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"Can ‘Star Wars: Episode III’ be saved?"


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I think that Lucas died or something like eight years ago and then Lucas Arts was like "Shit, no more money!" So they made a robot of him, and some shitty movies hoping no one would be able to tell the difference. I agree that Peter Jackson did an excellent job on LOTR but I can't imagine him doing a great job with Star Wars. If there was going to be a new director for Shadows of the Empire and the Thrawn Saga I would say that Timothy Zahn would do a badass job. Timothy Zahn is (for those of you who don't know) the writer of the Thrawn Saga
"I saw the greatest minds of my generation destroyed by madness, starving, hysterical, naked, dragging themselves through the negro streets at dawn looking for an angry fix." -Allen Ginnsberg, "Howl"
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I've been looking forward to Timothy Zahn's Outbound Flight. It's due to be released on October 25.


Sad thing is, I don't even know what month Revenge of the Sith is getting to the theaters... I've definitely heard it before, I've just forgotten. :!:

Put an overpowered Solar Ionization Reactor in between two cheap-ass engines and a couple of laser cannon, put a chair with a rudimentary flight control and targeting computer on top, and surround the (unpressurized!) pilot with enough armor plate so he doesn't fry in a tenth of a second... riiiiiiiiight
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  • 2 weeks later...
You are being very hard here but let me try and answer on some of your points.


Yoda was fighting Dooku. Dooku feeling he was loosing used the pillar to create a diversion. A giant pillar is a hard thing to control and move even for a Jedi master such as yoda


Judge Yoda by his size do you? And so you should not, as his ally is the force ! What's a pillar to the force? Screw the diversion, yoda had a guy trying to kill him and others, plant that pillar on him, and end of problems.


-I agree Jar jar wasn't very impressive
no kidding


-When she fell for him he wasn't exactly a baby. :?
no but he wasn't exactly han solo either was he.


- R2D2 was a symbol of the first trilogy. Lucas fellt he had to put him in the prequels.

Boba's farther was named Jango. What is so horrid about that name?

Jango wasn't exactly a normal non-force user, he was an over equipped professional bounty hunter.


Lucas felt he had to do alot of things, and he didn't need to throw r2d2 in there. He was just trying to make way too many links which was completely uneccessary.


Jango should not have been in the same league as a Jedi, case closed.


-About the aliens in the republic: Did you miss the sacene where you see all the representants of the republic 8O


Probably because I kept having to go throw up at how sick the movie was making me. All I remember seeing was a bunch of wookies running the republic. How about the space pod racer commentators, wasn't that cool lol. Et arguing with himself. Pleeeaaassse.


-I don't see why Lucas would not have to target kids. Its his choice after all. I enjoy the saga in any case. Its Lucas's choice.


Lucas didn't need to target kids. If he targeted those whom he should have, been a lil mature, the kids would have loved it, the same as we once did..............


- You did not purchase the dvd of Attack of the Clones just because of the abreviation of the name :?


No, I did not purchase aotc because i didn't like the movie at all. It was again, compeltely far fetched and ridiculous. I would never be able to tell my recent g/f, hey sweety, wasn't aotc an awesome movie ! But I do not like the name, it's kindof a rip off of that old novel and it could have had a lil bit more thought put into it, like his 2 bit movies.

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I think that Lucas died or something like eight years ago and then Lucas Arts was like "Shit, no more money!" So they made a robot of him, and some shitty movies hoping no one would be able to tell the difference. I agree that Peter Jackson did an excellent job on LOTR but I can't imagine him doing a great job with Star Wars. If there was going to be a new director for Shadows of the Empire and the Thrawn Saga I would say that Timothy Zahn would do a badass job. Timothy Zahn is (for those of you who don't know) the writer of the Thrawn Saga



Hehe. I would say all SW movies were just crap. But was fun to watch. New Hope is atleast that crap as Episode I :D Nobody notices it, because we have SO good memories....


