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Rapora War (Introductory RPG)


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This RPG will be set up along the following lines to introduce the Rapora:


1. The Rapora are not playable at start.

2. I, Stellar Magic, will post from the point fo view of particularly important characters to set up the chain of events leading to the Rapora Wars.

3. I suggest that you play as though its peacetime at the start, build up your characters and so forth.


To start off I'll post as Jacen Solo:



The Lomas Qux star system, The Unknown Regions, eight years after the Vong surrender.


Jacen smiled serenely as he banked his T-65 XJ 4 X-wing toward the brilliant green and blue orb below him as he reverted from hyperspace. Then in that moment an icy fist closed over his heart, malevolent hatred, cries of pain and fury exstinguished just as quickly as they'd begun bombarded his senses. Jacen felt a gasp lift from his lips as he reached out with the force, and then all at once the dark screams and torment that had peppered his mind ceased.


He'd been excited at the prospect of finally meeting the Fallanassi, after years searching and sifting through archives and bits of information, now as his starfighter circled the planet a black stain shimmered below him lit from below by an inumerable amount of glowing points of light. Jacen had seen destruction before, the Vong had been good at it, but this seemed farm more calculated, far more cruel, as the planet's now scarred surfaces slowy turned beneath him.


Jacen slowly let out a breath, "R9 start recording, I want a complete holographic record." He twisted the yoke and sent the craft spiraling downward, toward the scar, which had once been a settlment. A hiss escaped his lips as he looked down at the burning structures, and bodies, thousands fo bodies, "Please let it be an illusion, a projection." Jacen swallowed as he saw beheaded corpses and flash burned victims scattered across the ground. Reaching out with the force and his Vongsense he felt the battle the torment, the hatred. Jacen knew now what he saw was not an illusion but reality.


Witht he flick of a switch he cut in the repulsor lifts and slowly lowered the X-wing to the ground. He felt the curious flicker of other minds, some gripped by pain and suspicion, survivors. Jacen unconsciously felt his hand touch his lightsaber as he dropped down from the craft. Slowly in the billowing smoke he walked over to the nearest body and bent down.


His eyes flashed across what had been a young man, his head was gone, severed, but as Jacen looked upon him he felt his gut contract with fear and uncertainty. Something was wrong witht he death, Jacen thought as he stood and slowly walked to another person this one a woman, her tangled hair covered by the soft ash from burning plastic. He knelt and was surprised to see the woman's eyes flutter open. She groaned slowly and pulled herself upright then suddenly the woman's eyes flicked to his face, "Its alright, I won't hurt you."


The woman bit her lip for a moment then glanced around at the destruction, Jacen could see shock and disorientation, her ears were bleeding and so was her nose, signs of being knocked out and concussed by a pressure bomb, "Who are you?"


"Jacen Solo," He answered as he helped the woman upright and felt her wait collapse against him, "Whats yours?"


"Akanah," Jacen felt himself stiffen at the name, Luke's contact with the Fallanassi had begun with her. Slowly Akanah turned her head toward him and smiled slightly, "Did Skywalker tell you about me? I can sense your recognition of my name."


Jacen nodded then turned to the destruction around him, "What happened?"


Akanah's face turned grim, "I don't remember."


Jacen pulled the medical kit fromt he x-wings cargo compartment then glanced to the droid, "R9, place a holocomm call marked urgent, Luke needs to know about this."


The droid twettered its acknowledgement then bleeped a question, "Yes contact Danni too, maybe the vong still have some ships they can send to help rescue survivors. She's closest." He sighed and set to working helping those he could.

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Sufficiently advanced technology would be indistinguishable from Magic. -Arthur C. Clarke

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OOC: I would like to join, but need some more background info if possible. I also prefer playing the part of Barkoa, a jedi that has recently passed his final test of training and is now ready for some missions of his own. I am not sure how this could work into your story, but if you just email a quick idea of how I can come in and where you want the story to generally go, it would be appreciated!

"Be at peace, for the force is my ally and I shall not let anything happen out of my contol."


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OOC: That can be worked out, make your first post as the Character doing the last part of the Trials on the Jedi Academy on Ossus. You could also give your character a last name. You could have Luke get called away just after you finish, and I can pick it up from there. I'm very adaptable :wink:

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Sufficiently advanced technology would be indistinguishable from Magic. -Arthur C. Clarke

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OCC: Just stop me if I ever take anything to far, like out of story line etc.


Si'hib Mi Idev the Twi'lek jedi and best friend to Ulic Horn was glad to have a bit of down time. She was tired as even in slightly peaceful times the Remnant and others have a knack to cause trouble and she was doing these things alone most of the time, so many things had changed very quickly for Ulic and then changed for her. But as of right now she was on Corellia enjoying a very nice vacation to a small island town near Coronet...

"It's not my fault!"

"Oh yeah? What's in it for me?"

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OOC: My purpose is to move alongthe Rapora invasion plot line, and that is what I'll do using thousands of characters if need be.


