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Burning Star Destroyer


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Well, I was bored... So I decided to make a picture.


However I ended up not "Making" a picture, I just modified one...


So out of this:




I made this:




Everything, And I mean EVERYTHING, was made with the Photoshop Blur tool.

(Besides the Pencil tool, for the Color to burn.)


So, what do you think?

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Vary nice Kaja. :)




Some of the greatest events in human history have come about due to someone being bored. A Norwegian for example invented the paperclip.

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Nice one, Kaja :D


Just a slight tip: try to make the fires a bit transparent, that makes them even better :wink:




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Good, good, I'd like to see stuff like that posted in my art thread, but never mind.


My thoughts...

- You picked a tough picture to work from, because a) it's very bright, and light effects are easier made looking good on dark backgrounds and b) because of the angle, you see most surfaces at a sharp angle, which would call for more perspective on the scorch marks and the like. Try a view from above, and maybe reduce the damage to one big gaping hole in the main hull and some smaller scorch marks.

- Look at some pics to get a good idea of how fiery effects should look like. Google "explosion". It's fun. Fire has at least as much orange and yellow as red, depending on color.

- Photoshop gives you the chance to work in layers. Use it. Get a layer with Screen or maybe Hard Light over the original and see how the blending mode affects the effects. Gives good transparency.

- Keep in mind the scale you're working at. Star Destroyers are HUGE beasts, so the fires should be really small and detailed in comparison and the flames shouldn't go out as far into space. A good thing to to is to paint some dark black scorch marks and the fires along the edges of the marks.

(to illustrate, this is an older piece, where I've worked hard on getting the sense of scale across, and it took long enough, too.)

A nice scattered brush works very well for fiery particle effects.


Anyway..nice work!


Samaritan: Where there's a fire, there's smoke... it would spread differently for the lack of air, and there rarely is any fire in space anyway, but smoke would be there.

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Which would explain how there was fire in space 8) .


Hehe, Kaja is nice enough to share his work with us, and we get into things that don't even relate to art :lol:. Good work kaja :D

History is on the move, Captain. Those who cannot keep up with it will be left behind, to watch from a distance. And those who stand in our way will not watch at all.

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Which would explain how there was fire in space 8) .


Hehe, Kaja is nice enough to share his work with us, and we get into things that don't even relate to art :lol:. Good work kaja :D


I second that.


Great work.

"May the force be with the pizza guy. I want it in less that 30 mins or less."


You can kill me later, thank you.


I want you to join KoC.

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Thanks :)


The blue stuff is oxygen. As the Star destroyer was hit and is venting atmosphere.


Admiral Fish Face, Thanks for the advice!


That piceture of the Lusankya is awesome, It's colliding with a Yuzzhan Vong Worldship isn't it?

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Haha, that's Booster Terrik's Errant Venture which got the full ISD mk II load out towards the end of that Campaign at Borelias.


Green could be interesting though . . . how about ice blue for the Chimera :wink:




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Haha, that's Booster Terrik's Errant Venture which got the full ISD mk II load out towards the end of that Campaign at Borelias.


Dont you mean right after the New Republic abused Terriks' trust and put tons of fake damage all over the vessel so they could use it in the Hand of Thrawn Duology?

I once knew a great man. Nothing got to him, and he always smiled. May he forever rest in peace, knowing fully well that his freinds shall remember him.
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Haha, that's Booster Terrik's Errant Venture which got the full ISD mk II load out towards the end of that Campaign at Borelias.


Dont you mean right after the New Republic abused Terriks' trust and put tons of fake damage all over the vessel so they could use it in the Hand of Thrawn Duology?


No, I was referring to the setting that the picture was in during the NJO peroid and how it (the EV) use to be armed with something like 20 turbolasers for an ISD mk II until that battle.

Still, I'm pretty sure the New Republic would have taken back their guns after that engagment was over :roll:


And if I were to paint an ISD (now that's a lot of paint :wink: ), I'd paint it a matt black to make it harder to see at long range. Granted, they'll have sensors - though it'll still look cool :roll:




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I agree with Krytos, that would be my choice of paint.


And wasn't the Errant Venture outfitted with all the cannons they took off the Lusankya?

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I agree with Krytos, that would be my choice of paint.


And wasn't the Errant Venture outfitted with all the cannons they took off the Lusankya?


Sort of, that was part of Wedge's Strategy. The Vong didn't attack the Lusankya during their raids at Borelias because they knew they'd get pounded - so they kept engaging other New Republic ships in system, slowly grinding them away and knocking out weapon implacements.

Little did the Vong know, that Wedge was harvesting the weapons from the Lusankya to keep the rest of the fleet well armed - not just the Venture (Imagine trying to fit 250 Heavy Turbolasers on an ISD mk II let alone the rest of an SSD's armament 8O ). And in the end it played out well, with most of the ships that had been previously damaged in battle still armed to the teeth the Vong under estimated their New Republic's forces and they were able to punch through the bloackade at Borelias and escape.

Mean while, the stripped and now modified Lusankya made her last voyage into the bows of the Yuuzhan Vong Worldship ending the Lusankya's legacy and that of Tsvong Lah's father.




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Still, I'm pretty sure the New Republic would have taken back their guns after that engagment was over :roll:


Actually,. part of the agreememnt was that the NR would resore the EV completely and give her a new paint job. After that battle, the EV ended up with a full armament of weapons, and a nice red paint job. Goes to show why you shouldn't deal with Booster Terrik.

I once knew a great man. Nothing got to him, and he always smiled. May he forever rest in peace, knowing fully well that his freinds shall remember him.
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Strange, from what I've read in books and different soruces (Like RPG sources) state that the EV wasn't armend with the ISD mk II's normal weapons.

Hmm, I'll have to find the stats.


EDIT: Found them in the NJO source book. It's got 10 turbolasers, 10 ioncannons, 2 tractor beams and its shields are only half strength.

Other than, there's little difference.




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Interesting. I thought Terrik said the Republic would have to completely restore the Venture after they were done with it. Ah well, it will just have to go down as good writing/poor explenation.


But the systems you mentioned were what Terrik got when he first aqquired the ship, not what he had at the beginning of the NJO.


Edit: And another thing, that Lusankya pic is my newest backround. It fits perfectly!

I once knew a great man. Nothing got to him, and he always smiled. May he forever rest in peace, knowing fully well that his freinds shall remember him.
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