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The Corellian Swarm


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darkjedi lamented that this forum was dying, so I thought I'd add something. I've been testing my reconstructed Chiss TC after it died, and had a great battle that amused me...


Luke (as the Emperor... long story) is rebuilding the Empire (large universe) and has a SSD, ISD, 3 VSDs, and 4 Carrack's. Admiral Fett and Aurra Sing take a fully loaded ISD, VSD and 2 Carrack's to the Dolomar system, sabotage a few Alliance Infantry units and liberate a planet that was loyal to the Empire but occupied by the Rebels. This creates a domino effect where all but 2 of the planets in the system join the Empire. Meanwhile Luke's new Dark Jedi Diplomats convert most of Sesswenna.


So now I'm feeling pretty cocky... The Chiss-Rebel Alliance has only gained 3 planets to my 14. So I decide to get them out of my way so I can build a few mega sector production fortresses. I take my loaded SSD with Admiral Daala and Commander OS-72-10 plus Mara and Assaj, a VSD, and 2 Carracks to Corsin to crack an annoying rebel strong hold and make the Sesswenna sector mine.


Suddenly I'm a showdown of Imperial megamachines versus Rebel swarms. My SSD is up against 25+ Corellian Corvettes, 5 Corellian Diplomats (Radiant VII's, picture a weak Carrack), 4 full Alliance Carriers including 14 ywing squads and 10 xwing squads.


Any sane leader would have run, but I want to see what an SSD can do. My ties are toasted, but they manage to take down a few ywing squads before they're pummeled to death. The AI surprises me by wisely targeting my Carrack's before taking on the SSD and the Carracks die quickly under swarms of x and y wings.


Now even Zuggs would have run for hyperspace, but I'm just testing here so I wait.


My VSD is next, and I can watch the shields crumple so fast it doesn't even finish off the corvette it was pounding.


My SSD got 3 carriers and 4 corvettes before the the Rebels inally cripple it. I had hoped to make a run for it after my shields give out, but the ywings' ion guns scramble my hyperdrive and I'm sunk.


I was shocked. I thought an SSD would be able to take out at least half of the ships before folding.


Just goes to show the strength of a swarm... size matters not, if you have enough pebbles ;)


So then I had uprisings throught the sector, setbacks, and my fleet was reduced by over half... All in all, it was a fun day :D

:D:P Droids Rule! Fleshies Drool! :P:D
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darkjedi lamented that this forum was dying, so I thought I'd add something.



I think that screenshots will be cool to see :)

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- Why do you think I enlisted Chimera as my protocol droid ?!.....it my look like an utility droid but he is a dam good protocol one to ! :):D

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