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Do we need a database ?


Should people read here also general staff about Star Wars story ?  

5 members have voted

  1. 1. Should people read here also general staff about Star Wars story ?

    • Yes, they should find here some general story staff !
    • No...Go away !... and search on other SW sites !

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.....Hey guy's.....my mistake !.....don't be so aggressive.... 8O ...it is not an invasion.....5 new threads will not sunk the General Dis. ship ?! And also I've PM the moderators asking for a better solution and knowing that I could delete them after a day or make them in a new composition ..... :?


Anyway this new thread's could be one if I can delete or place them in other part of the forums and make a new one....witch I can't now btw.


I didn't intend them to be for you ( Old Master Jedi's )....they are for the other half of the world ho has no clue about the story after Endor but has the game (btw. ME ! ) and has no time to search on other site’s ho sometimes get extremely :? ing....If newbie’s want to know more and ask more questions about the story....hmmm... it should be on the some forum with a part of the story also for a start...maybe my idea is not presented here in the best way but still a story database is essential in my opinion to attract more people...btw. guy's are you not happy when you see new people coming ....and staying ?!


Anyway... close them ?!....why ?! ....we can change them,improuve,delete or make them cooler... but this ?!.... I am SkySolo ?! .... :( ..remember that guy no ?!


La_Forge remind me to send the wookies....I'm starting to feel like an invading Yuuzhan Vong and I think I will go for a time in the Outer Rim and leave the forums....and also there is a phrase in my mind : RESIGNED!!! REMOVE ACCOUNT!!! ....hmmm...looks familiar no ?!...wee will see about that .... :cry:



- The Trivium Organization - Community Manager -

- Petroglyph Fan Forums - CoAdmin & Human Resources Manager -

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Oh please, don't delete all your posts and replace them with: resigned, delete account messages. I kind of dislike them


edit: Your poll doesn't give an option that I would like to choose. Maybe add another one, in the trend of: Yes, we want, but not here in the General Forum.

Z'anthr saves the world. Sorry about the mess...
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8O Woa, easy now everyone.

Cain, as I just mailed you locking these threads is only the first step to a possible relocation of them.

I'm sure you can open a thread with background infos on the characters, or where you link to the CUSWE for the complete entries. This way it'll be structured and easier to browse.




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  • SWR Staff - Executive
No...Go away !... and search on other SW sites !


Its not that we don't want to discuss Star Wars. It's just that there are other sites that can be easily referenced. If you have a question about Star Wars, ask, discuss, debate... but don't just copy stuff from one site to ours.


I don't know why you have to make this public, but this can be settled privately.


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Fighting is terrible, but not as terrible as losing the will to fight.

- SW:Rebellion Network - Evaders Squadron Coding -

The cake is a lie.

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I agree with Evaders on this. There are already many valuable resources on the net, with materials for both newbies, and "Old Jedi Masters".


CUSWE is an excellent source of materials, and TimeTales provide an elaborate and easy overview of the in-universe chronology.


I don't see the need to turn our gaming site, in yet one more Star Wars database.

Things proper to each TC, like your Mangal Dimension, can have their own space, but the bio of Pellaeon is in countless other sites.

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....aaaa....La_Forge the wookies are in the members only forum...I hope you will like them...anyway the Protector Armada is still preparing for the intradimensional jump.....this will be a difficult jump and on the decks of the ships a song is played to encourage us :





...hmmm... Evaders don't worry about this being public..anyway this staff attracts people and they remember it more...(bad...Bad ! protocol droid )....about other sites with SW ....hmmm....I love this site more so that is why I want to read Star Wars here and not anyware else.....I like to expand this site in a constructive way .....not to be limitated by restricted vision concepts...I love to conquer the galaxy not to visit it :)...maybe this concept is not to familiar with the Old Jedi's....anyway I know many people that avoid the our forums because for them it looks like Cosa Nostra they don't fit in in their opinion... not ours btw.....so wee need to improve more and attract more people offering them more diverse staff about characters , the game , Star Wars and ho knows...anyway it can be a different forum...a general database ....etc I never said that it should be here on Gen.Dis....btw I didn't PM you about this before your replay ?!? ....hmmm...I remember I did....So now you pot me in a difficult position....until I don't see a database here someware I am forced to go in exile ho knows were...and Yes the staff is copied....but ho cares...You want my protocol droid to rewrite it ?!...I don't think so ... :?


