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Cards/RebEd and the like

Guest JediIgor

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Guest JediIgor

We will be talking about the Cards section here.


Do you ever use this section? If yes, do you think it needs improvement (what kind)?


Do you feel like there is a lack of editing Rebellion materials? How should we improve that?

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I use the section quite frequently. The only change i would like to see id the advanced search feature altered to allow pure name searches only as at the present time we have to add a category. This can be a pain if you do not know where the card is.


I would also like a zip file containing all the cards for the original rebellion. Handy to download all at once.


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I use to visit the card section quiet a bit - though I havn't for a while. The idea of a good search engine for cards would be great, maybe to be able to search for name/faction/era?




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I would also like a zip file containing all the cards for the original rebellion. Handy to download all at once.


Indeed, I'd Like that too.


Yes I do visit the cards section alot. All I would like is:


1. Everything Section, Containing All the cards, from all catagories.

2. The option to pick, 100 Cards per page, 75, 50, ETC....

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Perhaps if we organized them a bit more, into a series of categories.


For example: Say I want to get an Imperial I-7 Howlrunner and a KDY Firespray attack ship.


Fighters :arrow: Imperial Craft :arrow: EU :arrow: Non-Tie Designs :arrow: I-7 Howlrunner


Fighters :arrow: Non Affiliated Craft :arrow: Original Trilogy :arrow: Kuat Drive Yards :arrow: Firespray


Or if you really want to be bold...


Fighters :arrow: Minor Powers :arrow: Raporan Craft :arrow: Raporan Tornclaw


I'd also like to see a commentary section for each card.

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Sufficiently advanced technology would be indistinguishable from Magic. -Arthur C. Clarke

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I'd also like to see a commentary section for each card.
I just figured it'd be a good idea so people don't have to download every single card or mod for a certain ship in order to find which one they like best, but instead they can read a few reviews or comments on them to be able to make a judgement call ahead of time.
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More orginizationof the cards section would be nice. It gets to be a real pain some days when one is searching for certain vessels/chars, and you have to look through ungodly amounts of cards to find the one card you are looking for.
I once knew a great man. Nothing got to him, and he always smiled. May he forever rest in peace, knowing fully well that his freinds shall remember him.
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Guest JediIgor

@SOCL : Awesome idea! Maybe user comments for each card too? :)


@Stellar_Magic : Sure, how would we categorize made up ships and stuff from other universes though?


I guess we should also add some kind of sort by review, sort by downloads, stuff like that huh?


Keep the suggestions coming guys :). We are here to make it better for everyone :).

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I also tend to have some trouble viewing the cards since the images take so long to load. I'm not an image person, but perhaps there's a way to lessen the upload time? Maybe make more pages and less entries per page?



A quick comment on a related topic, the models. Perhaps a screenshot of the individual models should be included (just as how the cards have images included).

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@Stellar_Magic : Sure, how would we categorize made up ships and stuff from other universes though?


Sure here's how


In the case of Rapora Wars just have a category under EU called Minor Powers, throw the Chiss, Vagaari, Rapora, Vaathkree and whatever else in that category.


For trans universe stuff simply have an 'Other' folder (Perhaps a seperate ST Folder as well) for each card category.

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Sufficiently advanced technology would be indistinguishable from Magic. -Arthur C. Clarke

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I would like the uploading of cards made easier. The last time i tried to upload a card it didn't wirk.

The idea of organising the cards like SM sudgested is great.




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Another thought on the cards. Insteadof dumping the new cards right into the same listings as the rest of the cards we already have, how about a 'new cards' catagory, so that we can more easily see what new cards have been added.
I once knew a great man. Nothing got to him, and he always smiled. May he forever rest in peace, knowing fully well that his freinds shall remember him.
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I have discovered that for some reason firefox has trouble when submitting cards. Once i opened IE and tried the process again (same card, same image) the process worked. :?
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  • SWR Staff - Executive
Okay, I will check out submissions with Firefox


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Fighting is terrible, but not as terrible as losing the will to fight.

- SW:Rebellion Network - Evaders Squadron Coding -

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I've noticed the cards section are missing an Original Trilogy section. It's part of what makes the Expanded Universe section that big. A place is needed for all those Vaders, Lukes, Boba Fetts, Ackbars, Pietts, etc.


I'd also like to access cards by starting letter directly, and sort them by rating and date, rather thna just being able to see the newest / highest rated cards (there are awfully many cards rated 10).

Commentary would be good, both from authors and other people.


EDIT: One more thing: When I attempted to download a card that had spaces in its name, Firefox saved it to a file with only the first word as name and no extension. Needless to say, RebEd didn't recognize the card until I renamed it to a .rcc

Edited by AdmiralFishface
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Unfortunately Trej that card still hasn't cleared into the download section it seems... :?


I still think organizing the cards based on faction and class is something that needs done.

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Sufficiently advanced technology would be indistinguishable from Magic. -Arthur C. Clarke

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Is it possible to classify the cards in different ways? For instance, if you go to TheForce.Net's Unofficial Encylopedia, you'll notice that you're able to look for things either by a simple search, by the first letter of the name, or even by association (for instance, by movie). So really, all these ideas for organizing the cards are good...why not combine them?
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  • 3 months later...

I know it is very early with the new site but, are the old cards gone?


Archived somewhere?

I can't tell you how much we laughed on the set to have Alec Guinness in a scene with a big, furry dog that's flying a space ship. ~ Mark Hamill
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  • SWR Staff - Executive
Has been fixed


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Fighting is terrible, but not as terrible as losing the will to fight.

- SW:Rebellion Network - Evaders Squadron Coding -

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