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I build Caracks first because they can hurt fighters, and still manage to take on a capital ship. I usually don't bother with any fighters in my imperial games. I replace them with lancer frigates after the research is complete.
"I saw the greatest minds of my generation destroyed by madness, starving, hysterical, naked, dragging themselves through the negro streets at dawn looking for an angry fix." -Allen Ginnsberg, "Howl"
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What construction priorities for the empire. How much of what and where? (roughly)

What kind of defences?

And how many fleets? (like first one with what?) than build it out to what? etc.

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I play as the Empire exclusively. First research as much as possible, but put one person on each type of research. Next build a troop building world, a construction world, and a shipbuilding world in each sector you control if possible. It makes the travel time much shorter. For ships I build early on Carracks, Victory SD's, Lancers when available, and after that Star Destroyers. The best fighter mix after research is done are TIE Interceptors and TIE Defenders at a 70/30 mix ratio.

Defend Imperial Center at all costs, do not weaken Coruscants defence to make an attack on somewhere else- you will regret it later.

Use your diplomats to consolidate the Sessewanna sector. If the rebels have any planets there make taking them a key priority.

Use the Emperor to recruit and do not move him from Imperial Center. The bonus he gives your officers is a key Imperial advantage- use it well.

This is some basic advice if you need more specifics ask.-Grand Moff Conway

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Pretty similar to my strategy.

What does the bonus actually mean? What is the effect?


As for defence. Do you put it everywhere or do you tone it down.

Do you keep single shipyards, barracks etc on planets or do you replace them for resources?

For specialized worlds 4,5 or more of the same?

Is the SSD worthwhile?

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Pretty similar to my strategy.

What does the bonus actually mean? What is the effect?


As for defence. Do you put it everywhere or do you tone it down.

Do you keep single shipyards, barracks etc on planets or do you replace them for resources?

For specialized worlds 4,5 or more of the same?

Is the SSD worthwhile?


I set all worlds get at least X2 Gencore L1 or a Golan II station (using the TC)

Initially i leave the worlds as i find them, but after the initial colonization/diplomacy burst i then set 'Sector Production Centres' where the planet with the biggest output gets 3xshipyards, 3xtraining centres & 3xproduction centres. Then in the outer rim i create mass production planets that specialize in one or other of the previous, as i find this works for me. Most of the Specialist worlds get 12+production centres etc.


As for the SSD.... You bet it is :) The SSD's kick rebel butt!! and with the upgraded graphics look really good too :D


Visit the forums > The Galactic Core Forums

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you know, that's funny because where I read up on Empire strategy it said the first ships to build should be Escort Carriers so you can add a good dose of fighter strength to your fleet (especially when paired with VSD's that only carry 2 squadrons)


are you suggesting to concentrate instead on good antifighter capitols (like Carrack first, Lancer later) until you have Interceptors?


Also, what are your thoughts on TIE Bombers?


more later...


Okay, it's later, now here's a few things I like to do when I play the Galactic Empire:


- Ofcourse, all the basics. At the start of the game, switch your viewer to Idle Personnel and assign them all to jobs.

- I set my construction yards to expand until each has 3, then to building up other facilities.I'll expand them later to include one contruction planet per sector

- Use your fleets to blockade Rebel systems in your sector and then use high Leadership/low Diplomacy characters (like Screed, Grammel, Griff, etc) to Incite Uprisings on Rebel planets with over 25% Imperial support. Preferably, incite on worlds that will hurt the Rebellion the most like those with construction yards and especially shipyards. This is one of my favorite things to do. Alot of times you can use your Leadership guys to sabotage any army units that might be lying in wait as their combat rating is pretty high


It's not too hard as Imperial characters have high leadership bonuses and I guess this is the Empire's answer to what the Rebellion does in their early game. Often you can find rebel sympathizing Imperial planets and simply sabotage the army units until they give the Empire the boot and join your pathetic little band without any need for diplomacy.


more even later...I hate work

"I can feel your anger. It gives you focus. It gives you strength." - Nothing happens to Palpatine without him wanting it to...except getting thrown down that shaft ofcourse. Let's hear it for the Empire.
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First and foremost: NEVER USE TIE BOMBERS!!!!


