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"Can ‘Star Wars: Episode III’ be saved?"


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Personally, after having finished the novel, I think ROTS will be the best Star Wars story yet.


The book has been published? 8O


Yeah, I was tempted to buy it last week though decided I'd see the movie before I read or got the book.




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I thought you didn't read SW books J.


I don't. Film books are slightly different, given they contain more of GL's vision than a lot of the daft stuff in the EU.


For starters; the Sun Crusher: It's obviously capable of destroying an entire system; but why settle for that? The resulting supernova's radiation-wave would exterminate all life within a couple of hundred light years. All from one torpedo, from one fighter, locked away in the Maw Installation. A work of tactical genius, and EU crap. It's been invented once, so why not again. Galaxies contain about a hundred billion stars.


I prefer my own SW universe to be a bit more true to the films and less out for lunch with the sprites. The EU doesn't entertain me much more than seeing 30's Flash Gordon footage , wild, fantastic, and ultimately completely stupid.

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  • SWR Staff - Executive
Read Shatterpoint - it isn't anything about superweapons and stupid stuff. It's really deep and dark - a good read.


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Fighting is terrible, but not as terrible as losing the will to fight.

- SW:Rebellion Network - Evaders Squadron Coding -

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Read Shatterpoint - it isn't anything about superweapons and stupid stuff. It's really deep and dark - a good read.


My trip to the bookshop is gathering momentum!

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Well, some of the NJO series is worth it, but I felt they dragged it on too long. I mean, fifteen books!? By the end they seemed to be scraping the bottom for ideas.. Books like Balance Point (not realted to Shatter Point) were pointless. I read that book and said' Alright, and this added what? And I paid $40 for this!?". I've now learned not to buy hardcovers :lol:.

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I've now learned not to buy hardcovers :lol:.


Hardcovers and me have never mixed. They're a pain in the arse when your standing on the London Underground trying to read one, and proove irritating even when lying in bed or in the bath. As you also pointed out paperbacks are muuuch cheaper as well.

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  • SWR Staff - Executive

Right, I don't go for the hardcovers really. Out of NJO, I'd say get


Vector Prime (you've gotta start somewhere... don't worry, NJO does get better after this)

Dark Tide I: Onslaught and Dark Tide II: Ruin (if you like Stackpole's writing)

Star by Star (definitely the highlight of the series)

Enemy Lines I: Rebel Dream and Enemy Lines II: Rebel Stand (if you like Allston's writing)

Traitor (by Stover, the same guy who did Shatterpoint, a must read!)

Destiny's Way (Ackbar's back, what's not to like?)

The Final Prophecy (Definitely sets up things for the finale)

The Unifying Force (the end, finito, done. I think the ending could have been better, but I was satisfied with it generally)


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Fighting is terrible, but not as terrible as losing the will to fight.

- SW:Rebellion Network - Evaders Squadron Coding -

The cake is a lie.

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