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Rapora War (OOC Discussion)


What do you think of the RPG plot thus far?  

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Actually he would work just fine as a hit-and run kind of fleet. Drop out, let that missle platform fire a full volley, then turn, and micro-jump back out. 50 concussion missles is more than enough to do some major damage to most vessels. Although it must be a really small ship to only carry that many launchers. An carrack could carry around 75-100 launchers if thats all it had.


And Stellar, if that is fett, dont even dare say he is supoosed to be my father. :P

I once knew a great man. Nothing got to him, and he always smiled. May he forever rest in peace, knowing fully well that his freinds shall remember him.
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I have several questions.

I wouldn't mind getting Tuvax to fight Skywalker or Seryk. One of them would get slightly injured but no more. Just tell me if it is possible for me to organise that before I post.


Secondly. i am thinking of getting Garik implicated in the Yaga Minor battle. Can I?




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You should keep Garik for Bastion, or you can get some preliminary action started at Yaga Minor, and help protect the evacuation of the Ubiqtorate base. (There goes the most heavily defended Imperial world).


Bastion will wait until I return from meeting old red eyes.


BTW, Stellar what are the stats on the United Defense Alliance Star Destroyers.

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Yes, its Fett piloting the ship, and no its not your father, but he would know your father, Mandalorians tend to stick together.


Mad78 stay at Bastion, hopefully with the help of the UDA fleet you'll be able to inflict serious casualties. Rattler should probably join the battle over Yaga Minor.


Stats on UDA ships (Give me awhile, I'll get them.)

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Sufficiently advanced technology would be indistinguishable from Magic. -Arthur C. Clarke

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Okay here's the stats on the UDA ships...


"Yslamiri, lots of them." An alarm beeped next to Jaina, "I've got multiple target warning locks, sixty-four heavy turbolasers, seventy-two turbolasers, twenty-eight chiss locks, sixteen torpedo locks, eight laser locks, and two heavy plasma cannon locks."


-Jaina Solo encountering the Freedom of Thought for the first time. Commanded by Commodore Athien it is the first in its class.


Guardian's Shield Class Star Destroyer

Shields: 13200 SBDs

Hulls: 2280 RUs

Speed: 60 MGLTs

Manueverability: 16 DPF



4 Super Heavy Plasma Cannons (Equal in damage to a LNR II)

96 Heavy Turbolasers

128 Turbolasers

32 Heavy Torpedo Launchers

14 Chiss Batteries (Equal in damage to a heavy Laser Cannon)

2 Anti-starfighter Laser Cannons (Rate of fire equal to that of the Falcon's defense cannons)


Carries eight squadrons of fighters.





Troops: 1 full UDA Division:

10,000 Soldiers

80 AT-AT-UDs (A modified AT-AT)

124 AT-PT-UDs (An AT-PT equipped with a shield generator and cortosis reinforced.)

270 Sentinel Droids (A variation of the design used to guard Nirauan's Clone facility)


Special Features:

A Phase Cloak enabling the vessel to disappear from all sensors and allow matter to pass through the ship, without any real effect.


Strategic placement of Yslamiri around weapons systems and critical areas to deny Rapora the ability to target or dodge those systems very easily.


A Shield Monitering Sensor which allows the vessel to discover the exact frequency of an opponents shields and fire through them unhindered. (It often takes nearly a minute of combat for the sensor to find the shield modulation, and it can be countered by switching modulations.


Three gravity well projectors


* * *


Freedom of Thought Class Star Destroyer

Shields: 9600 SBDs

Hull: 1840 RUs

Speed: 60 MGLTs

Manueverability: 18 DPF


Carries six squadrons of fighters.



2 Super Heavy Plasma Cannons (Equal in damage to a LNR II)

64 Heavy Turbolasers

72 Turbolasers

76 Ion Cannons

16 Heavy Torpedo Launchers

4 Plasma Missile Launchers

28 Chiss Batteries (Equal in damage to a heavy Laser Cannon)

12 Anti-starfighter Laser Cannons (Rate of fire equal to that of the Falcon's defense cannons)





Troops: 1 full UDA Division:

10,000 Soldiers

80 AT-AT-UDs (A modified AT-AT)

124 AT-PT-UDs (An AT-PT equipped with a shield generator and cortosis reinforced.)

270 Sentinel Droids (A variation of the design used to guard Nirauan's Clone facility)


Special Features:

A Phase Cloak enabling the vessel to disappear from all sensors and allow matter to pass through the ship, without any real effect.


Strategic placement of Yslamiri around weapons systems and critical areas to deny Rapora the ability to target or dodge those systems very easily.


A Shield Monitering Sensor which allows the vessel to discover the exact frequency of an opponents shields and fire through them unhindered. (It often takes nearly a minute of combat for the sensor to find the shield modulation, and it can be countered by switching modulations.


Two gravity well projectors.


