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A Death Star is born...


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I dont know if anyone saw this but I thought it was pretty funny.






I was trying to download it from imule but i'd never imagined that it would that funny lololol :P

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Yes Tarkin could issue orders to Vader but not because Palpy told him to do so but by respect and for the usefulness of Tarkin at the time being, remember Motti, more than once, spoke of the Death Star's power bla bla and that they could challenge Palpy's power... if Tarkin had not perish at Yavin he might had at the hands of Vader for treason.


I agree with Trejiuvanat, Vader had a special position in the Empire because he's Palpy's enforcer however Vader was ordered to seek out and eliminate the rebels (and we all know that he wanted to find luke as well) so he assembled an Elite task force, the Death Squadron, and granted the first of the new Executor class star destroyers (Executor) ESB, later in ROTJ he was reassigned by Palpy, who had become suspicious of his apprentice's loyalty, to supervise the death star project that had failed to keep up on schedule, it was Admiral Piett who was granted command of the entire imperial fleet.


It was a shame to lose Tarkin and many other fine officers at the battle of yavin!! Damned rebel scum :twisted:

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It was a shame to lose Tarkin and many other fine officers at the battle of yavin!! Damned rebel scum


Oh well, had it been the other way around we would have never seen Leia in the slave attire :D I'd take that over Tarkin's kiss-ass face any day!

"I saw the greatest minds of my generation destroyed by madness, starving, hysterical, naked, dragging themselves through the negro streets at dawn looking for an angry fix." -Allen Ginnsberg, "Howl"
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Of course my friends it's just that sometimes my imperial vein emerges lolololololol, but i'll give you something to think you all must know that Tarkin had a taste for young girls remember his mistress, Admiral Daala, and like he said to Leia "charming to the last" he may have took her as a second mistress, Daala at The Maw and Leia at the Death Star lololololol, noooo nooooo it would be to much for is blood pressure lololol :twisted:
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Of course my friends it's just that sometimes my imperial vein emerges lolololololol, but i'll give you something to think you all must know that Tarkin had a taste for young girls remember his mistress, Admiral Daala, and like he said to Leia "charming to the last" he may have took her as a second mistress, Daala at The Maw and Leia at the Death Star lololololol, noooo nooooo it would be to much for is blood pressure lololol :twisted:


Thanks. I wake up to this "bad Image" and now I want to pry it out of my mind. :arrow::roll:

"May the force be with the pizza guy. I want it in less that 30 mins or less."


You can kill me later, thank you.


I want you to join KoC.

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Of course my friends it's just that sometimes my imperial vein emerges lolololololol, but i'll give you something to think you all must know that Tarkin had a taste for young girls remember his mistress, Admiral Daala, and like he said to Leia "charming to the last" he may have took her as a second mistress, Daala at The Maw and Leia at the Death Star lololololol, noooo nooooo it would be to much for is blood pressure lololol :twisted:


Thanks. I wake up to this "bad Image" and now I want to pry it out of my mind. :arrow::roll:





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Did you notice that the landing platforms on the second page form a mickey mouse head. :lol:


Look at all the Imperial logos, they also share the same characteristic quality as the landing bay :wink:






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