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Our Home Towns


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:arrow: Ok here is the ideea ....show us where you live.




:arrow: Now me Sadean Cristian Mihai alias Cain (high-school theacher)


Small Turistical Town MANGALIA (old greek name CALLATIS) also our town incorporates the seaside turistical stations from Mangalia to Neptun-Olimp (8 km distance from Mangalia to Olimp) and 2 KM to Vama-Veche. 3 KM to the Bulgarian border.



See map here : http://www.blackseacoast.ro/mangalia.html



Quote : "Mangalia is situated in the southeast extremity of Romania in Constanta county. Located 44 km south of the municipality of Constanta, Mangalia is at the same latitude as the French resort of Nice.


Mangalia’s current name is derived from the Byzantine Greek names “Pangaliaâ€

- The Trivium Organization - Community Manager -

- Petroglyph Fan Forums - CoAdmin & Human Resources Manager -

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Well, my home town isn't quite as impressive, Cain, but it's nice. I'm in Peterborough Ontarion, Canada, a small tourist/retirement (mostly the latter, though). We're most famous for the Lift Locks, the largest hydrolic locks in the world. For those of you who aren't sure what I mean by "locks", I'm talking the nautical kind that you find on rivers. We're not very big, only about 75,000 people, and we're about 45 minutes north-east of Toronto. There are realy only two links I can give you for peterborough. the first is the municipal website:





The next is the University I'm attending. Imagine me molding the minds of highschool students, teaching history and law. Guess I need to improve my spelling...:



History is on the move, Captain. Those who cannot keep up with it will be left behind, to watch from a distance. And those who stand in our way will not watch at all.

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***drooling and salivating over his keyboard; Jahled tries to type***


Would you really want me to visit?





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:arrow: Wow cool guy's try find more pics on the web ! and make them ......it's better this way.



Edit for england dudes :arrow: I think toghnight is the Manchester vs. Dinamo footbal game :)



:arrow: Edit Jahled remember that this is Dracula country :) Transylvania is a part of Romania :)...he,he,he



:arrow: On a second thought all the SWR members are welcome ! Just before coming pls send me your blood type :twisted:

:wink: just for visa reasons.....he,he,he All EU people and Western in general don't need visa.

- The Trivium Organization - Community Manager -

- Petroglyph Fan Forums - CoAdmin & Human Resources Manager -

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:arrow: Wow cool guy's try find more pics on the web ! and make them ......it's better this way.



Edit for england dudes :arrow: I think toghnight is the Manchester vs. Dinamo footbal game :)


Go 'once in a while' on the , can get out oh hand for non-broadband users... :roll:


Anyway, me being Arsenal born and bred, I hope Manchester United loose big time... :twisted:

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Well, here's a picture of the Locks. I think it was taken in the 80's, so bear with me:




Here's a better image:




This is our "historic" town clock. Not too sure why it's historic, especially since they wanted to tear it down:




This is the equivalent of Central Perk. It's a pretty nice place to walk, though the mosquitos are bad some times:




My University:




As you can see, we're not too built up, though the majority of the city is farther past the bottom ofthe image:




No, it's not Russia, it's Canada in winter:


We were recently flooded out here. We were in a state of emergency for about two weeks. Here are some images of that:


This is a truck stuck in front of my current place of employment. The water has receeded in this image. The driver had to swim out of the windows:


It wasn't as bad as most floods in the world, but over $100 million was done in damage. Don't you just want to book your trip here RIGHT NOW? :lol:


EDIT: Put urls for the bigger pics. Not all folks have broadband. -Trej

History is on the move, Captain. Those who cannot keep up with it will be left behind, to watch from a distance. And those who stand in our way will not watch at all.

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Anyway, me being Arsenal born and bred, I hope Manchester United loose big time... :twisted:


:twisted: Let's hope!


As for my home town... Hmm... What is my home town, I live in what you could call one of the more distanced "suburbs" from San José.

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http://groups.msn.com/_Secure/0TAAAACUXfXoL!Ykh8fLfqCnnBRVlYjFiDWsV*O1TS6JlpX9AapfSbFDcBE0TrJy!73*fnrKHBAVRWVej9de2Zi3HgJBbGHQ7n*L9xsexWRuhN374rYMrTQ/23_3.jpgI live in a little swiss village not far of Geneva and also close to the french border.

http://groups.msn.com/_Secure/0TADhAgEXZXBS86gIw5hxHp7XGO6!HDkBKZKUCn8G50n2LOJTfXG!F9ndoDn!Y4ofWaSKHNIFgxh8TZfmia3rTheMOmZJcyyaHUekFe!Qk0!a!dZLsZNw9w/4834.jpg This is the blason of the village.

Most of the village is at the top of a hill which gives us a great view on the Alpes and on the geneva lake (but you can't see it this pic).


On this pic you can also see the vignes of the maire of the village.