* * *


Freedom Sword Class Light Cruiser

Shields: 4800 SBDs

Hulls: 960 RUs

Speed: 70 MGLTs

Manueverability: 24 DPF



12 Heavy Turbolasers

18 Turbolasers

14 Ion Cannons

4 Heavy Torpedo Launchers

12 Plasma Missile Launchers

26 Chiss Batteries (Equal in damage to a heavy Laser Cannon)

12 Anti-starfighter Laser Cannons (Rate of fire equal to that of the Falcon's defense cannons)





Troops: 1 full UDA Company:

120 Soldiers

8 AT-AST-UDs (A modified AT-ST with a new sonic projector)

12 AT-PT-UDs (An AT-PT equipped with a shield generator and cortosis reinforced.)

32 Sentinel Droids (A variation of the design used to guard Nirauan's Clone facility)


Special Features:

A Phase Cloak enabling the vessel to disappear from all sensors and allow matter to pass through the ship, without any real effect.


Strategic placement of Yslamiri around weapons systems and critical areas to deny Rapora the ability to target or dodge those systems very easily.


A Shield Monitering Sensor which allows the vessel to discover the exact frequency of an opponents shields and fire through them unhindered. (It often takes nearly a minute of combat for the sensor to find the shield modulation, and it can be countered by switching modulations.

Forum and RPG Membership:




Sufficiently advanced technology would be indistinguishable from Magic. -Arthur C. Clarke

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They've still got less shields and hull then a Raporan Ship, but the Torpedo and Missile Launchers give them allot of offensive punch. Of course a well drilled raporan crew could use their starfighter defense cannons to down those missiles, but with commanders as adaptable as Thrawn, thats not nearly a big problem.

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Sufficiently advanced technology would be indistinguishable from Magic. -Arthur C. Clarke

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Now that allmost everyone is online at once...isn't it time for someone to post...such as?


Trej perhaps followed by me, then Darkie over Yaga Minor, then Rattler dropping his task force to Yaga Minor to slow the attack. And BadSamaritan can post at any time he wants (Isn't that the beauty of a subplot?)

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Sufficiently advanced technology would be indistinguishable from Magic. -Arthur C. Clarke

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(Isn't that the beauty of a subplot?)


Yes, ye sit is. Right up until I am thrown into the main plot in some form.

I once knew a great man. Nothing got to him, and he always smiled. May he forever rest in peace, knowing fully well that his freinds shall remember him.
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Well, the UDA is about to break through the enemies right flank with most of your ships in behind. As the Rapora formation breaks apart destroy as many enemies as possible, but remember you'll need to really get numerical superiority at the enemy you're engaging, or you'll be wiped out. Just look at what the imps started to do to get kills on the Kar Lurs...

Forum and RPG Membership:




Sufficiently advanced technology would be indistinguishable from Magic. -Arthur C. Clarke

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I believe i shall be very present on this thread to avoid any other fiascos.

About Tuvax, thinking of continuing the battle between him and Luke. A little lightsaber burn here a little claw scratch there... nothing serious. in the end i guess they will escape using the Slave 4 after finding a trick to get rid of the Rapora fighters. If any oppostion to this scenario please tell me before I post.


About Garik, i shall beg for mercy but before i must know what orders Nevahe shall give me so i can include this into my post.




Click here is you like Trance

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Well, Tuvax has two choices.... Save Malice, or continue to harass Skywalker.


Unless of coarse the past few posts have me completely confused at to who is one the ground, and who is still in fighting condition.

I once knew a great man. Nothing got to him, and he always smiled. May he forever rest in peace, knowing fully well that his freinds shall remember him.
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I'm planing on having the Skywalkers get captured after the lightsaber duel, Seryk and Boba will take off with their jetpacks, and Shren will destroy Slave VI? IV? I can't rememeber which one Boba would be on by now.


The Skywalkers would escape soon enough with the help of the Mandalorians, and Jacen Solo, who should be arriving pretty soon at Tatooine. (It wouldn't take a genius to figure out thats where they went.)


I think Thrawn will be rather, disheartened with the results from the last engagement. :( Now the Rapora will slow down, to replace the losses they've suffered and start to build vessels from the remains of the target worlds. By now there should be two Raporan Replicators and after Bastion and Yaga Minor, they'll have the materials to build two more. 8O


The Rapora will also launch a number of small raids into both Imperial and Alliance space. This should give you fleet weenies the opportunity to reedem yourselfs. Especially Mad, I'm thinking about having it so the Advisory council give you a rather thorough dressing down and maybe a demotion. (Of course if you won a victory against the Rapora your rank would immediately return to General.)

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Sufficiently advanced technology would be indistinguishable from Magic. -Arthur C. Clarke

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Um, what just happened? Is Ioor really dead or what?




Oh and here's an image I just made, it shows two Kar Lurs and a number of Drefma class Corvettes.

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Sufficiently advanced technology would be indistinguishable from Magic. -Arthur C. Clarke

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What would be really cool is if we could do a Rapora Wars fan film, alas I'm no modeler nor do I have the programs for such an endeavor.

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Sufficiently advanced technology would be indistinguishable from Magic. -Arthur C. Clarke

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