IC:He was called Dreth Luad, and he had a mission. He could not remember who had given him the mission, or why he had this target, but the credits were good, and if there was anything Dreth Luad loved it was credits. Still he had to do the mission, and that meant he had to kill someone, someone sitting at a table two hundred meters away. He did not know how he knew but he knew, slowly he withdrew the Xerrol Nighstinger from its sheath and sighted in on the twi'lek woman, He tightenend down on the trigger and with an invisible blast of blaster fire, loosed the shot.


The woman suddenly blurred as if moving to fast to follow and the shot flashed harmlessly into the ground behind her. Dreth heard a clank beside him folowed by the whine of electrical pistons. A pair of brilliant orange lightsaber blades ignitend, crossed, and Dreth felt no more. Behidn him the droid that had killed him rolled into a tight ball and disappeared behind its cloaking shield, its mission accomplished it rolled steadily away.


* * *


Luke awoke with a start, the holocomm chiming. Beside him Mara stirred her golden hair reflecting a pale blue from the holocomm's light. Her green eyes fluttered open as Luke stood and wandered over to the holocomm. She sat up as Luke keyed up the call identifier, and read its source as Mara observed, "Emergencies never happen at a decent hour."


"It's Jacen," He keyed on the comm message and Jacen's face appeared on the screen.


"Uncle Luke, well I found them, but you're going to have to scramble people here right away, dozens of them are injured, thousands dead, some sort of attack and..." Jacen stopped as his face contorted with anguish, "There's someone here you may remember, its hard to believe she survived."


The image flickered to show Akanah, "It's been a long time Skywalker."


Luke nodded, "That it has, Jacen I'll call fleet command and try to get them to send some rescue ships, have you contacted Danni on Zonoma Sekot?" Jacen nodded, "Good, do you think you need a hand, another Jedi maybe?"


Jacen shook his hand, "Send Cilghal or her apprentice, what we need here right now are medics, we're all hoping whoever did this doesn't come back."


Mara stepped beside Luke, "How was the attack conducted? Can you tell?"


"I don't know Aunt Mara, there are bodies everywhere, I've seen some without heads and limbs, like from a melee weapon, and I've seen them flash burned like from heavy weaponary, strange the ground isn't slippery with blood."


"What was that?" Mara asked, an alarm bell ringing in her head.


"Thats what was bugging me, no blood, but that means..."


Mara walked over to the wardrobe closet and pulled a jumpsuit out as Luke cut him off, "We'll see you in a couple days Jacen."

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Sufficiently advanced technology would be indistinguishable from Magic. -Arthur C. Clarke

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In eight years the wounds of the war had barely healed, in one and every world of this galaxy the Yuuzhan Vong were hated and despised for all the damage they had done, therefore only a handful of Vong had left the security of the Klasse Ephemora system, where Zonama Sekot reconciled the Yuuzhan Vong with the galaxy and the Force.

In eight years the wounds of milennia of ignorance and half-truths could not be healed. Despite the efforts of Harrar and Nas Choka to carve out a new Yuuzhan Vong society on Zonama Sekot, the process was lengthy and a heavy. But true to the fierceness that had characterized them as warriors they perseverated in their seemegly endless task.

But he had left Zonama Sekot a long time ago. As a Jedi he had other duties to attend, other challenges to face.

Ulan Shai shut his blade down and used the Force to push the remote to the small closet. He let out a last tired breath.

"Did you have enough, Fiery One?" A female voice came from the dense jungle.

"Yes, thank you Master Rar." Ulan answered as he followed his Twi'Lek Master into their temporary habitation on Yavin.

With Ossus being a huge center of attention for the Galactic Federation, Master Skywalker had decided to have Ulan train on a more calm world, one where the presence of life would overwhelm him, but that would hint at the double legacy Ulan was part of.


OOC: Just an introduction. Try keeping the thread clear from too many OOC messages, you can always use the other Rapora Wars RPG thread for most OOC messages asking Stellar what to do, I trust he'll be checking that thread often enough.

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Barkoa used force-speed to sprint the last 3km, then as he approached the giant pyramid-shaped structure he force-jumped to the top, making 20 storey jumps each time. Sweat poured off of his face, his muscles ached. The last 4 hours he had been racing to finish all of the jedi trials. As he ascended to the apex, he saw them, the council. Luke, the orchestrator of the jedi academy on Ossus stood expectantly, smiling warmly. Barkoa reached the top and, panting, walked up to them. He kneeled.


"Very good," chimed the master in his melodious voice, "you have completed the hardest stage of your training. You are now a jedi knight. You are the first Chiss I have trained as a jedi, and you have proved your species well. You will prove to be a useful ally. My final advice to you is to stay focussed, and to never succumb to the power of the dark side. I am to run an errand on Dantooine, and I'm not sure when I'll get back. I suggest you find another jedi and, after a good rest, continue some mild routine exercises."


With that he forced jumped off, dropping hundreds of feet before landing in the open cockpit of his X-wing. The ship soared off, leaving the atmosphere. Barkoa slowly made his way back to his room to rest. He'd done it! He was now an official jedi knight! He couldn't wait to start his first mission.

