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its been awhile


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its been awhile since i last posted about a year? maybe. Since i last posted i had just started a new game. And now that game is over :( 3 hours a day for about 250 (i think) days.. you do the math. And i lost


I was playing as the empire. My best fleet is gone. 3 SSD's, 23 ISD, 15 VSD, 20 VSD II's, (Bravo Fleet) and more cant remember the rest of the ships oh ya about 200 fighters.. all gone.. gone.


I had other fleets no where near as superior as the fleet above, manly as defence. I had Bravo fleet sweep the outer rim gettong rid of the rebel scum.


My defence fleet consists of manly 5 ISD and 3 VSD II's and about 20 fighters in each section.


While my fleet was sweeping the outer rim. a battle screen came up, i thought "haha no fleet could even challange my Defence fleets."


Boy was i wrong. 300 moncalmari crusiers and lots of other ships and about 500 fighter ( all estimated i stopped counting after 105). I immedalty pulled my Bravo fleet back to corasnaut (sp?)


then EVERY planet in the system turned to rebellion...WTF. they just turned no invading fleet no nothing..


EVERY fleet EVERY ship EVERY trooper was sent back to corasnaut (sp?)


About 30 days later. The rebels came. HUGH battle. Screen was filled with lasers. In the end i lost. I just wasted 31 days of my life.. grr.. i thought i had it won.

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:arrow: Well an interesting story you have here :)


:arrow: I will not recomand you to play PTESB since there will be more difficult :).....btw you should be more agressive in your play especialy in the first days :):idea::wink:

- The Trivium Organization - Community Manager -

- Petroglyph Fan Forums - CoAdmin & Human Resources Manager -

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Hey man, at least you had the resources to build a fleet like that.
I once knew a great man. Nothing got to him, and he always smiled. May he forever rest in peace, knowing fully well that his freinds shall remember him.
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Intresting story! The AI wins one! OMG. Cain being aggresive in the Empire in your first few days is a double edged sword. Realisticlly you can start sweeping the rim until much later and taking a Rebel system or two can also start problems. It ties up a ton of troops and if you don't diplomize it, the Rebels can eventually come by and bombard the troops away, causing major diplomatic problems for you. If you do diplomize it...you tie up a diplomat or two for a while.
Sweat saves blood-Erwin Rommel
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When you run with that huge a fleet...PTEST is a mod his team made



:arrow: Protectorate : The Empire Strike Back I will upload the 2.4 today with new tactical fighter art and some AI imorovements :)

- The Trivium Organization - Community Manager -

- Petroglyph Fan Forums - CoAdmin & Human Resources Manager -

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