Btw....if you want to delete the respective threads or change them ..pls. do ..I don't like to see them looked....



Seeya guy's !

- The Trivium Organization - Community Manager -

- Petroglyph Fan Forums - CoAdmin & Human Resources Manager -

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AGHAA! :lol:


I don't know what on earth is going on due to not having logged on for a couple of days, but heed The_Mask!!! Woo and chill!


Cain; i'm sory if personally seem a little distant at the moment but it's due to my PC crashing all the time, but you do your thing around here because you're contributing a hell of alot to the site and the ongoing development and progress of the game... :)


Woo to you! :wink:

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"A day to remember"



[Protector Armada]


....4,3,2.....This is Admiral Cain to all ships ...- Stop ! On my mark turn 180'.....NOW...!

- Commander close the gate generator and sound the red alert ! Shields Up !


[Alarm sounds on all decks]


- Battle stations! All men to battle stations !

- Commander open me a channel to swrebellion !


[Huge Imperial Nova Destroyers and Super Nova... turning with the same move ....change in the shields coloration...like small wave going around the ships hull]


- This is Admiral Cain to The Sith Lord Evaders and all others... there is a way that we can stop this exile... I invoke the right of the fremen warrior (also known as the right of Amtal :D the unhappy member) and challenge Evaders to a fight....if he remembers how to fight and how to control a fleet...if he has any fighting spirit left in him and also has not lost his CD...- Face the Protectors fleet in combat ! ...And if I win I get to make my database here (and also get Evaders water) :) if I loose he can chose to do as he wishes to keep me or send me in exile....So Evaders are you a Lord of the Sith ?! Yes or not ?! Can you face me in combat ? :D



- Close channel commander...we will get a replay soon ! :)

Edited by Cain

- The Trivium Organization - Community Manager -

- Petroglyph Fan Forums - CoAdmin & Human Resources Manager -

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You are invoking the Amtal rules ??? 8O

I think you are taking this a little too serious and have therefore kept silent about it.

You know my opinion, that a complete database, like the cuswe, would be too much for this site. A little info in a single thread would be better to keept track of and therefore copying your posts into such a thread and making a seperate post for each topic in that thread would be better, in my opinion.


Btw, from what little Italian, that I know : "Cosa Nostra" means "our cause". I thought our cause is to create a great mod for a great game.


I'm not taking sides, but don't you think, that a serious and relaxed discussion will be a better option, than spilling each others blood in the sands ? :wink:




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....I don't want a huge database ....a small one will be ok...some data about SW Rebellion ships, caracrets, story, etc....only general staff will be ok....I'm refering to a clan like group with "Cosa Nostra"....and that's becouse some people avoid the forums....heh....I wanted to say something else ...but you know the droid....


Anyway we have :


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Why not a small SW Rebellion Story and database ?!



About the fight... :D ...hmmm... :D ...he must fight if he is a Lord of the Sith ..... it will be an epic fight ....and btw it will be a space battle :)


Will see ...will se :)









- The Trivium Organization - Community Manager -

- Petroglyph Fan Forums - CoAdmin & Human Resources Manager -

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Assuming there is the disk space for it, I say why not have more detailed character/storyline info. Just add another forum. I can't imagine it taking up THAT much disk space. I would encourage people to use links instead of copying text since that would save disk/reading space and would be more respectful of other author's works.


Just my .02$ Sorry about my sporadic absences lately... family illnesses and other concerns. My TC is still buggy, but I have some ship models I'm going to try to get up on the web (and some cards...) so I can give a little back to the group.

