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Tsunami catastrophie


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Today at 1 o'clock GMT a massive underwater earthquake sent giant Tsunamis crashing onto the coast of Thailand, India, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Malaysia and the Maldives. Already 22'000 dead and many people missing and presumed dead.

I would just like to tell all those who have friends or family who have or may have fallen victim to this cataclysm that they have my ever lasting sympathy and that my prayers will be with them in these hard times.

I personnally have friends who were on location at the time and from whom we still have no news.




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Had eight pages in The Independent and the same in the Times to digest this with my breakfast this morning. So I gave up reading the paper. Poor, poor people! Word's can't really get close to the horror on this one.


For me, all the folks I know in South East Asia are safe and sound; I hope you get to hear from your's swiftly and soon dude.

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I hope you both hear from your friends and/or family. This happened while I was out of commision in the hospital from kidney failure and I just found out about it. I too will pray for all affected.-GM Conway
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As much as I hate to say it....


I laughed when I watched the vids on the news. Watching people scramble for their lives brings a smile to my sick twisted little face.

I once knew a great man. Nothing got to him, and he always smiled. May he forever rest in peace, knowing fully well that his freinds shall remember him.
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Guest Scathane

BS, I really don't care for this kind of comment and I think I'm not alone. 69,000 people have lost their lives to this tragedy and we're still counting! There is nothing even remotely funny about this! If, as you have said more than once, it's really your goal to get banned from these forums, then say so now and I'll ask Evaders to oblige your request.


My heart goes out to all those affected by this disaster, and especially to B&R's uncle and Mad's friends. Hang in there people and let us know whether they're allright.

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This is just a horrible thing that has happened. It is to bad they did not have more early warning stations in the area, so may lives could have been saved. As a geologist the science behind this earthquake is just amazing, but it is really hard to pay attention to that part right now when so many are at such a loss.

My office mate is from India and as soon as I heard I called her up to make sure that all of her family were ok, which they were.

I only wish in times liek these that I had the ability to go aover and help them out, even if it is only handing out water and helping to clean up. Every little bit can help and the sooner they get thing cleaned up the sooner they can avoid many more deaths due to water pollution and sicknesses that can come on the heels of an event like this.

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No words can describe the heart ache that has been caused from this disaster. No action can repair it either, the best that we can do is donate money to help the poor souls who have been caught up in this tragedy. Like Dinochick, and many others, I wish I could do more. Though each dollar gives life back to these torn countries.


May those who have lost their lives, live on in the perpetual light that shines on forever.




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I was relieved when i received a text message from my friends telling us they were ok.

I hope you will soon get news from your uncle B&R.




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Yah, Mother nature did have some sick timing on this one. A time when the world should be celebrating one holiday or another, and then MN decides to get cranky and wipe out enough people to fill a small city.


And to you Scathane, I have but this to say. It is not my intention to get banned from these forums. I happen to like it here. I get to post about a topic i happen to have a lot of interest in, and I get to write about it in the RP forums, which allows me to use my imagination, something I dont get to do very often anymore.


If my comments offended anyone, I do apologize, but not much makes me laugh anymore. Most of the few freinds I have in RL can testify to the fact that I am a very morbid person. Frankly, I have managed to de-sensitize myself to a point that I never thought was possible.


In all reality, I am not the type of person that most of you would want to know as a RL friend. I have a sick sence of humor, as I have stated, and as this goes to show, what makes most people weep, makes me laugh.


Again, I apologize for any that I have offended, but I have never allowed others feelings and opinions to silence my voice yet, and I am not about to start now.

I once knew a great man. Nothing got to him, and he always smiled. May he forever rest in peace, knowing fully well that his freinds shall remember him.
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That's ... a blow, that leaves you feeling powerless.


Today I saw estimations of over a 100,000 dead people and they expected almost as many losses due to diseases, that might follow. As if there wasn't enough suffering there already :cry:


Let's all hope, that there'll be at least no such outbreak of diseases to strike even more hapless victims.




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Please share: what got you so insensitive in life?


Are you certain that you want to know the answer to that question? A lot can be explained through one website, but I am afraid I dont think that your stomachs could handle some of the goings on at said site.


The rest of it was a just a crappy life when I was younger.

I once knew a great man. Nothing got to him, and he always smiled. May he forever rest in peace, knowing fully well that his freinds shall remember him.
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I would like to extend my condolences to those who have loved one in the effected areas, and hope for the confirmation of their safety. The timing is certainly not good, though there can't be a good time for something like this to happen.


The current death-toll is 76,700, though the numbers could indeed rise to 100,000. one can only hope that disease can be avoided to prevent any further loss of life.

History is on the move, Captain. Those who cannot keep up with it will be left behind, to watch from a distance. And those who stand in our way will not watch at all.

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I know that bits and pieces of these have been on TV, but it is interesting to watch the entire video.




I can't believe there were people actually standing on the beach just watching the waves roll in 8O . I know that there was really no where to go, but gee :( .... And the sounds, just listen to the background noise of the roaring water, breaking glass, and debri being tossed about!


And check out this model of the tsunami 8O :




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8O Uhh, wait a tick ....


Paul, are you alright again ??




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As much as I hate to say it....


I laughed when I watched the vids on the news. Watching people scramble for their lives brings a smile to my sick twisted little face.


Death toll now about 125,000. This was obviously a post that went wrong, cause otherwise you and me have a problem about your grasp with what goes on when you turn away from your monitor.


I'll let you say your piece about how it was sort of phrased wrong or something like that.


Simply hilarious to see footage of people drowning.

Edited by Jahled
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I can't believe there were people actually standing on the beach just watching the waves roll in

I heard the waves travelled at 600 Km/h.

The brother of a friend of my mother's was on a beach with his wife and kid.

He saw something coming and told his wife to catch the kid and run... They were the only ones to get off that beach.


Are you okay GM Conway?




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I am back from the hospital. My kidneys are worse than before, at this point they together are as good as 1/3 of one healthy kidney. I am a very sick person but am fighting and still kicking. Thanks for asking how I am.-Grand Moff Paul Conway
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The ways of the Force are strange.


Unlike human-caused disasters tsunamis, earthquakes, tornados, etc cannot be averted, personally I believe it's Nature's way to bring some balance to the world. The Red Cross and the Red Crescent, are doing what they can to save lives, yet one wonders how some countries mobilize thousands of soldiers to wage war, but cannot do the same when such a catastrophe as this one happens.


My condolosences go out to those that have lost someone.


GMC: Good to hear that you are still kicking and fighting!


DC: Nice model, my mother (a geologist) loved it. Some of those little islands there must have disappeared, wouldn't they?

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