"Be at peace, for the force is my ally and I shall not let anything happen out of my contol."


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OOC: For Plot continuality, reverse the order of my last post and Barkoa


IC:Jacen lifted his eyes upward as the rumble of a ship entering the atmosphere filled the air. Above the distant glow of a pair of vessels blazing from orbit appeared, slowly the flames surrounding the vessels flickered and died, leaving them visible to the naked eye. The first vessel was one which Jacen had becomne quite familiar with, the Wild Karrde, its hull flickering from the remaining flames of reentry as it banked slowing even more. The other was an alin craft, its design organic, its speed and handling made it a prized vessel by all who had handled one, it was a Sekotan skip.


The Wild Karrde slowed to a halt and keyed in its repulsors and descended to the world's surface, its ramp already lowering before it had touched the ground. The Sekotan skip screamed past then banked to come to a halt beside the Corellian Action IV transport. It decended to the surface as Talon Karrde clambered down the ramp accompanied by a Jedi, sheathed in the normal brown robes of the order. As she pulled back the hood Jacen recognized her, Cilghal one of the few Jedi gifted with talent in the art of healing. Her Calamarian face twisted into a somber smile as she saw Jacen then became distressed at the destruction she saw all around her, "Its worse then I'd imagined."


"I haven't seen destruction like this, since the Vong invasion," Talon Karrde said, his hands toying with his mustache, "We can fit maybe two hundred aboard...if there are that many."


Jacen nodded, Karrde was right, so far he'd only found a handful of survivors. Then Jacen's eyes flicked to the Sekotan skip as Corran Horn clambered out of the craft, "What are you doing here?"


Corran sighed as he glanced to the bodies, "Luke wants to know who did this, we can't allow this sort fo genocidal act to continue elsewhere. I've got investigation training so Luke wants me try and piece things together. With both me and Mara on the case maybe we can find out whats happened."


"First things first, help me get the survivors loaded," Jacen answered turning toward the burned out shell of a building they'd transformed into an aid station.


* * *


Jedi Master Kyp Durron stood at the circular table around which the High Council sat. He cleared his throat, Luke had asked him to relay the report, "We have a situation that may be brewing in the unknown regions. Luke Skywalker is currently on his way to a system in the region. Due to respect for the local’s customs we will not reveal the exact system, but Jacen Solo has been more then willing to provide a holographic record of what has occurred.â€

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Sufficiently advanced technology would be indistinguishable from Magic. -Arthur C. Clarke

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Grand Admiral Evahe Litok stood on the bridge of the Super Star Destroyer Guardian. Eight years had passed since the Yuuzhan Vong invasion, eight years since a major crisis. Indeed it was a time of peace, the galaxy had been united against the Yuuzhan Vong and now it remained united in peace. Granted, the Alliance was fragile and could easily be broken, but it was progress.

The mighty shipyards of the GFFA could easily produce enough ships to destroy any known foe. The GFFA fleet had been reduced in the years of peace, but it was still formidable enough to delay long enough until the full capibility of the GFFA was reached. It was quiet, and Evahe had little to do. There were no major foes that required the fleet to defeat.

The Jedi order was more or less repaired from the damage it had taken during the last conflict and was always growing. The galaxy was still very much scared from the Yuuzhan Vong invasion, but after eight years it wasn't quite as visable. Nevertheless, there were still rumors of Yuuzhan Vong raiding groups and Evahe never doubted them. Doubtlessly many of their warriors would follow their code of honor and fight the GFFA until their death.

Evahe had fought them enough to know that. He hadn't been much back then, just another captain. But after the war he had quickly rose in the chain or command. He had proven his battle skills and with so many heros retiring, he had eventually made it to the top. He was now the Supreme Commander of the Fleet.

Yet there was still trouble in the galaxy, problems always arrising. Nothing that required the fleet of course, but the Jedi were always quite busy....

Sweat saves blood-Erwin Rommel
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Admiral Baros Oteron stood in the bridge of his Imperial Star Destroyer Right to Rule, gazing at the stars in front of him. He appeared serene, after all there was little reason to worry these days. With the full incorporation of the Empire into the Galactic Federation of Free Alliance in the aftermath of the War, the Imperial warmachine had now finally become a peace-keeping force, and most of the Star Destroyers that had weathered so many battles had been taken out of comission, some had been even used to rebuild parts of Coruscant, as rumors went.


The Imperial Fleet, was not weak, not at all. Kuat Drive Yards had recovered some of the best designers of its age, with the peace. New Star Destroyer designs and upgrades were being developed, though not implemented. At least not officially. Right to Rule, Chimaera, and Relentless, had been among the few vessels that featured the latest technology.


"Admiral, we have an incoming transmission from Bastion," Captain Dorja informed, her voice with a tint of surprise. "It's Pellaeon."


"Good." Oteron answered and stepped on the holotranceiver. In the small holoprojector of the communication centre, the figure of Pellaeon appeared. Despite his advanced age, the Admiral seemed as sharp as ever, though he had a few political rivals, the people of the Empire admired Pellaeon deeply. The newer generations usually held him as the living symbol for the Empire.


