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SWR Priorities


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  • SWR Staff - Executive

What do you come here at SWR for? What should we focus on? Where should we expand?


SWR Forums community

the Rebellion Editing stuff

Rebellion Reloaded

the SW mods stuff

HW2 Warlords stuff

News about Empire at War

Other SW games news

General SW News


Edited by Evaders99


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Fighting is terrible, but not as terrible as losing the will to fight.

- SW:Rebellion Network - Evaders Squadron Coding -

The cake is a lie.

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Lets see, I come here because of...


SWR Forums community

General SW News

the SW mods stuff


Did I mention the RPGs?

Forum and RPG Membership:




Sufficiently advanced technology would be indistinguishable from Magic. -Arthur C. Clarke

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  • SWR Staff - Executive
RPGs added


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Fighting is terrible, but not as terrible as losing the will to fight.

- SW:Rebellion Network - Evaders Squadron Coding -

The cake is a lie.

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I think you should expand on...


SWR Forums community

the SW mods stuff

RPGs, OOOOoooo, More RPGs....

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  • SWR Staff - Executive

I guess I'll see how many others are interested in RPGs.

Do you want more structured RPG areas? d20 or d6 type scenarios? Or more free-form, full RPG board perhaps?


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Fighting is terrible, but not as terrible as losing the will to fight.

- SW:Rebellion Network - Evaders Squadron Coding -

The cake is a lie.

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It would be nice to have this site as a "Museum of Rebellion"

The game is old enough for it! I would like to see a more specified section for Rebellion with bunch of screenshots, list of all characters (what we already have) etc... Some gallery-like preview system.


Second thing is community. Any advancement on the forums would be great. Maybe a small chatroom?

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That would be very great.


I'm here for


- the community stuff

- the editing stuff

- RR

News about games are also much appreciated.


I'd like to see an area where the SWR modders could update on their mod progress, ask for help, etc; maybe with the possibility to create a subforum for one's mod. I'd like to have an overview of the progress of other people.

The RDBII section was nice, but it's a bit ... dead lately, and I've noticed more feedback on my project in the Gaming Stories forum (where I feel a bit wrong talking about a mod).


I'd check out a structured RP, too.

EDIT: And a chatroom would rock.

Edited by AdmiralFishface
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I tend to come here for a bit of everything. Comunity, News,...

An idea for the RP would be to have several kinds of RPGs.

Maybe a forum for each.

Maybe it would be about time to open that order of the force forum too.




Click here is you like Trance

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Guest JediIgor
What do you come here at SWR for? What should we focus on? Where should we expand?


1) SWR Forums community -- obvious reasoning

2) the Rebellion Editing stuff -- obvious reasoning

3) Rebellion Reloaded -- obvious reasoning

4) the SW mods stuff -- would help us grow

5) HW2 Warlords stuff -- eville has already got everything working or it would be #4

6) News about Empire at War -- news is fine, it's the only strategy game anyways, I wouldn't focus on other stuff though

7) Other SW games news -- sure, don't focus on console ports though

8) General SW News -- yes! I want to see all the new trailers that come out :)

9) RPGs -- uhh......... whaa?? You mean our own RPs? :P



Hey what do you know my [expansion] priorities are the same as Evaders' :).




It would be nice to have this site as a "Museum of Rebellion"

The game is old enough for it! I would like to see a more specified section for Rebellion with bunch of screenshots, list of all characters (what we already have) etc... Some gallery-like preview system.


Second thing is community. Any advancement on the forums would be great. Maybe a small chatroom?


Excellent idea.. whose up for helping? Mainly need someone to write the content :). Seeing as how the official Rebellion page sucks, we definitely need to do this (along with a manual!).


EDIT: And a chatroom would rock.


There is one on IRC already, #swrebellion on tower.blazeirc.net, I wanted an IRC webclient to be on the website but both our webmasters were too lazy.. I second that latter part though.




I think for anything specific that people said, I would like to see it as well, but the problem with anything specific is that you need people to drive the content and to code the backend. Now I suppose we can always find the time to code the backend, but who's going to drive the content?

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I'm going to borrow JediIgor's format here:


1) SWR Forums community -- Gotta touch bases with a few of you jokers!

2) the Rebellion Editing stuff -- Although at irregular intervals.

3) Rebellion Reloaded -- Gotta do my part.

4) General SW News -- I'd like to see more of this here rather than mucking around on TFN, but why duplicate efforts? Besides, it's all centered on Prequel crapola these days, anyway. And I can only stomach so much Hayden Christensen. :P


LaForge: I agree with you totally. I'd like to see the site have more detailed descriptions for the ships and characters in the default game. I had no idea who these people were, and I would've liked a better description to be found here besides the in-game encyclopedia one. I'll gladly help with that.

Five of the Greatest Lines in the Star Wars Trilogy :roll:;)

-"As you wish..."

-"He's no good to me dead..."

-"What if he doesn't survive? He's worth a lot to me."

-"Put Captain Solo in the Cargo Hold"



Fett's Vette

The Lyrics

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1) SWR Forums community -- Though a chatroom would be much welcome...

2) Rebellion Reloaded -- :D

3) the Rebellion Editing stuff -- I look at it every now and then, though I hvan't tried anything.

4) RPGs -- They are fun, the way they are. The Council of the Order of the Force could be used to make more structured ones. And leave RPG -1 for the more freeform stuff.

4) the SW mods stuff -- as Igor says it'd would help us grow.

5) HW2 Warlords stuff -- Eville is doing a great job with it. Perhaps if the homeworlds would venture outside of their forums...

6) News about Empire at War -- news yes, it's the only ting to be done till october.

7) Other SW games news -- Why not?

8) General SW News -- Most members post news they find interesting in the forums, a small announcement on the main page would be cool given the event. Trailers should get a notice, Hayden's latest news definitely not.

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  • SWR Staff - Executive

Does anyone want to work on the SWR content?


Really, a good synopsis of the Game is needed, screenshots and descriptions. Probably would go well as some kind of SWR manual.

We were already discussing a virtual manual here.




Chat room is definitely a must, and we are working on getting a client that functions


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Fighting is terrible, but not as terrible as losing the will to fight.

- SW:Rebellion Network - Evaders Squadron Coding -

The cake is a lie.

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  • SWR Staff - Executive
Well it was just meant as a short review. Someone want to expand on it.. ?


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Fighting is terrible, but not as terrible as losing the will to fight.

- SW:Rebellion Network - Evaders Squadron Coding -

The cake is a lie.

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I'll gladly help expand the encyc entries, but the synopis and screenshots (especially the screenshots) are iffy.

Five of the Greatest Lines in the Star Wars Trilogy :roll:;)

-"As you wish..."

-"He's no good to me dead..."

-"What if he doesn't survive? He's worth a lot to me."

-"Put Captain Solo in the Cargo Hold"



Fett's Vette

The Lyrics

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Guest JediIgor
I'll gladly help expand the encyc entries, but the synopis and screenshots (especially the screenshots) are iffy.


Why the screenshots mate? You can take some using HyperSnap :).

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I don't know much about PHP pages and stuff, though another forum I'm part of (the Costa Rican SW page) uses a FlashChat with PHP Nuke (I think). Perhaps E can make some sense of all this and use a version of it here...
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This may seem out of place now that everyone is talking about something else...


I come here for:

1) The beer

2) The fun

3) The friends

4) The posts

5) The Spam


(maybe not in that order...)






...okay, okay, the real list:


1) Forums

2) General SW News

3) SWR content

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