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For those who don't know, a gripe thread is where you post things that or have bugged the crap out of you.


Well, I'll start.


At the end our Uni's astonishing 6 day (including weekend) Easter holiday, I find out I have a project was due this Friday at 9 a.m. Now, it was on Java - not too bad, though we had to create a UML diagram. They're not hard, except for the fact we'd never learnt how to do them. Crap. So, at 4 a.m Friday I finally finished the P.O.S.


Now fast foward to Saturday. Still trying to recover from the lack of sleep I got friday morning, and to top it off I woke up with a headache and got told to help mow the lawn - which is bad because I live on a 1 and half acre block, on a nice big slope.


After finishing that job, I got an hour or two to catch up on work due in tomorrow (yet to finish) before going to work. For those who don't know, I work part time in a Fish n' Chips shop (Yeah, glamorous).

Great night that was, started off slow and boring until some guy had something wrong with his order. He phoned us up and abused the crap out of us, so the manager told him to bring back the item and we'd replace it. So the moron comes over without it and starts abusing everyone in the joint and swearing his head off. In the end he threw a little sign at the manager and then left . . . only to take a table from outside and throw it into the carpark. So the manager, me and some other blokes go out to grab the table only for the moron to come back threatened to fight us (Now I wish he had, would have been great to deck that guy). Well his wife pulled the bogan away, and we took the table and went back in (mind you all this time, there's a person in the shop talking to the police).

So while we wait for the cops to arrive, he comes back and threatens to throw a chair threw the window of the shop, and instead breaks it. That was the last we saw of him, 20 minutes later the cops show up - great timing as usual guys.

That day was far from complete, because half an hour before my shift ended my mate was "released" from work. For those who don't knwo what that means, it is a polite way of say: You're fired.


Now for today - what's pushed me over the top and thanked the goverment for baning guns in Australia, otherwise I'd be on the news for all the wrong reasons. Half an hour before work start, my brother and I go to start my car. Now, the night (Yes, that terrific Saturday) before I lent my car to my brother so he could go to a mates party (hey he's my brother, so I regularly lend him my car). I hop in the drivers side and onlock the other door to let him in only to hear: "Oh f#$@!!!"

I get out to see some damn prick has gone and beaten in the side of my door and rear guard. Why? Because some knob had to screw with someone elses life. What is with these loosers who need to key cars, kick them, and hit them with their doors?!? God, are they that pathetic!!! Apparently they are. All I can say to those types of people are: "Get a job, and get a life so you can get out of mine"

God knows how much this'll cost to fix, it's a Series 2 RX-7 - so it's not going to be cheap or easy to find replacement parts.


Here's some shots of the damage that bone head did to my car - it was raining so they didn't come out to good






I must go now before I snap the keyboard off this laptop


EDIT: OH, and I forgot - my grandma's in hospital could this week get worse? Maybe I shouldn't ask


NOTE: Heavily edited to remove swearing, cusing and some other stuff like what I wanted to do to that arse. . .

Edited by Krytos




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Core! Now that is what you call a crappy day.

Well I could tell you that I have recently spent a week in a institut in Germany in a desperate try to improve my German.

In the end i was bored out of my mind for half the time :(




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krytos the door won't be too bad but rear quarter damage like that is pretty much an either cut it out and weld a new peice in or try and get it close and bog it up to look smooth. bummer too cause the car from what i can see looks nice
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Well, Other than the crappy ending of Halo 2...


There's a guy named Mika, or Mikah, or somthing like that... He's always glaring at me, or poking me. Gah. and what's worst. He breaks into my conversations with my friends, Inturupting, How rude. AND, he dosn't hold the door open for people. Not even Old people, AHHHHHHHHHHH, the very though makes me sick to the bone, Well, ok... Maybe not. :roll:


HE BUGGES THE CRAP OUT OF ME!!!!!!!!!!! I don't hate anyone, So I just despise him. I'm making a big deal about it, Overeactiong, Right?

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krytos the door won't be too bad but rear quarter damage like that is pretty much an either cut it out and weld a new peice in or try and get it close and bog it up to look smooth. bummer too cause the car from what i can see looks nice


Actually, the rear guard will probably be the easiest to fix - the damage is far less, and can hopefully be knocked back into place and no bog will be required . . . hopefully.

If bog comes into it, I'll need to sand back the paint and then repaint it - which isn't fun (as my brother found out after he pulled his car apart and repainted it)

The door is in a lot worse condition, and will most likely need to be replaced, which I'm looking for now. Painting anything will be a problem, apart from paiting it, matching the colour will be a problem.