"Grand Admiral," Oreton said and bowed.


"There is no need for formalities, Deros." Pellaeon paused and took a deep breath. "Although I have a mission for you."


"A mission?" Oreton asked, from the grave tone in the older man's voice it did not seem as if the mission was an usual escort run.


"Yes, one mission for which a Star Destroyer might be an overkill, but I do not enjoy surprises. And there are little things that will surprise a Star Destroyer. We have lost contact with a small, barely significant and notably secret outpost near the Unknown Regions, on a world called Demblu. A scout ship sent in the past few days has not returned. You will investigate."


"Yes, sir. " The Admiral responded and the transmission cut off. Oreton raised an eyebrow, the Grand Admiral had seemed scared, fearful, Demblu must have been a Chiss outpost, or one of Thrawn's. Oreton wondered and continued with the battle exercises, later they would visit Demblu.



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Corran Horn wandered the ruins, his eyes down at the bodies which lay around him. Their clothes burnt, their eyes wide with fear. He'd seen death many times, but it had never been something he'd grown used to, and the sight of such slaughter brought back memories from the depths of his mind. He shoved those throughts aside as he bent down next to one of the victims. Her arm had been severed, her stomach sliced open from a blade which had sliced through her garments and cauterized the flesh beneath them.


Slowly Corran glanced to a victim beside her, a man whose chest had been burned open by a blast of heat, Corran could see some blood beneath the man, a different weapons, but the same result, violent death.


"Corran, look at this," Jacen called from where he stood beside one of the burned out structures. Corran slowly stood and stepped beside Jacen and gazed down where he was pointing. Three distinct imprints in the sand shown, further along there were three flattening imprints which became a three pronged line in the sand. Jacen arched an eyebrow at Corran, "What is it?"


"I've never seen anything quite like it."


"I have," A familair voice answered from behind them.


Jacen spun, "Aunt Mara!"


She smiled slightly at Jacen then nodded at the track, "It looks like the trail from a droideka." She pointed to the three definite imprints, "It was unfolded here, then folded up and went in that direction."


"But whats a droideka doing here?" Jacen asked.


Luke stepped beside his wife, "Thats a good question, Mara, you think we should we call our friends on Nirauan."


"Parck?" Mara asked surprised, "Well maybe they'd know something, is Ben still onboard like I asked him to be?"


"I think so..." Luke answered.


"Mom, look what I found!" Ben Skywalker ran toward them his hands gripped tightly around a shiny piece of metal.


Mara glared at her son, "Didn't I say you should stay aboard?"


"Yes, but..."


"Didn't I say I'd lock you up in the cargo hold if you came out here?" Mara continued.


Luke dropped his voice to a whisper, "He takes after you, remember." She laughed and tried to remain a stern face toward her son.


Ben wasn't convinced, "But look what I found." He held out his hand and dropped the lightsaber contained there to the ground with a slight thud.


Luke couldn't believe his eyes, a lightsaber lay there, its ends obviously emitters for the beam, but it was double bladed, and curved, none of his students used one such as this. Corran picked up the saber in his gloved hands, "Who wielded you?" He asked the saber almost hoping for an answer.


Ben glanced around at the desolation, "Dad, who did this?"


"That is what we're here to find out."


* * *


The world had been a barren sphere for all its life, but that did not make its worthless. A lone imperial listening post was there, or had been. Now all that remained was a black scar across its surface. Debris from a short and sharp conflict in space was visible, the shattered wings of claw fighters, but there was no debris from the attackers. They'd arrived in overwhelming force. All that remained were a quartet of fighters which banked over the plant and angled upward, their brown hulls glinting in the sunlight. Seconds before they jumped the angular form of a Star Destroyer appeared, its hulk barely visible with the naked eye. But the Star Destroyer spotted them at once, and took a single holo in the twelve miliseconds they had remained.

Forum and RPG Membership:




Sufficiently advanced technology would be indistinguishable from Magic. -Arthur C. Clarke

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Barkoa woke up late in the afternoon. The lengthening shadows filled his small room. How long he'd slept, he had no idea, but he was now well-rested and ready for action. Walking down the hall, he noticed it was very quiet.


Where is everyone?


He walked along the halls and checked each room, noone. He then made his way to the apex of the pyramid-shaped structure. There was no sign of anyone or anything. He was starting to get worried.

"Be at peace, for the force is my ally and I shall not let anything happen out of my contol."


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Kenth Hamner stood at the base of the Arena, beside him Kyp Durron impatiently shifted his weight from one foot to another. He glanced at Saba and nodded as the chamber slowly quieted, the Jedi were all here, all of those that had been called to the meeting it appeared.


Kenth sighed, the announcement he was about to make would certainly make the majority of those inthe room unhappy, of course he would have been as well, "The High Council has been forced, because of the ongoing investigation into genocidal activities, to order the suspension of all Jedi missions without special permission from the council. All Jedi are to remain on Ossus until the situation is resolved, or there use becomes desperate." Murmurs had broken out among the assembled Jedi, Kenth let the volume rise, they would have to get out their frustration. Suddenly a hand raised above the crowd, "Kyle, do you have a question?"


