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What kind of a Star Wars character would Dubya be?


If President George "Dubya" Bush was a Star Wars character, he would be:  

13 members have voted

  1. 1. If President George "Dubya" Bush was a Star Wars character, he would be:

    • An Imperial
    • A Rebel
    • A Hutt

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Hopefully this poll question isn't beyond the pale...
Put an overpowered Solar Ionization Reactor in between two cheap-ass engines and a couple of laser cannon, put a chair with a rudimentary flight control and targeting computer on top, and surround the (unpressurized!) pilot with enough armor plate so he doesn't fry in a tenth of a second... riiiiiiiiight
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Hmm, I sort of agree with you on that one Paul. But he'd spen all his time looking for Rebel weapons that don't exist, while gettin all of the unimportant planets to join his coalition in the Empire, while the planets who do count think he's an idiot. Then again, unless George Sr. is the Emperor, he'd be stuck as some backwater Stormtrooper...

History is on the move, Captain. Those who cannot keep up with it will be left behind, to watch from a distance. And those who stand in our way will not watch at all.

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GAT: :lol:


...but I still can't picture it....


Everyone knows all Imperial Officers have English accents. I think GL's original vision had the Mon Calamari having French accents....

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I think GL's original vision had the Mon Calamari having French accents....


Well I guess that means that Dubya couldn't be a Rebel then.

Put an overpowered Solar Ionization Reactor in between two cheap-ass engines and a couple of laser cannon, put a chair with a rudimentary flight control and targeting computer on top, and surround the (unpressurized!) pilot with enough armor plate so he doesn't fry in a tenth of a second... riiiiiiiiight
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Maybe he wouldn't belong to a major faction. Somehow I can se him as a Corellian... they have golf and ranches on Corellia don't they?

History is on the move, Captain. Those who cannot keep up with it will be left behind, to watch from a distance. And those who stand in our way will not watch at all.

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Well he's got the qualities of an Imerial, though he's just too much of a . . . what's the polite way of putting it? A dits? Well, that'll do :wink:


Let see, evil and inept - that's a Hutt. All he needs is connections with a crime sindicate and he could be Jabba and Bush Snr. could be Durga :P




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*Sneeze* Oh sorry, I'm allergic to BULLSHIT!


Am I the only Republican on this web site?


The DemoCRAPs/Homos Are all just jealous of what bush can do...


And I think anyone who thinks bush is a hutt, Is a Hutt *Chough*Trej*cough* Excuse me *Chough*Krytos*Chough*


But tell me, Why do you hate Bush so much... He's a good guy.

Give me THREE Reasons why.


All you Democrat Limeys in England or wherever you Stink. And all you Frogers out there, Just remember America Pulled you're asses out of the Fire TWICE...


And when any problem arises you blame the USA for it, So we We DRAG YOU'RE Burning Corpse out of the fire, Then you blame us for not coming soon enough! Selfish Greedy, Idiots.


Trej, You put the Wit in Twit.

Jahled You are Lucky This is on the Internet, Or I would have Walked All Up and Down you're Ass.


I Probably made Allot of Enemies by saying that but I don't care.


And Finishing I think Bush Is A Rebel. The GOOD GUYS.

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  • SWR Staff - Executive

Before this turns into a flame thread, I am closing this topic.


I ask teukros not to start such threads. Even if meant in humor, politics is an realm which is not the best for discussion here.


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