ESB was fun, perhaps the best of them all. It's always fun to watch this one :) There were some really good personalities here. But those stormies just couldn't aim :D


Return of the Jedi was crap too, but with very good visual thingies, HUGE space battles, even more costumes....and fluffy ewoks! We just love ewoks beating up the Emperor's best man... woohoo! And such a DRAMATIC scenes! And yet nobody noticed that Mark Hamill isn't an actor :D


Episode I was crap in general. But it's a good movie for younger dudes. I know many kids loving Jar Jar, and thats okay. Storyboard, direction..crap.


Ep II. Was crap. Somehow it's crapness is similar to ROTJ's crapness. So much emotions, makes ladies wanna cry :) And that music...ohhh... touching my hearth like every brazilian soap opera!!!! Crap.


Episode III. Hmmmmm. Perhaps it will be crap.


Think all SW movies are crap crap crap crap crap. Yet amusing and fun to watch. Similar to films like Blade or X-men or Taxi series or Kill Bill or those "Ring" series. Nice entertainment, nothing more. And if you don't feel it's magic, well don't blame Lucas for it. Perhaps that magic is not for your age :) I adored OT once too.





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lol Gosh a post that more or less agrees with my relection on this Star Wars nonsense. Why am I here? The movies are after all as realistic as the Grim's Brothers in so far as what the rebels achieve in any of the movies, the fluffy Ewoks taking out a legion of the Emperor's 'finest shocktroops' with a small 'crack team' of rebels, and the lunacy of the firefight going on above them....


Next time the UK goes to war i'll write an informative letter to the PM advising the tactical genius of rapidly converting some cross-channel civilian ferries to military use to defeat battle ships a mile in leangth.


I do like a good fairy tale however...

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I was reflecting just today on how at Yavin, the Imperial officers were doing their jobs. It didn't matter if GM Tarkin was certain of his invincibility, the Rebel's attack had been analyzed and the danger had been recognized. At that time, if not earlier, every available T.I.E. Fighter should have been scrambled. How many T.I.E.s? I'd just be guessing, but certainly more than hundreds. Possibly thousands.
Put an overpowered Solar Ionization Reactor in between two cheap-ass engines and a couple of laser cannon, put a chair with a rudimentary flight control and targeting computer on top, and surround the (unpressurized!) pilot with enough armor plate so he doesn't fry in a tenth of a second... riiiiiiiiight
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I was reflecting just today on how at Yavin, the Imperial officers were doing their jobs. It didn't matter if GM Tarkin was certain of his invincibility, the Rebel's attack had been analyzed and the danger had been recognized. At that time, if not earlier, every available T.I.E. Fighter should have been scrambled. How many T.I.E.s? I'd just be guessing, but certainly more than hundreds. Possibly thousands.


To quote GL's own hand in the original book, TIE-fighters had better lasers etc, the rebels ships were described as 'antiques,' and your very correct tactical anaysis beggers belief given the Death Star is 'the size of a small moon.'


It's rather like unleashing a few kites to defeand an aircraft carrier full of F16s against a determined attack of WW2 Spitfires....


And this whole TIE issue that has blown out of all proportion in the EU erks my sense of logic.... OBi Wun states of the TIE fighter they encounter over the remains of Alderaan, 'It's a short range fighter.' Which would indicate the Empire had long-range fighters (with all the hyperspace unrealistic rubbish the rebels seem to enjoy). Given the Empire is the government of the galaxy, there can't be to many military alternatives with any realistic military clout.


...I do however like fairy tales...

Edited by Jahled
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Judge Yoda by his size do you? And so you should not, as his ally is the force ! What's a pillar to the force? Screw the diversion, yoda had a guy trying to kill him and others, plant that pillar on him, and end of problems.


"A Jedi uses the Force for knowledge and defence, never for attack". Throwing a pillar at some one isn't really defence when they're running away (it's O.K. to push battle droids with the force, because they are attacking).


no but he wasn't exactly han solo either was he.


Actually, there have been some studies done that show many older women prefer younger men. There must have been something about him she liked that allowed her to see past the cry-baby attitude (also, remember that we only see a fraction of events in the movies. There's pleanty of boring stuff we don't see).


Lucas felt he had to do alot of things, and he didn't need to throw r2d2 in there. He was just trying to make way too many links which was completely uneccessary.


Jango should not have been in the same league as a Jedi, case closed.