Kyle Katarn nodded and stood, "Why are we being suspended exactly, what have they found at the investigation?"


Kyp sighed, he'd voted against this measure but decided he was obligated to go along with it, "We're being suspended because the investigation has recovered evidence that a Jedi, or multiple Jedi were responsible."


There was a wave of silence in the room as the frightful nature of the revelation dawned on them, "Um, excuse me, but does anyone know where Barkoa is?"


Saba hissed, "Didn't anyone inform him?"


Kyp gritted his teeth in frustration, "I'll find him." He stormed out of the temple's chamber and expanded his senses, Barkoa, where are you? You have to be here on Ossus, you haven't been sent on a mission for us.


He wandered down the halls and stopped as he saw the shadow of the young Jedi Knight cross the floor, "Barkoa there you are!"


Barkoa spun, "Master Durron, I can't find anyone!"


Kyp sighed, "They're in the assembly chamber, you know the chamber in the center fo the pyramid's base." He stopped as a rolling rumble filled the room. Instinctively he went for his lightsaber. His senses caught no sign of immediate danger. The rumbling stopped and was replaced by the clank of a droid unfolding. Kyp spun as his danger senses flared.


Before him a droid shimmered into existance. It looked like a droideka, but with several differences. A pair of concussion missile launchers were clamped to the droid's shoulders. The twin blasters on its arm had been replaced by a repeating blaster, a plasma cannon, and what appeared to be a lightsaber emitter.


With a clanck the missile launchers leaned back and an autoloader slapped a magazine onto the launchers. With a hiss a pair of lightsaber blades blazed into existance and the repeating blasters opened up.

Forum and RPG Membership:




Sufficiently advanced technology would be indistinguishable from Magic. -Arthur C. Clarke

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Both Barkoa and Kip had sabers in hand and were ready for action. Barkoa's double-bladed blue sabers filled the hall with a blue glow, contrasted with the green of Master Durron's. A Droideka with a concussion missile launcher?!!? This is gonna be interesting. He thought. The blast radius of a concussion missile was huge, and they couldn't afford letting the droid launch any. They also couldn't let it stay alive. They had to lure it outside.


Barkoa sent Kyp a quick message using the force. He knodded in approval, and gave a knowing smile. He too knew the difficulty relating to the missiles. Barkoa was the first to move towards one of the pyramid's open windows. The droid moved forward, following the bait. Kyp knew what Barkoa was planning. When the droid was close enough Kyp force-jumped over it. Barkoa then force-jumped straight up, and Kyp unleashed his most powerful force-push, sending the droid flying outside. Barkoa was the first to follow it out.


OOC: I'll finish in a bit.

"Be at peace, for the force is my ally and I shall not let anything happen out of my contol."


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Si'hib Mi was piloting a Z-95 fighter, from the academy on Yavin 4, into Ossus's atmosphere. She'd recived a scattered message from one of the jedi, it was one she didn't know to well but she'd heard Kyp's voice and figure something was up. It'd been awhile since she'd seen Kyp, but she'd know him for awhile as she was in the second wave of jedi just following the first class back when the academy was started, she too had graduated like the others before her but she missed the atmosphere of Yavin 4 espescially after what the Vong had done, but that was not important right now. "This is Si'hib Mi, can anyone down there read me? I'm trying to find out what's happening," she said over her comlink. "Someone down there has to have a comlink on down there!"...

"It's not my fault!"

"Oh yeah? What's in it for me?"

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The droid flew out of the window. Barkoa quickly jumped after it. He didn't want to lose track of it. As it fell, it rolled into a ball, and rolling and bouncing, made its way down the side of the structure. Barkoa followed quickly, Kyp not too far behind. Before they could reach the ground, two concussion missiles were heading toward them. Barkoa was going to send them back with a push, but Kyp sensed this and yelled. "No! It's too dangerous!" and he force-pushed them outward from themselves. The missiles continued to soar through the sky and exploded far away. Even at that distance the blast could be felt.


Two more were coming. Barkoa now knew what to do, so he and Kyp worked together, sending the missiles away. More came. It wouldn't be long before the droid was out.


When it did finally run out, Barkoa prepared for close combat, but Kyp stopped him. "There's a starship approaching." He sent a quick message to it, informing them of the menace below and that it was out of missiles. A few seconds later, a ship appeared.

"Be at peace, for the force is my ally and I shall not let anything happen out of my contol."


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But the Droid wasn't out of missiles, witha pop of metal it ejected the two expended magazine's and the autolader at its rear moved to affix two more.


Before the missiles were loaded the droid swung toward the approaching headhunter it's deflector shield snapped on as Kyp rolled toward it and tried to thrust through the shield. The blade bounced off the shields as the droid locked onto its target and fired its Plasma cannons. The two golden bolts arched through the air smashing into the Z-95's forward shields. They flickered as the plasma ate into them but failed to penetrate.