:D:P Droids Rule! Fleshies Drool! :P:D
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Wooh! I never heard, that somebody ever challenged Evaders before...

CAIN, violence is not the answer. Still. I'm extremly curious about such a battle :D Make sure, you take some screenshots! Boy, I want to see that! (La forge is running to the kitchen to make some popcorn..)


CAIN. It's not that, I've lost my CD or something. I just don't have time to play online. Rebellion is a game, that can take hours, even playing it in small galaxy. But if the TC is finished, our game is updated, I want to challenge somebody too. A project member perhaps. :roll: CAIN, TK, or Mask, Scath, Elvis or Jahled, Trej.... Zoot (?)...................................

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  • SWR Staff - Executive

Cain, stop taking this so seriously. I'm not fighting against you.


You have yet to say specifically what you want to do, other than have a database. Until you come up with a plan for whatever you are trying to accomplish, I don't have any response for you.


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Fighting is terrible, but not as terrible as losing the will to fight.

- SW:Rebellion Network - Evaders Squadron Coding -

The cake is a lie.

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Ok..OK !.... :D .....I was imagening something like :"-Neo is fighting Morpheus !! " news......


[in the middle of the fight]


...Cain stops to take his breath....




" - Did you believe that is a Star Destroyer that you are breathing there ?! ..hmmm....- I know you can do more ...!.."





- ....[concentrating]...and starting to fight again for the small database :D




Anyway .....we can save and continue playing later....it can take 1 month no ?!...but hey one day I will fight you and take your water :)



About the database ...hmmmm....A small disk space named like this "General Game Database" will do ....this will include ships photos ...characters ....etc....the idea is still open ...and the most important .....the general SW story and also links....we can do a new forum ...yes ....hey guy's you could suggest !....anyway it should contain ONLY the essential staff ...General....



So what do you think ?!



Yeah my mood is better now ...can you see ...!?...I get two replays from Evaders 8O:D until now ...but the challenge stays...You must fight me one day Evaders !.... :D .... and we can give also to La_Forge a record about the battle :)...some of your water to...but remouve the ice that usualy is there 8):lol:


Anyway I love to much this comunity to leave just becouse Evaders is Evaders :)....Ice men...huhgh...


-So !... Lord of the Sith.... [now in a funny way ] ....it is my earned right [1 TC ] to challenge the chief of the tribe .... or the Sith are going week ?! ...soft !?!.....can you imagine ?!....this must be the golden age for the Jedi !!!


Send me your apprentice !.....or I will say that you are no longer the Lord of the Sith :).....






So that is for now :) sorry for the C3PO droid :)



Seeya guy's

- The Trivium Organization - Community Manager -

- Petroglyph Fan Forums - CoAdmin & Human Resources Manager -

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8) ....TK nice to see you here :)...did you find the game ?



- Ooo..! Evadersss !...were are you again ?!....I'm coming for you...so let the hunt begin !.....anyway tell me what is possible to have here in your opinion .....what kind of SW story info tiny database ?

- The Trivium Organization - Community Manager -

- Petroglyph Fan Forums - CoAdmin & Human Resources Manager -

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..... 8) ....hmmm....no replay ?!....Evaders is hiding ...hehhh... 8O:idea::?::!:


- Protectors ! .... we will have to hunt them down ! :)


If any space travelers see a fleet with this sign on the hull : http://www.swrebellion.com/evaders99/evader.gif



....pls. let us know the location so we can hyperspace there and fight them for honor and glory ..... we are mandalorians and we don't avoid a good fight :)






[ Reward for Wanted location data ]

The bounty for the info is any rebed card that you could imagine ....and I mean any ship :)








Anyway my spies have found a shokeing information.....Evaders is a ghost of an old sith lord....his resting place seems to be here on this palnet and location....so there is no need to fight him ...we don't have a way to fight a ghost ...so the hunt is ending for now :(

- The Trivium Organization - Community Manager -

- Petroglyph Fan Forums - CoAdmin & Human Resources Manager -

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