Yes, too many links... he should have left Obi-Wan out, I mean, he was in the original three, having him in these three is too big of a link... oh, and Yoda, why did he have to be in there? And Palpatine! He already played a pivotal role in RotJ! You know what, if he was really smart, he would have just changed the whole Star Wars galaxy, that way we'd have something completely fresh! [/sarcasm]


Really, R2 being in the first (Ep. I-III) makes perfect sence. In ANH we hear that R2 says he once belonged to Obi-Wan. His role in the new trilogy solidifies this link. Furthermore, links back to the original trilogy prevents the "Old School" fans from feeling lost in the new story line. Familiar faces (or in this case, domes) makes them feel more comfortable.


Not all Jedi are as powerful as Mace Windu, Obi-Wan or Yoda. Some (many) of them were mediocre. There was also that scene where that crazy guy with the purple glowing sword sort of decapitated Jango...


Probably because I kept having to go throw up at how sick the movie was making me. All I remember seeing was a bunch of wookies running the republic. How about the space pod racer commentators, wasn't that cool lol. Et arguing with himself. Pleeeaaassse.


Well, I suggest you take another look (I suggest you use the Scene Selection menue as you clearly suffer from motion sickness or epilepsy). You'll see that there are more species than you could shake a stick at (and some you woulnd't want to shake a stick at for fear of angering/accidently offering to mate with them).


I thought the race announcer was an original character... but perhaps you'd prefer Domo and Pikachu reenacting a scene fromClockwork Orange, just to spice things up?


Lucas didn't need to target kids. If he targeted those whom he should have, been a lil mature, the kids would have loved it, the same as we once did..............


So you're complaining that the new movies (save RotS) were targeting the same group of viewers as the original trilogy? What, were yu expecting softcore porn mixed with The Godfather's violence? I'd say a Sith Lord getting sliced in half, and a massive clone battle is violent enough for a Star Wars movie.


No, I did not purchase aotc because i didn't like the movie at all. It was again, compeltely far fetched and ridiculous. I would never be able to tell my recent g/f, hey sweety, wasn't aotc an awesome movie ! But I do not like the name, it's kindof a rip off of that old novel and it could have had a lil bit more thought put into it, like his 2 bit movies.


Who woulda thunk that a Sci-Fi/Fantasy movie would be far fetched and ridiculous?


I respect that you didn't like the movie, but I get the impression that you were expecting to see the same-old, same-old, hoping to re-live the "glory days" of the original trilogy. If so, you went to the wrong movies (maybe switch over to Star Trek, they're all pretty much the same).


The title is no more/less creative than any of the others: A new Hope. Wow, I wonder if this movie has a happy ending? The Empire Strikes Back: huh, I bet some one will get attacked in this one. Return of the Jedi: I've got ten bucks that says Luke wins and completes his training. All of the titles describe what happens in the movie. Attack of the Clones is no different.

History is on the move, Captain. Those who cannot keep up with it will be left behind, to watch from a distance. And those who stand in our way will not watch at all.

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OBi Wun states of the TIE fighter they encounter over the remains of Alderaan, 'It's a short range fighter.' Which would indicate the Empire had long-range fighters


My guess is that the Empire inherited starfighters with hyperdrives from the Old Republic but parceled them off to the Moffs. The T.I.E. Fighter didn't need a hyperdrive because it was a standardized design, used only for space superiority / antistarfighter defense, cheap as dirt and easy to maintain - and contracted out to a favored company.



btw your typo made me think "Obi Bun: a cinnamon bun in the shape of a Jedi Master"

Put an overpowered Solar Ionization Reactor in between two cheap-ass engines and a couple of laser cannon, put a chair with a rudimentary flight control and targeting computer on top, and surround the (unpressurized!) pilot with enough armor plate so he doesn't fry in a tenth of a second... riiiiiiiiight
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Well many people have already made some very good points.


In my opinion George Lucas has done some very stupid things. Midichlorians anyone? I also dont like how he edited the originals...fair enough in making enchancements that made the lightsabers glow better or cooler explosions but by making Greedo shoot first and those stupid dance singing scenes in ROTJ at Jabba's..urgh. George I think sadly has come under a lot of influence from his children and his desire to make SW a more 'kiddie' movie. Nevermind the fact that the first one and ESB was/were not necessarily geared towards kids with stupid cute stuff.