Kyp watched the deflector shield snap off as the craft lined up the dual concussion missile launchers. It activated its lightsaber blades as Barkoa struck at it. The droid blocked his strike and the missile launchers canted up toward the headhunter. Kyp pulled out his comm link, "Watch out its about to fire again!"

Forum and RPG Membership:




Sufficiently advanced technology would be indistinguishable from Magic. -Arthur C. Clarke

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This droid was really getting on Barkoa's nerves. Flipping back, he prepared for another strike. Using force-speed, he sprinted at the droid, slashing will great speed and accuracy at the droid. It blocked many, but failed to block one that snicked its leg. At that same instant it fired the missiles, but fell over slightly, causing them to miss hitting the ship initially although they turned around preparing for a second approach. With the droid's lack of mobility now, it was easy work for Kyp and Barkoa to finish it off. They both turned to see what would happen with the last two missiles.

"Be at peace, for the force is my ally and I shall not let anything happen out of my contol."


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Kyp turned to the almost completely disabled droid as the Z-95 kicked in its main drives and disappeared into the clouds, the two missiles streaking after it. He watched in shock as the droid folded up into a ball again its lightsaber emitters switched off and pointed towards it center hull. A flash of insight gave Kyp his only warning, "Barkoa, take cover!"


Kyp lunged for the younger Jedi and forced him to the ground as the brilliant whine of a pair of lightsabers being activated filled the air, and was immediately replaced by an explosion. The droid had sliced into its own power generator which detonated in a brilliant ball of flame. The explosion's force had made it so that they'd never find a piece of the droid larger then a centimeter across.


With a second thunderous roar the Z-95 Headhunter dipped below the clouds it banked and a pair of brilliant flares shot from its rear. They curved to pursue the missiles but pulled by gravity they dipped and fell sputtering into the ground. The Z-95 pulled up as Kyp watched and broke away, the missiles still in pursuit, if the pilot could keep them from hitting the missiles would run out of fuel, if the pilot could keep dodging them that is.


* * *


The Imperial Intelligence officer walked downt he hallway his shacking hands grasping the analyst's report on the unknown craft which had attacked the listening post. There had been no survivors, he still couldn't believe the extent of the destruction caused by the attackers. Unfortunately all the Star Destroyer had been able to see were the three red brown starfighters which had fled upon its arrival.


The report would surely raise more questions then answers, all the crafts weapons had registered as unknowns, even their silhoutte had been blurred by distance, but right now any information was valuable. The officer paused by the door waiting for Admiral Baros Oteron to admit him, when the door did slide open he was greeted by both the admiral and the Imperial Supreme Commander Gilad Pelleaon. This report must be more important then he thought.


* * *


Mara and Corran's search had come up empty for several days now, after Ben's delivery of a lightsaber, little more had been found. Now three days later Mara got lucky.


She'd been following the tracks of an unknown alien, which had left strange three toed impressions in the ground, two facing forward, the third reversed, when she'd spotted a slight glow from under a pile of debris.


Slowly gingerly Mara sat the case of forensic equipment beside the pile of debris and pulled out a pair of gloves. She pulled the debris off and found herself facing a black claw, its tip stained with blood, beside it was another toe almost completely buried by sand and debris. Mara turned to Corran who was picking his way across the debris field, "Corran, come see this!"


Corran swiveled to Mara and half ran up beside her. He stopped when he saw the claw, "What the?" Mara nodded as she started pulling more debris off the mound.


"I think we may have one of the attackers here, that whole wall collapsed on top of it," Mara said as she pulled a large piece of metal free and tossed it aside then she stopped as she saw the source of the glow, "Well hello."


The glow had come from a small read out on what appeared to be some kind of weapon. It was longer then her forearm and had a strange ball shaped which was part of its stock. A trigger and hand grip were visible halfway along the weapon. At the weapon's end there was a large bore emitter. Directly below it was a mounting clip. She glanced at Corran as she pulled the lightsaber they'd found from her belt and tried to fit it onto the clip. It expertly snapped into place, "Lets get Luke, I think its safe to conclude this wasn't a Jedi's blade."

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Sufficiently advanced technology would be indistinguishable from Magic. -Arthur C. Clarke

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Admiral Baros Oreton stood expectingly in front of the boarding ramp of the shuttle, the slight hum of the hoverchair confirmed the arrival of the important personality he had been expecting. Grand Admiral Pellaeon, hovered towards him, although his body seemed tired, the ancient man wore his white uniform impeccably. His eyes and the stern expression on his face revealed that the mind of the tactician worked as cunning and fast as ever.


"Welcome to the Right to Rule, sir." Oreton said as he shook the Admiral's hand.


"Let us skip protocol for once, Baros," Pellaeon ordered gravely, and BAros consented.


"Join me in my office."


En route to the office the two naval commanders discussed happier things, their own personals impressions and successes. Already within the office the atmosphere changed drastically. Oreton detailed the complete annihilation of Demblu Base, and the debris of Chiss Clawcraft, the Admiral described completely what had been on the ground as he projected some holos of the base from orbit, and from the ground. Lastly he mentioned the vessels escaping the scene.


"Do you have holos of them?" Pellaeon asked.