Oh well, not as if I've got a choice - or money. $11 bucks an hours, working 9 hours a week doesn't even pull in $100. So, I'm going for best bang for your buck. My brother's mate has a painting booth I could use, and my brother has all the gear needed. So now all I need is a new door, some matching paint and that should be it


Hey Kaja, how old is that guy?




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My sympathies for your day, Krytos. I've had similar days, most recently I was at the mall (actually, leaving) with my kid-sister and Becca when these two blokes decide it'd be funny to hit on my sister (not literally hit, but make catcalls). My sister isn't enjoying this too much, and I don't particularly appreciate it. After mumbling a few things under my breath, I tell my sister to hurry up so we can get out of there; the two guys hear this and decide to make even more catcalls, this time at me, calling me "Pimp" and few other things. I'm just a little pissed off already (gasoline here is at $2.15 per gallon and had to fill up the car!) and my sister, wanting to stand up for her older brother, turns around and says a few choice words at the two morons. The two morons, taken aback by my sister's words, turn to each other then start laughing. So I'm thinking, Okay, that's the end of those idiots.


We get to the back end of my car and I use the pager to unlock it, when suddenly I hear footsteps running...and they're getting closer. That's right, one of the guys decided to make a run at me and my sister. Now, my sister is a blackbelt in Tae Kwon-Doe and I'm a blue belt in Judo (as well as having been fighting since grade school), so this guy doesn't stand a chance. My sister ducks under the guys tackle and squares him in the face with a nice kick, sending him to the ground. This is when the second guy shows up, I suppose in an attempt to keep honor and get revenge for his buddy. He comes after me and, as usual, my instinct isn't to do some cool Judo move, instead I avoid the tackle...he stops and takes a swing at me...I block (thanks, Judo!), grab the guy's shirt and treat him to a broken nose. My now some passer-by has called security and within time a few pepperspray-carrying gents show up and tell my sister and I to back off, which we do without protest.


In the end, I was hassled by the secuirty guys for having got into a fight, to which I tried to explain that it was the two idiots' faults for having attacked us. When they said they were going to view the parking lot security cameras, they come to find out that the one monitoring are area is out. Luckily enough, a few on-lookers were asked to come along and atest to what I say, so they let me off, but not after the eldest one (who looks like Marine in his uniform and takes his job way too seriously...yeah, you know the type I'm talking about) pulls me aside and says he never wants to see me around "his" mall again. I readily committed his badge number to memory and when I was home again, I made sure to let the mall's head office know about this fool.


It's not as bad as yours, Krytos (jeez, I really would have wanted to beat the sh!t out of that guy!), but it's a bit of a gripe.

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I could tell you of a story of what happened to me last week-end.


I was invited to a party at a guy's place to have fun and by the same occasion celebrate my birthday (which was the 29 of march).

Me and my mate arrived, after being dropped of by my parents, bringing with us 12 liters of beer and a water pipe.

The organiser lived in a school (his farther being the janitor) upon approach me and my mate noted the large amount of "raccaile" (slang over here for a class of people also known as trouble-makers).

They were evidently intent on getting in because they were not clever anough to organise their own parties.

Me and my mate arrived in the guys place and found that the "raccaile were:

1)thunping continuously at the door

2) shouting at the people on the balcony to let them in

We, the people at the party, prefered ignore them.

Things started getting awkward when a guy cimbed on the ledge in front of the balcony.

But the worst moment came when two of the guys entered through a window.

They were rapidly surrounded and instructed to tell why they entered to which they gave an answer which nearly got them beaten up:

"The window was open so we came in"

What kind of idiot says that!?!

We just threw them out and called the cops who came and cleared of the large crowd from in front of the house.




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@SOCL: Man, that was a sweet ending - getting even with those guys 8)


@ LLF: Sorry, I didn't remember about that thread - and I was way too ticked off to look for an existing thread :oops:


@ Kaja: 15! Umm, that's just weird :?


@Mad: Bugger, I hate party crashers - though I've never dealt with ones so tenacious before.




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Wow, lots of stories of bad days. I think its time to share my worst day that I can recall clearly. Mind you, this all happens in one 24 hour period.


I wake up at the buttcrack of noon, as per usual, and start getting ready for work. naturally, Im a little hung over, but no big deal (this comes into play later). As I work on finding my boots, I notice an odd smell coming from the kitchen. I go in there to find that one of my roomates had decided to cook last night, but hadnt pulled the pan off the stove, or turned it off, ruining my only cooking pot. This did not make me happy at all. But I decided I 2would just add it to his rent, no big deal.