I agree with the Grand Moff. I always have one system in each each sector devoted to each facility. I never bother with defensive lasers, just a Gen-Core on some of the key planets, and once the ball gets rolling, TIE intercepters at each planet (6-10 per planet). And always, always have an Interdictor Cruiser present in each fleet! It stops Rebels from escaping their cruel fate!

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Actually properly protected 12 tie bombers can really knock some holes in a rebel fleet... just gotta take out the enemy fighters first and watch those bombs blast holes through'em :lol: .
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Tie bombers are just weak versions of b-wings. If not attacked laser-based capital ships or fighters, then of course...they have torpedos...they can do some heavy damage. But never use them against fighters.


Also...one of u mentioned whether or not to leave basic production facilities (like 1 shipyard) alone or to scrap it. I find that when i only have one or two shipyard on a planet i use it to build lots of fighters for that planet and the sector.

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first of all, could someone comment on my "No fighters until Lancer -or- Escort carriers full of TIEs in early game" question? It would help immensely


now to TIE Bombers: They have the same stats as standard TIEs, but do they secretly perform worse? I read somewhere on these forums that the AI will automagically target fighters more threatening to the fleet (Bombers, B-Wings), then from the most advanced fighters on down


the consensus seems pretty split on whether Bombers are worth their maintenance points


what are some ways to utilize them properly? Maybe dance them around with waypoints while your interceptors/carracks/lancers kill the enemy fighters and then smite the rebel fleet?

"I can feel your anger. It gives you focus. It gives you strength." - Nothing happens to Palpatine without him wanting it to...except getting thrown down that shaft ofcourse. Let's hear it for the Empire.
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It really depends... if you have alot of fighters then you need some escorts to utilize some of them on offensive. But if you stay clear of fighters and get alot of carracks/lancers then you don't. Both strats work... with the relatively weak Imperial fighters earlier on capitals is probably a better bet but I'd go with some fighters first to have something for defense before some capitals finish building. (Or just make carracks on any planets that start with 2 shipyards) I've gone mass carracks before... and I've also gone escort/fighter route (once with 104 fighters in my fleet) both work multiplayer... fighters you have to mix better though (getting some bombers to do damage once your other fighters clear their fighters). So take your pick... whatever your more comfortable with... carracks are less work probably :-).


Sometimes I just don't get bombers orders at the start until I kill the enemy fighters... that only works if the enemy doesn't notice what your doing though. Dancing around on waypoints doesn't sound like a bad idea... too bad waypoints mostly give me headaches :cry: .

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well if you're playing against the comp (I dont normally play online, yet lol) then the enemy fighters run straight for your bombers, I'm almost certain so leaving them at the back isn't really useful


I wish I could play right now to try out the "carracks early game, fighters later" thing though, my friggin new comp that I bought parts for and assembled doesn't work and it makes me wanna cry

"I can feel your anger. It gives you focus. It gives you strength." - Nothing happens to Palpatine without him wanting it to...except getting thrown down that shaft ofcourse. Let's hear it for the Empire.
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hmm, never noticed that as Empire you can leave a squadron undeployed by not giving them orders


I always thought they launched no matter what

"I can feel your anger. It gives you focus. It gives you strength." - Nothing happens to Palpatine without him wanting it to...except getting thrown down that shaft ofcourse. Let's hear it for the Empire.
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I have a strategy I wanted to post. It usually only works on single player since people learn, but computers don't.

First, conduct espionage on as many enemy planets as you can. Once you find a planet with a lot of characters, troopers or special forces you don't want them to have, blockade the planet. Sabotage, abduct/assasinate or utterly bombard your targets untill your satisfied. If you can get a team down doing 'Incite uprising'. Once all of your targets are taken down or captured, and the enemy world is beginning to turn against your enemy, withdraw. Keep active espionage on the planet and watch for people to return. Since you brought down the support for your enemy, someone will come for diplomacy or 'Subdue Uprising' if you pulled it to far. Blockade, kill and capture. Repeat as often as you can before the enemy stops sending people to replace. With Easy level CPs, this doesn't happen untill they have few more characters. As soon as the plan stops working, take the planet and choose a new target.

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