"Yes sir," Oreton replied as he played one of those. "I sent a copy to my Intelligence Staff for them to figure out, the results should be here any moment now-". Oreton turned at the door and opened it, a uncalm Intelligence Officer entered and saluted clumsily, he handed a datapad over to the Grand Admiral and put a datacard in the projector, a digitally enhanced playback of the escape replayed over and over again.


"What did you find out?" Pellaeon asked after a quick overview of the report.


"We..." The Officer took a deep breath. "We confirmed them to be starfighters, sensor reading were not precise as they vanished too fast. Energy outputs are about the same of a Mark IV TIE Defender, their hyperdrive technologies seems to operate just like ours, so we could assume that they come from our galaxy. Their vector would lead them anywhere between Nirauan and Endor, that is if they do not change course." The Officer had said it all without breathing.


"Take a breath, Lieutenant." Oreton advised.


"What were the results from the soil analysis?" The Admiral asked.


"Heavy bombardment with plasma weapons, from the damage extent we can say it is equivalent to a low orbit two-hours bombardment from a Victory-II-Destroyer."


"Could the three starfighters have done all the damage?"


"Impossible to determine, without clearer data on their weaponry. It would seem unlikely, but the Yuuzhan Vong have proven that unlikely does not mean impossible." The Officer responded.


"I understand that, but we cannot rule out the possibility that their main vessel had already left and those few starfighters were their exit escort?"


"No, sir." The alliviated Lieutenant said.


The Grand Admiral continued the session, asking for further reports and results from laboratory and then dismissed the officer.


"A group of unknown ships, from the Unknown Regions, attacks an unknown Chiss-Empire Listening post, with unknown weaponry, for reasons unknown." Grand Admiral Pellaeon sighed. "The cyclic Belkadan."


Oreton said nothing. The situation was pretty bad.


"Baros, do you think the Starfighters alone could have done it?"


"I do not know, sir. It seems very unlikely, especially for a craft with the energy output of a TIE Defender, but we cannot rule out the possibilities. The question is whether, we should we share the information?"


"Disinformation and lack of trust, severely hampered our war-efforts with the Yuuzhan Vong threat, Baros, I am determined not to let it happen again," Pellaeon breathed heavily. "I will need a copy of all the information you have, to give it to Captain Dorja and send her to Nirauan and Csilla. You on the other hand will go to Denon and Ossus."




"Yes, whatever it is. The Jedi are most likely to have worse luck than anyone in the galaxy and run into this threat, plus their are in close contact with Zonama Sekot, and that planet is full of surprises."


"Yes, sir, but before let me invite you to a cup of tea."


"And I shall gladly accept, Baros." Their conversatin retook their earlier tint, after a few hours Baros saw the Grand Admiral leave the ship and then he started the flight to Denon, Capital of the Galactic Federation.

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OOC: Good post Trej


IC:Luke waited, his legs crossed in the shadow of Corran's Sekotan Skip. Akanah huddled beside him quivering slightly, slowly she glanced at Luke as Ben wandered around the skip toward them, "So you got married?"


Luke smiled slightly, "Well thats what happens after awhile, after having a couple failed relationships, eventually you find a good one."


"I'm sorry," Akanah said softly glancing at the ground.


"I know, in your place I might have done the same," Luke smiled as Ben kicked a rock across the ground, "You remember anything about the attack?"


Akanah shook her head, she glanced at Luke, "It's fortunate that your apprentice showed up when he did, we couldn't have survived for very long without his help."


Luke smiled slightly, "Well Jacen has been trying to track you down for a while."


"Why?" Akanah asked.


"I wanted to learn from you," Jacen said as he stepped around the Sekotan Skip. He glanced at Mara and Corran as they walked over to them, "Any idea what they found?"


"Nope," Luke answered with a yawn, "I forgot how time consuming investigations are."


Mara stepped up beside them and set a large black bag in front fo them, she quickly unzipped it and removed the old lightsaber they'd recovered earlier, she thumbed it on and twirled it, "Corran analyzed the crystals in the emitters, their both carbon synthetic, which means none of our jedi used this saber. We all use natural crystals." She shut it down and set it on the ground beside the bag and removed the larg rifle which they'd just recovered, "And this is unlike most anything I've seen before, at least on all our jaunts across the galaxy."


Mara spun it around so the bulbous end pointed to the ground and pushed a button. Blue electricty shot around the bulb and sparks slightly as it hung above the ground, "The rear end is designed to act like a stun baton, a powerful one at that."


Mara spun the rifle about and pointed tothe metal clip at its end, "This thing is designed so that that lightsaber can snap on and act like a bayonet, somewhat inovative." She lifted the rifle to her shoulder and aimed it to the ground, "The main weapon is whats really unusual, its a plasma rifle instead of a blaster." With a pull of the trigger a brilliant gold bolts blasted into the sand. Akanah in that moment screamed and covered her ears, she began to babble in a language Luke couldn't understand.


