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B5 was amazing imo i really enjoy watching the big battle scenes quite impressive considering it's age in the earlier ones, also i agree with all the above. :D



No Archibald you cannot fly me home! Especially because that which you are sitting in is a tin foil covered, card board box.
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Couldn't find anywhere else to post this, so here's my question.


What the heck are the blue beams firing from the lower front corners of the World Devestator in 0.45?! They look like Terran anti-fighter beam cannons from Freespace 2 or the Homeworld: Cataclysm multi-beam frigate guns. Please enlighten me.





"Those who say that anything is possible have obviously never tried to slam a revolving door."
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  • SWR Staff - Executive

those are supposed to be tractor beams, I just never fixed the effect.


in the case of the invincible dreadnaught and the mandator star dreadnaught they are 'primative' lasguns

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  • 1 month later...



B5 ships would probably be hard to get actual read outs of, i'm quite a big fan and there is no mention of actual energy outputs of weaponary, but if you took the more futuristic approach to b5 a lot of the ships like the white star and minbari ships (plus first ones) had the ability to heal themselves which in a way you could look at as sheild regeneration. thing with B5 is each race has different types of weaponary, like the centauri have explosive blasters, hit and cause a heck of a lot of surface damage, where as the forced beams of the minbari can actually cut through the hull, therefore this leads me to beleieve B5 ships would have higher weapon outputs than any other of the stated sci fi shows. they have things like the vorlon and shadow planet killers which i think are scaryier than a death star, sorry but a flying living creature or a huge cloud engulfing a planet looks a heck of a lot worse than a flying globe with a big laser. dont get me wrong i love star wars and star trek but B5 just seems more real, the idea of hyperspace or warp dont seem as possible as an alternate space that you can move faster through, after all you have the physics of alternate universes. i just feel like B5 ships could hold there own with some of the other shows vessels. i'd match a minbari sharlin war cruiser against an ISD anyday. only problem stated though is the lack of sheilding :(

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  • 1 month later...

Hi Guys, I've been playing Homeworld 2 Original and the Warlords mod on VERY large maps {400000, 90000, 400000} or bigger. My friends and I find the Huge maps give you more of a fleet admiral feel. Let's face it, most maps out there are so small you practically start nose to nose with your opponent.


Anyway, what we want to do is change the cost to activate the PING ability. I've spent days searching mods/tools/archives and have found no way to do this. I can change the PING range easily enough, but not the cost.


If anybody could help with info on how to modify the RU cost to use PING, it would be greatly appreaciated.


On another note, does anybody know how to have PING require BOTH Advanced Sensor research and for the ship using PING to require an Advanced Sensor Array module??? Answer me this, and I will be doubly thankful and will praise your abilities greatly. :D

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  • 2 months later...
Wouldnt it be cool if we could design our own ships in game to be our flagships? We could put how many weapons (lets say 100-500 turbo lasers :P ) And the length of the ship.(Something reasonable, longer than cruiser, shorter than super cap.) That would be awesome, each player you make, you can make your own ship. That would be good for a single player mission.
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Speaking of sw mods, i read in this website and the warlords one(About six months or so), that there are plans for a sw mod for starcraft.

And i haven't read or seen anything about it since.

Was it cancelled, postponned?(or am i just stupid enought that i am unable to find it?).

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  • SWR Staff - Executive

There was a pretty good Starcraft mod, but it has not been updated



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Fighting is terrible, but not as terrible as losing the will to fight.

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  • 1 month later...

Hello guys I'm new here (Actually I'm not because I signed up a month ago but I didn't really post anything)

I didn't really know where to ask that question so I ask it here:

Are there the side batteries on the Venator (just like in episode 3) in the clonewars mod?

Thanks in advance.

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  • 1 month later...

Must say, I'm incredibly impressed with the detail of this mod. I was generally disappointed with HW2 when I got it (please, no flames, just saying I prefer the story in HW1 and do not think HW2 worked as well... my .2 credits), but I can see now that the engine was worth the price :) I must hand it to Evil, the work is fantastic! I do want to make sure of one thing though, when playing militia, I cannot seem to open the uglies/preybird/howlrunner set of fighters... just making sure that was a "not ready" issue and not something I'd goofed up.


Again, thanks for all your hard work. I now have yet another distraction to spend hours on... :) I look forward to seeing what else you folks may come up with. Walk in glory all.

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  • 4 months later...

Well, it looks like the BSD is planned: Watchkeeper


I'm not sure which side the ship will be for however.




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Well, it looks like the BSD is planned: Watchkeeper


I'm not sure which side the ship will be for however.

o cool i like the design of the ship. anyways im pretty sure it will be rebels seeing as rebels freed the planet and the ships aided the rebels so ya <.<
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