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Avatar And Sig Help


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Ok, I need help with this...


1. How do I get My own Avatar, Like linking to my Site


2. How Do I get Pictures on My Signature?

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First of, it's best to have your own web space so you can host your avatar and signiture yourself. This ensures content safty (there are some right fiends out there...) and full control. One easy option is to set up an msn newsgroup, it's free, easy, and you get about 30 megs of hosting space. I believe Trej added a tutorial to the FAQ on this site I posted a few years back. If you can't find it and do it yourself, remember to ensure it is PUBLIC! Otherwise no one will be able to see your links!


If this defeats you, simply join my newsgroup. I actually pay for it, so it's utterly secure. Just create your own album and you have hosting space. Quite a few familiar faces around here have done so. Free and easy! PM me if your interested.


The rest is simple url linking. But remember not to go over board with file sizes; keep your avatar to the rules of this site, and be considerate as to what you use for your signiture. There are still some of us in the stone ages as far as internet connection goes... :(


Give me a shout if you need a hand/help/advise, etc. :wink:

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I Have the Images in my Site Already, Nut I can't find out how to put them on my profile. When I try the URL Code it Dosen't work, When I try the Img Code it Dosen't work, what do I have to do????


Also I can't Select my Avatar, Its just a drop down menu with my Old Avatar, and numbers like 71.gif, A.K.A. the SWRebellion Avatars.


*Edit: Opps two posts, Sorry



*Edit by mod:Double-post deleted

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If you go into the Forums/Profile menu, scroll to the very bottom. There will be a text field that is titled "Link to ofsite Avatar". Copy and paste your image address (right-click on the image, select properties. There will be a web address there, copy it) into that field and press the grey button next to it. That should cover it. you'll have to do that every time you change something in your profile, so try and do everything you want now to save a little trouble later.


As for images in your sig,, on the same page as above there is a text field where you type your sig in. Choose where you want the image, get it's address (righ-click on it, properties) and put it "%5B/color%5D%5Bcolor=yellow%5Dhere%5B/color%5D%5Bcolor=red%5D", where "here" is your address. Don't use the "", I've just done that so I can show you the command. It's just like putting an image in your post. You could also do it using HTML, but I find this is easier. Hope that helps :D .

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Thanks GAT. Now to get that sillypuddy out of my eyebrow, Really, I got it stuck on my right eyebrow! Thanks Again Grand Admiral Thrawn And Jahled.
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Just in case you don't know it Kaja, we can't see your Avatar pic.. it looks empty(a big X) to us, I don't know if you see it yourself.. 8O

" The darkside? I've been there! Do your worst!.. " - Kyle Katarn

"Why do I sense we've picked up another pathetic life-form?" - Obi-Wan Kenobi



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Thanks GAT. Now to get that sillypuddy out of my eyebrow, Really, I got it stuck on my right eyebrow! Thanks Again Grand Admiral Thrawn And Jahled.


Your avatar at presant has this url link:




Try changing it to this:




Which in turn should generate this:




Which I think is quite pleasant, in a sort of wierd way....

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Hey Jahled, can you host my Avatar in your site? The site I currently use for my Avatar has problems all the time.. :roll:


Of course! :)


Or simply do as Trej said.

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