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When you go to establish the mission, be sure to have the units taht will perform the mission, as well as those that you want to use as a decoy selected. Once the mission screen comes up there is a second tab to the right of the mission tab, where you cn assign your decoyx. I wouldn't recommend using characters for decoys, unless you don't like them, because if the mission goes wrong, they will most likely die.

History is on the move, Captain. Those who cannot keep up with it will be left behind, to watch from a distance. And those who stand in our way will not watch at all.

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how do select two units to perform a mission? i can only select one unit at a time, when in the mission box, i cannot select anything outside it, preventing me from selecting anothr unit for a decoy
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Hold down CTRL and click all the units you want in the mission and highlight them.


Then create the mission and they will all be in the left hand coloum of the mission screen, double click the characters you want as decoys and they will go to the right hand coloum and there you have it.

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Hey all. I bring another decoy problem. Well, it's more like an uncertainty:


You see, I've been trying for a long time to sabotage a ground-based turbolaser battery (level II) without success. Last time I sent Daala (Force Trainee, ~140 Espionage, ~120 Combat) and two Commandos as the main team, plus 8 Commando decoys. The planet was currently blockaded by a large fleet of mine, and the battery, plus two shield generators, were the only wall that prevented my invasion (I don't want to lose any ships). The planet's garrison had five Calamari Regiments and General Antilles (Leadership 80).


The mission was foiled by the enemy, so I'd like you to suggest what else can I do to blast that thing off the face of Corellia. I'd keep trying, each time increasing the amount of decoys, but the team takes 30 days to travel to the target and 30 to get back.


Any ideas, please? :?

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Try lowering the number of decoys in the mission. Daala + one or two to deal with the mission and another two as decoys. The more people you have on the mission, the likelier it is to be foiled. Also get some Noghris and get Antilles first. Mon Cals haven't the best detection value, so it's the general who should take out before trying to sabotage teh shields or batteries.
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Abduction has a greater probability of success than assassination.
Put an overpowered Solar Ionization Reactor in between two cheap-ass engines and a couple of laser cannon, put a chair with a rudimentary flight control and targeting computer on top, and surround the (unpressurized!) pilot with enough armor plate so he doesn't fry in a tenth of a second... riiiiiiiiight
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