Anyway, I think Hayden is a good actor. I saw some of his other movies. Natalie Portman is also a good actress. Unfortunately Lucas cant write or direct worth a damn and therefore those poor souls end up looking stupid on the screen but I dont blame them for that. This is what happens when one man produces and directs the whole thing. One of the reasons why the originals were so much better was because Lucas didnt have a circle of people who just kept going 'yes' and never disagreeing with any of his decisions.


I also think he has a clear cut disregard for the fans who have made so much money for him. GL has pissed on the expanded universe, introduced stupid ideas and creatures like Jar Jar who serve no purpose whatsoever apart from to appeal to kids. He has re-edited what were already good movies and made them into cutesy crap. I will never forgive George for doing that.


I hope Episode 3 will be the final moment. The trailer looks good..but on the other hand I have been burned by the other trailers for the other two movies and well I am not happy at how those turned out.

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Scath will tell us that we have completely lost it again...

That must be Hardcoded into his BIOS.


The subject was: Can Ep3 be saved.




Click here is you like Trance

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Well, that was the original topic. But I think we veered into canon, things that were a mess in the other movies, the EU etc... but I think we've done that in a few threads lately :lol:.


From what I've seen in the two trailers, I don't think RotS needs to be saved. I think we'll need to be saved from heart palpitations after we finish watching it :D

History is on the move, Captain. Those who cannot keep up with it will be left behind, to watch from a distance. And those who stand in our way will not watch at all.

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From what I've seen in the two trailers, I don't think RotS needs to be saved. I think we'll need to be saved from heart palpitations after we finish watching it :D


Me agrees with Nelson. And thus broader point: Of the original three movies I prefered ESB. Why? Because it was the darkest...


From what i've seen of RotS it is dark. The Empire is born, cloned Stormtroopers will turn there guns on the Jedi, and the Jedi are subsequently largely wiped out.... thus comming full circle of Palpatine's fiendish design started with a blockade of a backwater planet called Naboo. Despite taking three movies to achieve, a good piece of story telling on GL's behalf.


He has engineered the Republic's demise by manipulation of factions brilliantly, and created the excuse to create an Empire, and subsequently exhausted and destroyed the Jedi.


I believe it was Palpatine who ordered that Clone Army on Kamino btw... :roll:

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That would certainly make sence. I found the references to Master Sipho Deas (or Sifo-Deas, Cypho Dias, or however it is spelled :P) a little under developedm but I suppose it was suppose to be a mystery. I hope it's not Palpy though, as that woult be a little too simple.

History is on the move, Captain. Those who cannot keep up with it will be left behind, to watch from a distance. And those who stand in our way will not watch at all.

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I must disagree with Jahled to some extent, ESB is the favorite Star Wars movie for most fans, because it is the darkest of them all. But it was dark because of the plot, not because of massacres and big space battles. Partly, I think, ESB's success was due to have had the big battle at the beginning and afterwards build up the dark atmosphere of retreating Rebels, despaired Jedi trainee, etc.


ROTS, from all we've seen and all Lucas has said over the Internet is about 60% action sequences, leaving way too little time for creating that dark atmosphere. I'd rather have a slower paced darker movie with a smarter plot, than having a psychodelic aggressive action movies, that makes up for the lack of intelligence of the writers with the magic abilities of choreographers and sfx boys. As for acting, I doubt I'll feel the conflict that Vader/Anakin should feel all over ROTS. Hayden simply cannot pull that off. Other than good old Palpy, and perhaps Obi-Wan I'd expect the acting to be just as it was in AOTC.


I don't doubt that ROTS will be the best of the prequels but I sincerely doubt that it can be better than the OT Movies. Either way I will be at the premiere, very excited waiting for it finally to open...


The Syfo-Dias issue will not be expalined in the movie (at least not in great detail) somewhere I read that that had been dealt with in the EU.

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Guest Scathane
I must agree with Trej. ESB was great because of plot and not because of actions scenes. Since the prequels tend to lack plot altogether, RotS is prone to be an action movie rather than something else.
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