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The Viscount Star Defender...


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I'd like to make comment about one of your ship models particularly the Viscount. I feel you should use the version with the engine shrouds on the aft end of the ship, it nicely balances the vessel out. and makes it look less like the Republic SD. Which ever direction you intend to go I welcome the vessel either way. also what are you using for source material? I've never heard of the ship till I discovered your mod.


I've been impressed with the mod thus far and eagerly await the next version.


BTW: I can't wait till you add "Home One" to the mod, is that the Independance or the Dauntless Cruiser?

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the Viscont is not avalibule to build in the mod yet, however Eville has changed it's status to complete in the shiplist on the warlords site - hope it sticks I beleve it's actualy going to be called the "Strident Star Defender

" now

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  • SWR Staff - Executive

mon remonda was destroyed over mon calamari by silencer-7 during dark empire


the viscount was build at least year before vector prime. After doign a lot of reading someone found a mention of a strident-class stardefender whereas the viscount was simply called 'viscount a mon calamari star defender) this made it clear to me that viscount is a member of the strident class and not a seperate type or anything


mediators seem to be around for a while longer, maybe 5 years


stridents are around 10km long and have shielding equivalent to a SSD, but fewer weapons (this may seem short, but remember, they are bulky an SSD is very slender)

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest JediIgor

Any thoughts on what happened to the Viscount? I certainly don't remember them/it being mentioned in the second half of the NJO books 8O.


By the way, EJ, following your reasoning that a ship class would be named by the first name, wouldn't it be a Viscount-class Star Defender (like the Imperator-class?)?

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  • SWR Staff - Executive

yeah I don't remember seeing the viscount in the later books either. I know that the ship 'mon mothma' and possilby one other was decidedly of this class.


and apparently there is another ship first called 'strident' so the class name will be 'strident' and not 'viscount' some one pointed out to me the wording of how the two ships were portrayed and it was pretty clear that one was a class designation and one was a ship name... just because we haven't found mention of the specific ship strident in more than one place doesn't mean it doesn't exists, similarly the first star destroyer known was devastator, but the first commisioned ship was Imperator...



though it does seem odd that two examples of an at least 10km long ship disapeared. a very large battle would have been needed to take down one of these ships, and their no-show at coruscant is very strange. I'm giving it up to author delinquence

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I would assume that they were gaurding toher key worlds at that time, like Corellia, Kaut and Mon Calamari - these larger vessels would have been able to stop any other assault the Vong could have launched during that time, even if it were full scale the would have been able to delay the battle until re-enforcements arrived. After all, the defence of Coruscant was based off Jedi intellegence of where the Vong would arrive.


I know that the ship 'mon mothma' and possilby one other was decidedly of this class.


Actually the Mon Mathma and the Elegos A'Kla were Defender class Star Destroyers modifyed to have Gravity Well projectors.


Also, as for the debate over whether or not the Viscount and Strident are the same class, I personally believe that they were to seperate classes - this is one of the main reasons why:

AUTHOR'S NOTE: The novel "Vector Prime" called the battleship Viscount a "Mon Calamari Star Defender." This reference is the source of the previous information and the entry for "Viscount" in the list of names. However, books since then, specifically the "Agents of Chaos" series, have called the Star Defender a Corellian vessel. This "Corellian Strident-class Star Defender" may or may not be the class of the Viscount. It is possible that "Star Defender" is a made-up New Republic term for a battleship, similar to the Empire calling their battlecruisers "Star Destroyers." However, it is also possible that "Vector Prime" was wrong, and that the Star Defender was meant to be a Corellian design. My only question is, why is the first of the Strident-class named the Viscount? Hopefully this discrepancy will be cleared up in the future. For now, we are maintaining that the Viscount is a Mon Cal design, and the Star Defenders from Corellia are a different vessel.


Of course, all this debating is speculation until something officila is released




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Yep, the last I read about the Viscount was, that it took part in defending Coruscant against the Vong invasion.

I take it, that it's not in the last NJO book either ?




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