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repairing ships



i don't know if this is how it's meant to be or not but a fleet that had taken on some battle damage and had damaged fighter squadrons didn't have any repairs happening at all for about 400 days. i pulled the fleet back so as to refill with fighters and add some more ships to and in 100 days of orbiting a planet with a ship yard all ships repaired themselves and every fighter squadron refilled. has anybody else noticed this happening or was it just a fluke ?
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yeah it made sence to me that they'd be reapired faster at shipyards but usually with gams if it makes sence it's the last thing that'll happen. and yesh the planet tey ahere at has 9 of the higher level shipyards so that'd explain why they all got repaired in a rush then
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No you're right. It was designed to behave that way.

I believe it even decides the speed of your repairs, by whether you are currently producing anything with that shipyard (slower) or not (faster). :wink:


Like the ship/troop/facility research missions fail more often, if you produce something with that kind of facility during that time :roll:




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I wonder if fighters on ships repair more quickly then fighters sitting on a planet with no shipyards? It would be interesting to find out if capital ships that carry fighters can repair them at different rates. The bigger the capital ship and the more advanced maybe means they have better repair rates for fighters. I'm not sure if this has been discussed in another forum, if it has I apologise for going over old ground :oops:
Ewoks. They may be short but they'll bite your leg off if provoked.
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The repair (damage control) rating depends solely on the extent of damage (or ship loss in starfighters) and whether there's a shipyard in system and if the shipyard is being used.


Many shipyards and no work done means optimum repair speed.


A fighter unit on the ground can repair itself as fast as one in a spaceship, as long as the spaceship doesn't go to another system, which will delay the on-ship squadron repairs.

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