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Cards/RebEd and the like

Guest JediIgor

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I would like to renew my previous statement about the need for different categories. I think we should have at least:


Original Trilogy

Prequel Trilogy

Expanded Universe



The Rebellion section is fine to be in there, too, but it lacks some cards (I remember looking for Borsk Fey'lya who wasn't there)

Also, the Episode I and II can be merged into a PT section, including RotS cards as well (seeing as they already pop up).

A full list might be:



Original Trilogy

Prequel Trilogy

SW Games

Expanded Universe

Other Sci-Fi



...just some ideas. My main goal would be to reduce the number of OT and games characters in the EU section. Well, games could be in there, but OT stuff shouldn't. Also, there should be descriptions of the sections for new card-makers.


Then there's the issue of SW characters made up by the card makers... I think those shouldn't be in the EU, but that's a matter of opinion.


I would like to help with that, as I think the card section is of real importance and I like to sort and organize databases and stuff, but I have no knowledge of the technical side of things.

However, should you agree with my suggestions, I would take on the task of reorganizing the existing cards database.


-- Adm.Fishface

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  • SWR Staff - Executive

Well the problem I see is, what do you define as EU and Original trilogy? Is Luke from Hoth original? Then Luke from Dark Empire is EU?


It would require a lot of time for someone to reorganize the file structure, not to mention the actual database. You would need a bit of knowledge in terms of databasing. If you're up for it, message me.


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Well the problem I see is, what do you define as EU and Original trilogy? Is Luke from Hoth original? Then Luke from Dark Empire is EU?

Yes, I would say so. My point is, I've seen OT characters in the Others section as well as EU. Piett, Tarkin, Motti, they don't really appear in the EU, and I think they have no fitting place right now. But I see your point; a lot of subjectivity would come into play here.

It would require a lot of time for someone to reorganize the file structure, not to mention the actual database. You would need a bit of knowledge in terms of databasing. If you're up for it, message me.

No, I have no such knowledge, unfortunately. So for now it seems I can't really help. :cry:

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