

- Petroglyph Fan Forums - CoAdmin & Human Resources Manager -

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