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Quick Fire Questions



I thought a thread to answer any simple questions would be useful.

A quick question from me, i recently found SWR after many years of thinking i had thrown it out. However i cannot remember how to fast forward C3PO or SD7's starting speech any help?

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hehe.. I like that answer best, Igor. =o) I've not had any troubles on '95, '98, or XP on stopping the droids from doing thier briefing. Mind you, most of the time they try to give me the brief, I'm starting a multiplayer game, and that may be why I can skip it.
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i run SWR on win xp and one click anywhere in the galactic information display shuts them up. glad i haven't gotten stuck with this problem, listening to that breifing over and over would drive me mad
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I get the same thing. One click and he shuts up, even though the "But I've prepared an excellent briefing for you" gets annoying faster than the briefing itself does. Right click on him, hit translate counterpart and he wont say a word. Also you can hit the Post Messages silently button in the message box and R2 or that wierd ugly thing wont make a sound either.


Top 5 reasons to play the Empire-

1. 3PO is annoying

2. 3PO is annoying

3. 3PO is annoying

4. 3PO is annoying

5. Better ships.

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Skipping it worked fine for me on Windows 98 unfortunately I have Windows 2000 setup now since my reformat a few days ago and I have tried esc... right click and such and still can't skip that damn msg. Oh btw... you get it even if you play on expert of single player and if you play on multiplayer so until I can fix it I have to warn everyone about the five minute wait at the start for it to end while playing me :( .
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I agree with Nero. I love the Emperor's leadership booster. I keep him on Coruscaunt as long as possible! The Imperial officers blow the Rebels away! And I also like to create the Death Star, even though it takes forever.

Your feeble skills are no match for the power of the Dark Side!


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And I also like to create the Death Star, even though it takes forever.

Not with a dedicated Shipyard planet :)

Find a planet in the Outer Rim with 13+ free spaces and then stock it with spec ops and a few decent characters, then build 12 (or more) Advanced Shipyards in its orbit. Creates a DS in about 40ish days :)


Visit the forums > The Galactic Core Forums

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That's true, but a long time is relative. If your used to that shipyard spewing out SSDs in 3 days, 40 days is a long time to go without that shipyard.

I've never really liked the Death Star. I've only used it once, and that was a mess around game. Go around, blow every Rebel planet to pieces. Maybe even a couple of your own. A planet on uprising? Blown away. It was fun, but after I destroyed too many of my planets, and the others turned to the Rebels my Death Star fell victim to a maintenance short fall. It was a sad day.

Anyways...What is the Death Star really good for. In battle it's just a picture pasted on the side. It doesn't seem like it does anything but need defending.

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Also, the death star is great for planetery bombardments when you are trying to get rid of shields. Instead of blowing the planet up simply render it defenseless. Plus didn't you pay attention to Grand Moff Tarkin in ANH?


Fear will keep the local systems in order.

"I saw the greatest minds of my generation destroyed by madness, starving, hysterical, naked, dragging themselves through the negro streets at dawn looking for an angry fix." -Allen Ginnsberg, "Howl"
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  • SWR Staff - Executive

The Death Star ups all loyalty in the sector that it is in. Thus if you have a lot of disloyal planets you want to max on loyalty, use the Death Star in that sector to get your diplomats a 'head start'.

It really does make a difference.


I never use the Death Star to blow up anything really, except starships. It is much better as the 'technological terror' that you can subdue Rebel planets with. Just keep lots and lots of fighters to protect it, or a Death Star shield.


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Fighting is terrible, but not as terrible as losing the will to fight.

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The cake is a lie.

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for Research missions, is it better (I mean more successful) to have 2 or more characters together, or separate
"I can feel your anger. It gives you focus. It gives you strength." - Nothing happens to Palpatine without him wanting it to...except getting thrown down that shaft ofcourse. Let's hear it for the Empire.
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Theres another thread dedicated to that in this Forum "Researc over Time or Research with Characters" I think it's called. Check that.


But back to what Ikeda said. I listened to Tarkin, better than you. He said:

Fear will keep the local systems in line, fear of this battlestation.

In line! Not in order. I have to be right sometimes..lol

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Pyscho, what I said was essentially the same thing -.-
"I saw the greatest minds of my generation destroyed by madness, starving, hysterical, naked, dragging themselves through the negro streets at dawn looking for an angry fix." -Allen Ginnsberg, "Howl"
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I never use the Death Star to blow up anything really, except starships. It is much better as the 'technological terror' that you can subdue Rebel planets with. Just keep lots and lots of fighters to protect it, or a Death Star shield.


I always use the DS Shield because I don't know how many fighters I'd need to achieve that. So, does anyone know the minimum?

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