Some parts of the village are quite "rustic"



The house is the minister's


If you go down to "Creux de Genthod" there is a restaurant and you can hire boats.



We also have several parcs



And to finish here are a few pics of the School.


http://groups.msn.com/_Secure/0TgDfAo8Xz5ol9abuL0JDvondJ7KrITXK4!lQGbJj3cFpaWep!C9lyoci1n3g8gD24XgK8XaAOtfeY0VGBy9CJGDRz5kecFZItZS3f!L24NPP73UI9qidag/6622_2.jpg (the cars are parked in front of the place where most birthday partys happen and where i am dj when hired.)

http://groups.msn.com/_Secure/0VADtAhIZChYl9abuL0JDvoilKKl9XnEigA1Z81i5te48AkVS!CMioAX*jG0MAr6EJ3f3sUS4bc0PnBn!0d1FwpAcwjkljDDMpxM64*eOrg3621dz4LNyVOb5GJreA8tg/6622_2_SA1-2.jpg This is the gym room of the village. I wouldn't show this if it wasn't the most modern public building in the village.

We have a few rich people here. Including Osama Ben Laden's Cousin, Frank Muller, the Turkish ambassy, the US marins's resting place and the Chinese ambassy.


Well I hope this encouraged you to visit Switzerland :D .




Click here is you like Trance

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I've always wanted to visit Switzerland and the surrounding countries, except France (nothing against the French, it just doesn't interest me). I visably shake at the thoughs of the WW II artifacts I could get my hands on over there...

History is on the move, Captain. Those who cannot keep up with it will be left behind, to watch from a distance. And those who stand in our way will not watch at all.

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I just checked out your website. You've been a lot of interesting places dinochick, and met a lot of interesting people!

History is on the move, Captain. Those who cannot keep up with it will be left behind, to watch from a distance. And those who stand in our way will not watch at all.

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I live in the heart of the heartland, USA, in a small two bedroom apartment with three other people, a dog, a cat, and whatever happens to live in the sink.
I once knew a great man. Nothing got to him, and he always smiled. May he forever rest in peace, knowing fully well that his freinds shall remember him.
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I just checked out your website. You've been a lot of interesting places dinochick, and met a lot of interesting people!


Thank you :D . I agree, I just can't say I have ever had a "hometown" lol :lol:

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I've always wanted to visit Switzerland and the surrounding countries, except France (nothing against the French, it just doesn't interest me). I visably shake at the thoughs of the WW II artifacts I could get my hands on over there...


If you are really interessted in WWII you should visit normandie (France). It really interessting and there are many museums. The last one I visited was really great.

I don't really know about WWII artifact in switzerland. But its still a nice place to visit so come along.




Click here is you like Trance

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I would love to see anywhere in Europe, but I think I'd rather see Normandy than Switzerland. It would kinda cool to walk on those beaches nad over those hills near there!

"Be at peace, for the force is my ally and I shall not let anything happen out of my contol."


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:arrow: Hmmmm...now I think the forums feel better :) I know many images take time to see in a web page display but also the links will take more time ....same thing.



:arrow: More descriptions much more fun :wink:



:arrow: Maybe we should do some vacantions together :?::idea:



:idea: Just imagine how much Rebellion we could play ...wow it will be the best vacantion ever :!:


:arrow: I think we should consider this ideea ...we are big enough to travel :roll::D

- The Trivium Organization - Community Manager -

- Petroglyph Fan Forums - CoAdmin & Human Resources Manager -

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We could host RebCon in someone's home town each year. :lol:


Actually, the chances of a good number of us getting together in RL a slim, since, as we now know, we are quite spread out.

History is on the move, Captain. Those who cannot keep up with it will be left behind, to watch from a distance. And those who stand in our way will not watch at all.

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I live in London which is very big.


But here's a picture of part of my local high street in East Finchley.


Thisis a map of my local area with annoying pop ups.


Thisis the source page for both of the above which I could have supplied at first.


http://groups.msn.com/_Secure/0SQAAAP0WG2xNbak2ihMuQMQZgjjVVjDaqVR784ZAhWpiDFgv2MYbmR*vwlE5g!Hw9TQueS4Czulrn3NDdZahr6Fi36pIviC0m9on*SOBu6vjr4s!gquxoA/main_khomeini.jpgThis is khomeini waving. Doesn't he look fab with his hat!


http://groups.msn.com/_Secure/0UQAfAwcaLFvp7O*n4KtLzxX94RvPNlFOTTpVfEdKnBkHv0nhbinkSpUEEsubPoVq3Dd9Ue1QsFuY8CKIQVLNhuARDaOTI4eUarPYbjozqEzIVuHnDAsDigc5OwJcRIES/speederhopper_jahled0.gif And this then is why I keep falling off my Space Hopper.


-Jahled Halalabub El-Dweeb

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I have to get back to london one of these days. Visit my uncle and what not.


we are big enough to travel

Me not yet. I amn still a bit young to travel alone... but in a year or two :twisted:




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