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Never heard THAT SOUND before!


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Here's a new one, at least for me... :?


When you try to send a Death Star to a system where there is already one Death Star, your droid says something like:


"The gravitational effects prevent us from sending another Death Star to that system."


I was shocked because I went through all the sounds with the resource hacker and I don't remeber meeting this one.


Needless to say, as evident from the comment, I had a surplus of materials, so I build four DSs. You also can't build a Death Star if their is one already in-system... :evil:


Nice. :wink:

There is only one life;

There is only one truth;

There is only one EMPEROR'S GRAND PLAN.


By the way, the Emperor's not dead... he's just resting...

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You never tried to build a "backup" Deathstar for your fleet before ?

I did this pretty early, even before having RebEd, because I wanted to speed up the recharge time :roll:


But the sound is there in the dlls, as far as I know.




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Sorry! But, after watching the first three episodes, you understand if I wasn't too thrilled about wasting huge amounts of materials for a Death 'Destroy-with-one-torpeado-shot' Star. :roll:


Seriously, I rather build ISD-II's. A fleet of them instead of that one big ball because the Destroy System order lowers your loyalty throughout the galaxy by some 10 %. Ouch. :evil:

There is only one life;

There is only one truth;

There is only one EMPEROR'S GRAND PLAN.


By the way, the Emperor's not dead... he's just resting...

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Sorry! But, after watching the first three episodes, you understand if I wasn't too thrilled about wasting huge amounts of materials for a Death 'Destroy-with-one-torpeado-shot' Star. :roll:
Well, that depends on your starfighter cover now, doesn't it ? :wink:


Sure the loyalty will drop a bit, but it also goes down from lost battles or the constant uprising missions of the AI, so I don't think about that much until it reaches a critical level. On the other hand, I also don't fly around and lay waste to every planet, that my fleets orbit. :roll:




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:arrow: Yeah I hate that stupid scene were a "kamikaze" A-Wing criples a SSD....Jesssssus !?!?!.....It stays on my nervs....since Darth Vader was with that ship in an active asteroid field and no damage !?


:arrow: Second the Imperial comunication tower is a stupid ideea ..... like : -"Hey all Y-wings fire here !"......That is why I removed them from the Imperial Nova Destroyers in t he Remnant TC....see the Background in the G Dis Forum - the Mangal Story topic .



:arrow: If you want to improve the standard SSD without giveing to much to it (therefore unbalaceing the game)...just put 75-80 to the recharge shield rate :)

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