So I finally find my boots under the couch, and discover that someone had decided that spilling beer all over them would be a good idea. So they reaked of beer. But I figure 'Hey, my boss will understand', as he was sleeping still in the room next to mine. So I put my boots on and go wake my boss up, and we leave for work.


On the way to work, I suddenly noticed the flashing lights behind me. Not good. I pull over, and they pull up behind me. Really not good. The officer gets out of his vehicle, and I see that its my ex-girlfreinds father, and suddenly get the feeling that I was abou to get screwed hard. And naturally, i was right.


Now remember, I am hung over, and the smell of beer is wafting from my boots. So the beginning of the conversation goes like this.


"Have you been drinking?"

"I was last night."

"So why do you reek of beer now?"

"Someone poured beer all over my boots"


Ill let you figure out how the rest of the conversation went.


After a quick sobriety test, which i easily passed, he pulled out the breathalizer. I failed. Off to jail I went!! As for my boss, he, in his drunken state, drove my car to work. Cops never even questioned him.


Well, I have to sit in the drunk tank for twelve hours. i figure "hey, I can get some sleep!'. So I fall alseep. Less than an hour later, who is tossed in the tank but my boss. How did he get caught? Its pretty easy, when the car in parked inside the livivng room of a house. Thats right, he hit a house with my car. Needless to say, I was furious.


But I figure "Hey, the car is fully insured, and I wanted to get rid fo it anyways. insurance will pay for all the damages, and a new car." So I fall asleep, wondering how my boos was going to explain why we were both in jail.


I wake up finally, and get let out. I go home, expecting to find an emty house. Which is good, becuase I wanted to play loud, angry music. But I get home to find the door unlocked. Interesting. I go inside, and see my current girlfriends shoes on the floor. I figure she stopped in to make me some food. Then I notice her shirt on the couch. Along with her pants. Now Im confused, but I bet you can see where this is heading. I then hear noise in the bathroom, and wak in there to investigate. in the shower I find my girlfreind, and some guy I dont know. I was immediatly filled with the dark side, and let loose my anger upon them.


Well, I ended up back in jail with a broken nose, happy with the fact that my now ex-girlfreind was going to be have mental images of me and her boy-toy getting into a brawl in the bathroom. Im not happy with the fact that I was going to lose the damage deposit on the house, due to the new hole I was forced to install in the wall of the bathroom using my head (hence the borken nose).


I sat there for a good three hours, and then find out that my boss had bailed me out. As it turns out, lover boy had a broken arm and three cracked ribs, and she had sprained her foot trying to escape the bathroom. All of which made me happy.


After he bails me out, We go home to clean up the now trashed bathroom. Once that is done, I go uptown, and hire the best lawyer I can afford, because I knew i was going to need one.


In the end though, things didnt turn out to bad. The DWI got thrown out when the judge found out the officer had no reason to pull mo over other than "suspicious driving", which is a big no-no where I live. As for the assault charges they threw at me, they got thrown out due to the fact that lover boy had the same charges thrown at him, and the judge figured they would just cancell each other out. My insurance did cover all the damage done tot he house, and the money from the car paid for my lawyer.


My Ex, however, was charged with breaking and entering, since I told the police that she didnt have a key to my house, which she actually did, but couldnt prove, since she left it in her pants, which I happily had thrown into the trash. She ended up with a hefty fine, lots of probation, and had to pay for all the damage caused to my house from the fight, since her breaking in just to cheat on me was the direct cause of it all.


Alll in all though, that was one really crappy day.

I once knew a great man. Nothing got to him, and he always smiled. May he forever rest in peace, knowing fully well that his freinds shall remember him.
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Alll in all though, that was one really crappy day.
I'm not sure whether to laugh or cry, dude. I mean, it sucks what happened, but almost doesn't seem real. Don't get me wrong, I do believe it happened, it's just...wow. Again, I chuckle because of the series of events and how they conspired against you, but at the same time I feel much pity for you. Well, at least you got the beat the shit out of that guy...were i in your position, I can't say I wouldn't have done the same. Sorry about your day, though, I hope everything's getting better.
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Core BS 8O

That is a crappy day and a half. But the way you wrote it out can only make chuckle. Anyway its a good thing you didn't have to pay all the damages.




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8O Bugger BS 8O


That was a craptastic day indead!




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Yes,. tjat was a very, very, very bad day. Thankfully, life has gotten much better since then. New car, new place, new job. IOt was if life decided to throw all that junk at me at once, and let me have the reat of the year or so off.
I once knew a great man. Nothing got to him, and he always smiled. May he forever rest in peace, knowing fully well that his freinds shall remember him.
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