"Akanah!" Luke yelled gripping her hand as she rocked back and forth. She wouldn't calm and stood, her gaze flicking across the desolation, Luke opened to the force and felt a wave of fear wash over him from Akanah, a terror unlike anything he'd felt before.


Slowly he drew the fear from her and she calmed, only then did Akanah speak again, "They murdered us, we bid them peace, we tried to hide but they found us all the same, even with the illusion. We thought evil didn't exist, but they were pure hatred, pure power, they were evil Skywalker, you have to stop them."[/i]

Forum and RPG Membership:




Sufficiently advanced technology would be indistinguishable from Magic. -Arthur C. Clarke

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OOC: Alright Trej I'm gonna skip the formalities and just get to the part where I learn what happens.


Evahe watched the holo of Cal Omas disapear. A lot had happened since he had left for the diplomatic cruise. An Imperial outpost bordering the unknwon reigions had been destroyed and a GFFA task force with the purpose of exploring the unknown reigions had also been destroyed. The image of the mysterious fighters was also disturbing.

What could they possibly be? Nothing else had been seen like it. Was it just some pirating group...or was it a bigger threat? Whatever it was it needed to be investigated. If it was a mere pirating group forces could easily be deployed to stop it...but if it was a larger threat. Then the full force fo the GFFA might have to be brougt to be bear.

Evahe slowly walked back to the bridge, thinking of what to do on the entire way. He knew just what to do. He had the perfect commander for the job. He needed to contact General Ioor aboard the Mon Mothma

Sweat saves blood-Erwin Rommel
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Si'hib Mi rolled the fighter but to no avail those missles were fast and had a lock on her. She attempted to into the ground with a sharp turn but again the missles had her and she couldn't shake them. Not in a Z-95 anyway. "One shot at this." she said she slowed the ship and prepared to punch out. She punched the button and then kicked the steering yoke up sending the ship down as she went up. Sure enough the missles followed the ship and it exploded in a glorious blaze. Sib sighed as she drifted slowly towards the ground, she hoped a jedi wound find her before whatever fired those missles did...

"It's not my fault!"

"Oh yeah? What's in it for me?"

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OOC: Well things are about to get even more complex :D


IC:A thunderous explosion rocked the across the plains. Mara spun her eyes wide in shock as a fireball rose from where she'd been working. Corran had already broken into a run toward the fireball. Mara followed suit knowing what they'd find.


She skidded to a stop fifty meters away, where the creature had once been was a ten meter wide crater, there was nothing left, nothing at all. She glanced at Corran, "A remote bomb?"


"Yeah, some sort of plasma weapon, someone didn't want us to get a good look at them."


Mara nodded, she remembered how imperial commandos had sometimes carried such devices on missions. Her commlink chirped, "What!"


Luke's voice answered, "Emergency transmission from Cal, it seems the Imperials have some information for us. We lift off for Ossus in thirty minutes, tell Corran to keep in touch."


"Will do," Mara replied as she grit her teeth, what next?


* * *


Chiss Embassy: Coruscant


Jagged Fel sighed as he wandered around the embassy for the Chiss consortium. He ignored the disdainful glares he recieved from many of those which worked here, being a memeber of the Empire of the Hand still wasn't popular in the consortium's diplomatic ranks. Still these were people that respected him even so. He stepped along the white staircase to the military attache's office. The two clear doors slid open immediately and General Drask stepped up to him and shook his hand, "Commander Fel, a pleasure to meet you."


"And you General, my brother had nothing but utmost respect for you," Jagged answered as he let go.


General Drask nodded solemnly, "First let me offer my condolences on your losses to your family, I know how difficult it must have been, can I offer you some refreshment?"


"No, thank you. We all did our duty, you know that, I know that, still it is always painful to loose a relative in combat."


"I hear you may soon be adding another pilot to your family," General Drask said lightly.


Jagged's eyebrows nearly disappeared beneath his hair, "I'd say that such comments may be premature." To himself he added, I haven't asked Jaina about this yet.


General Drask smiled, "So Commander, how may I be of assistance?"


Jagged squirmed in his seat, his orders came from on high on this issue, "The Empire of the Hand would like to expand our relations with the Chiss Consortium. Only a few of our pilots have served with you and our command feels that exposure to other cultures including yours may help further our alliance."


General Drask smiled slightly, "I suppose you have heard that several of our neighbors have been attacked by unknown forces. You know that we will never be drawn into one of your wars until we are attacked."


"Yes General, still we hope that strengthening our alliance will deter such aggression from taking place."


"Very well then, I'll transmit your request to the families, along with my recomendation of support."


"Thank you General," Jagged replied and headed for the door as his comm beeped, "Commander Fel here."


"Jagged, its Jaina, could you take a little trip to Ossus, Luke wants you to be there for the next High Council meeting."


"Sure, well as long as I have a little free time to check out the local food."


"I'm sure Luke well let us off in that regard," Jaina answered, "See you in an hour, love you Jagged."


Jagged answered with a commlink click and felt his cheeks burn red, maybe he should ask her soon.

Forum and RPG Membership:




Sufficiently advanced technology would be indistinguishable from Magic. -Arthur C. Clarke

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